The role of knowledge and knowledge management in flourishing the economies is undeniable and can be mentioned as an important factor of increasing productivity and GDP of the countries. Intelligence has attracted the attention of many researchers as an element that influences knowledge creation. This paper is a qualitative research and systematic literature review about knowledge creation, GDP and national intelligence. To do this, exploring English articles in scientific databases such as Science Direct, Emerald, Taylor and Francis, Springer, and IEEE during the period of 1992 to 2017, and Persian articles in the Comprehensive Human Sciences Portal, the Noor Journals Database, and Scientific Information Database during the period of 1384 to 1395 have been taken into account. Altogether, 186 articles were reviewed that after, screening and evaluating, the number of articles was reduced from 186 to 114. This study has been conducted in papers with different sample size and different research methods and various models. Finally, four indicators with six dimensions in the field of national knowledge creation, four indicators with seven dimensions in the area of gross domestic product and six indicators with twenty dimensions in the field of national intelligence were identified.