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In order to investigation of growth performance and carcass characteristics of lambs of 5 breeds (Moghani, Ghezel, Makuii, Baluchi and Arkhar Merinos), 268 crossbred lambs were reared under field condition. Left side carcass was dissected and analysed based on Standard of Iran. The effect of genotype, birth type, sex and birth year were supposed as fixed effect. Statistical analysis was made by GLM procedure. Results showed any interations between effects. The lambs of 11 and 10 genetic groups were investigated for growth and carcass traits. The effect of genotype on birth weight, average daily gain during 2th, 5th, and 6th period, average daily gain, cold and hot carcass weight, fat-tail weight and shoulder weight was significant (P<0.05). The lowest weight of fat-tail belonged to crossbreed lambs of Arkhar Merino and Ghezel breeds. The effect of birth type was significant on average daily gain during 1th period, cold and hot carcass weight and flank weight (p>0.05) and as expected, the higher amounts of these traits were found in single lambs. The effect of sex only were studied in growth performance and had significant effect on average daily gain during 5th, 6th period, average daily gain and final weight (p>0.05). As result, crossbreeding with Arkharmerinos breed can be proposed.

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This study was carried out to test Ascite and performance in different commercial broilers strains of male and female broilers. In this trial was used 400 chickens from five strains that were allotted in randomized completely design with five treatments included Arbor Acrse, Arin, Lohman, Cobb500 and Ross308 and four replicates. Diets were based on corn and soy been meal and similar to their catalogs. In during of period dead chickens carcassStudied related on hypertrophy right ventricle of heart for recognizingAscite. When the birds reached 45 days of age, were recorded. No significant differences were observed in the live weight and feed intake in 28 and 45 days. The feed convertion was significant. The best feed convertion belong to Lohman. production efficiency indexwas significant. The best production efficiency index belong to Cobb and Lohman. By end of period 7 percent of chicken died due to Ascite. Outbreak Ascite was significant different among five strains (P<0.05). The most dead chicken belong to respectively Arin and Arbor Acrse and the less belong to Ross and Lohman. Natural mortality was not seen among Strain.

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In order to study of the polymorphism of Interon 1 of chicken growth hormone gene (cGH) in West Azerbaijan native chicken, blood samples were collected from 98 birds. Genomic DNA was extracted and a fragment of 776 bp in size was amplified using polymerase chain reaction. The amplified fragments were subjected to restriction digestion with Msp I endonuclease and the resultant digested products were run on 2% agarose gel. The results revealed the existence of three alleles A1, A2 and A3 for the examined locus with frequencies of 31.12, 17.86 and 51.02 percent, respectively. From six different genotypic variants, the genotypes of A1A3 (31.63%) and A2A2 (1.02%) had the highest and lowest frequencies, respectively. The expected heterozygosity and effective number of alleles were 0.61 and 2.57, respectively. Chi- square and G- tests showed that this population is in Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium. It can be concluded that Interon 1 of the cGH gene of west Azerbaijan native chicken has high genetic variation which can be considered for future breeding programs.

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In this study, genetic parameters and trends were estimated for milk yield at peak time (YM), peak time (TM) and total lactation milk yield (YL) using 46, 420 monthly test day records belonging to 5, 323 first lactation Holstein cow in Mashhad’s dairy farms. The number of herds was 64 and cows calved during 1994-2007. Total number of sires and dams were 660 and 4, 685, respectively. Gompertz non-linear function was utilized to describe the shape of the lactation curve. In order to genetic analysis of the traits, a multivariate animal model was used in which fixed effect of contemporary group of herd- year-calving season-sperm type, some covariables, as well as random additive genetic effect were included. Restricted maximum likelihood statistical method was used to estimate variance and covariance components. Heritability of milk yield at peak time, peak time and total lactation milk yield were found to be 0.159, 0.129 and 0.190, respectively. Genetic and environmental correlations between YM and TM were 0.830 and 0.515, between YM and LY were 0.978 and 0.938, and between TM and YL were 0.920 and 0.689, respectively. The results indicated that there were positive and significant (P<0.05) genetic trends for YL (4.664 kgy- 1), YM (0.017 kgy-1) and TM (0.130 dy-1).

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Triticale and corn forages were harvested and ensiled at dough stage. The silage characteristics, chemical composition and aerobic stability were measured after two months of ensiling. In a completely randomized design, with 4 treatments and 10 replicates, 4 rations contained different levels of silages (up to 30%), were tested in 40 growing Zel male lambs during 12 weeks experiment, where the performance of animals and in vivo digestibility of rations determined. The results showed that pH, dry matter, crude protein, neutral and acid detergent fibers of silages differed significantly (P<0.05). Aerobic stability, based on the peak temperature was not different but the time to rich peak temperature was significantly (P<0.05) different between triticale and corn silages. The body weight gain (202.3 to 208g-1 d), dry matter intake (1358 to 1371g-1 d) and feed conversion ratio (6.62 to 6.75) were not statistically affected by the diets. Apparent digestibility of dry matter (75.56 to 80.54%), organic matter (77.83 to 82.49%) and acid detergent fiber (33.86 to 38.61%) were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the silage inclusions, but no differences were found in crude protein and neutral detergent fiber digestibility. Based on the lambs performance may be concluded that triticale silage can be used up to 30 percent of the diet for fattening lambs.

