The South Ossetia crisis leading to military hostilities between Russia and Georgia has turned into one of the complicated crises in the Caucasus and at the world level since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This crisis should be considered as the harbinger of a new stage in the international relations arena in the transition from the Cold War era. Unlike the Karabakh and Abkhazia crises which were of regional dimensions and global scope, the South Ossetia crisis was different, but recent developments in this province showed that crises and disputes in every dimension, extent and level in this region will find regional and global dimensions, affecting regional and world developments. Hence, it can be suggested that the Caucasus is one of the crisis ridden regions of the world that is prone to the culmination of disputes and transformation into war among the great powers. In addition to mentioning the causes of the South Ossetia crisis and academic approaches found in this respect, this paper addresses its origins, historical and legal background and repercussions on the domestic, regional and international scales, as well as its future prospects.