This study was conducted in the maragheh dryland agricultural research institute to evaluate fertilizer and seed placement at different dephs in soil. To do so kesht gostar deep planter model DD-225, that is suitable for dryland farming, was selected and primary improvements were implemented using sunshine model 500 feed tube and furrow opener. Then the effect of separating fertilizer from seed on wheat yield was studied in a complete randomized block design with 7 treatments and 4 replications. Staiscal sowed significant differences among treatments at 5% confidence level. Ie was established that separating fertilizer from seed, leads to an increase in yield.comparison of mean yield for different treatments, through duncan’s multiple rang test, showed that placing fertilizer 9 cm below the seed has the best order to optimize, further improvements made on the planter. To make sure that soil covers the fertilizer, distance between the tow openers and the shovel opener was replaced with a shoe-type opener. In order to investigate effect of the latest modifications on uniformity of seed placement befoe and after modification was significant at 5% level and modifications resulted improved seed placement uniformity. load-cell measurements of draft force were made before modification of the planter. From the comparison of the two measurements, the force due to the addition of openers was openers was obtained. Utilizing the appropriate forulae, the strength the opener shanks was calculated and found that the shanks have sufficient strength to withstand the soil forces with adequate factor of safety.