The cultural-social factors are among the key infrastructures for technology development. "Social capitals" are very important in this regard, but in our country neither valuable researches have been done nor have suitable indices been complied in this respect. Self confidence, self sufficiency, the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, the desire for superiority and the importance giving to science and technology (as a superiority factor), teamwork, work conscience, are among the key criteria in this field that can be pointed out. The aim of this research is to explain the cultural and social indices effective on science and technology development, and to evaluate generally these factors in terms of the available data in Iran. For this aim, based on literature review of knowledge and technology management approaches, their evaluation models and special focus on cognitive dimension of tacit knowledge, cultural and social capital factors that have impact on development of creation; transfer and absorption of knowledge and technology are recognized. Then key factors are selected based on assessment criteria and status of these factors is analyzed in Iran. At last, some policy recommendations in order to strengthen these infrastructures towards developing S&T system are presented.