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In this study, the efficacy of multi strain probiotic known as effective microorganism (EM), in a 3×3 factorial procedure in a completely randomized design with 3 replicate (pen) and 13 birds per each pen was studied. In our experiment, EM was used as fermented feed (EM-Bokashi) or in water solution in three different concentrations (0, Medium and High). The experimental periods were included starter period (7 to 21d) and grower period (22 to 42d). Growth rate and feed intake were recorded weekly and mortality was recorded daily. At the end of experiment 2 birds from each pens were randomly selected and blood samples were collected by wing vein and stored in -200C for later analysis for blood metabolites. Sample of cecal content was rapidly taken for analysis of microbial population. The results showed that the main effects of application of EM (either fermented or in solution) were significantly increased (P<0.01) body weight and Feed intake. The interaction effects of applications EM-Bokashi and EM in water solution has significantly (P<0.01) effects on body weight and feed intake. Feed conversion ratio was not significantly affected by EM. However, the interaction effects between EM-Bokashi and EM in water solution were significantly reduced FCR. Serum metabolite such as triglycerides and cholesterol reduced significantly (P<0.05) using of EM. The main effects of application and interaction effects, EM caused significant reduction (P<0.05) of entro pathogenic bacteria (Clostridia, E. coli, Total bacteria and Salmonella). It was concluded that EM had a growth promoting effect through improvement of feed intake and/or reduced pathogenic bacteria on cecum.

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In this research performance records of the Fars province native chickens that were recorded in breeding station during 1988 to 2002 were used. Segregation of major genes for four economically important traits including sexual maturity, egg weight, egg number and body weight were tested. For segregation testing different statistical methods including normality test, Fain test, variance homogeneity test within families (Bartlett and Leven test) and major gene index test were applied. In first step for estimation of genetic parameters a single trait animal model genetic evaluation using REML method was used. Therefore, heritabilitis of traits and breeding values of all animals were calculated. In the second step a multiple trait genetic evaluation method for four studied traits were used and multiple traits genetic and phenotype parameters were estimated. Then by predicted BLUP breeding values of all animals (offspring and parents), major gene indices for all of traits were calculated. In conclusion, based on appropriate criteria, segregation of major genes for above mentioned traits in this population were not verified. Heritability values that were calculated with univariate model for sexual maturity, egg weight, egg number and body weight traits were 0.53±0.014, 0.63±0.014, 0.33±0.014 and 0.53±0.016, respectively. Their multiple traits estimations were 0.51±0.014, 0.64±0.013, 0.33±0.014 and 0.54±0.014, respectively. It was concluded although different statistical methods are initial recognition methods of major genes, but these methods did not show high precise and it is better to use another precise methods.

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Due to importance of the chicken as a strategic protein product, it is impossible to reject the importance of accomplished investments in the field of improving poultry industry in Iran. According to statistic, from about 17000 broiler firms of country, 800 units actives in Kermanshah province, and among these units about 17 percent of broiler firms are in Sonqor-Kolyaee county. Improvement of technical efficiency is one way of desirable and economic utilization from available resources and improving product conditions. In this study, technical efficiency of broiler and effective factors on production surveyed with stochastic frontier production function and estimation of technical inefficiency model. The required data were collected from 100 poultry firms of Sonqor-Kolyaee county in 2009. Mean of technical efficiency calculated 82 percent. In addition, the results shows that the some factors such as "number of hatching", "the level of unit’s equipment" and "the number of period products in the year" have a significant positive effects on technical efficiency.

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The study was conducted to examine the effects of compounds of pistachio by-product silage on the kidneys function and microbial protein synthesis in Holstein fattening male calves. For this purpose, levels of 0, 6, 12 and 18% of pistachio by-product silage (PBPS) were substituted with corn silage in twenty four Holstein male calves (155.1±13.5 kg). The calves were hosed in individual pens and 4 total mixed rations were feeding in a completely randomized design. The rations were fed adlibitum to the calves in a 6 month period. Microbial protein synthesis were predicted via spot sampling of urine for purine derivatives which measured by spectrophotometer for two consecutive days at 120 and at 180 days of experiment. Physical and chemical properties of urine were measured after the adaptation period to the rations and then every 45 day throughout the experiment. The results showed that increasing the levels of PBPS to 12 and 18%, microbial protein synthesis significantly (P<0.01) decreased in compared with control and 6% (PBPS) groups. No significant differences were observed between treatments for pH, specific gravity, white and red blood cells number and epithelial cells of urine. In spite of the urine dark color with increasing levels of PBPS, the calves were not affected by hemoglobinuria and hematory. As a whole, the results showed that phenolic compound of PBPS decreased microbial protein synthesis without detrimental effects on kidneys function in fattening male calves.

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Twenty five lambs were used in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments to evaluate of the effects of supplementing organic zinc, with or without copper, on performance and blood parameters. The treatments consisted of: 1) basal diet without supplemental Zn and Cu; 2) basal diet +20 ppm Zn as Zn-proteinate; 3) basal diet+40 ppm Zn as Zn-proteinate; 4) basal diet+20 ppm Zn as Zn-proteinate+10 ppm Cu as Cu-proteinate; and 5) basal diet+40 ppm Zn as Zn-proteinate +10 ppm Cu as Cu-proteinate. Plasma Zn, Cu, Fe, Ca and P and serum total alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was determined on days 28 and 65. Serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and Cu- Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were determined on day 28. Supplementation with Cu and Zn did not alter plasma Ca and P but plasma Zn in groups supplemented with Zn treatments was increased compared to control (P<0.05). Copper supplementation significantly affected plasma Cu levels (P<0.05). There was a significant difference between treatments for plasma Fe (P<0.05). Alkaline phosphatase activity was higher in supplemented groups with Cu and Zn compared to control (P<0.05). The SOD activity increased with supplementation of Cu and Zn (P<0.05), but TAC did not differ between treatments. Average final BW, average daily gain and feed conversion ratio were greater in Zn supplemented treatments without Cu compared to other treatments (P<0.05). The results showed that adding of 20 ppm Zn to the basal diet containing 22.47 ppm Zn and 8.6 ppm Cu increased performance of Mehraban male lambs.

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