Objective: This report introduced a single case with the initial diagnosis of gender identity disorder. Method: The case was a 40 year old divorced woman and a mother of two children (custody of children was given to the father after the divorce). The subject had undergone 6 sex reassignment surgeries. One month after the sex operation, the subject requested to return to her original sex in order to remarry her previous husband and retake the custody of her children as their mother once again. By the request of the Forensic Psychiatry, the patient was evaluated in Tehran Psychiatric Institute. Upon implementation of a number of psychiatric interviews and completion of a battery of psychological tests, the Institute declared that any intervention which can return the case to her original condition was accepted and encouraged. Findings: The result of genotype evaluation of the case was 46 XX which is compatible with the female sex. Rorschach, MMPI, and MCMI-2 did not show any disorders, but indicated characteristics of dependent personality, need for dependency and attention seeking, self-doubt, and a self-critical attitude. Results: Although the sex reassignment surgeries for the patients with primary diagnosis of gender identity disorder is the most effective therapeutic method, reviewing psychiatric evaluation of the case, approval of sex reassignment demands a more precise reassessment of the diagnostic criteria.