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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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طب جانباز

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Falls in the elderly are common and are associated with appreciable morbidity and mortality. Hyper kyphosis is a risk factor for balance impairment and postural instability. Increased forward curvature of the spine displaces the center of mass anteriorly towards the limits of stability, and thus increases the likelihood of loss of balance and predisposes persons to fall. The orthoses are an option for decreasing the risk of falling in elderly population, however, the quantitative evidence to support their application is not convincing. The purpose of this study is to analysis the effects of spinomed orthosis on risk of falling of elderly people with spinal hyper kyphosis. Materials & Methods: 18 elderly people with mean age 65.96±4.4 who had thoracic kyphosis of ³50 (cobb angle) were enrolled in the study. Subjects were randomly allocated into either spinomed orthosis or control group. Patients were randomly subjected to computerized dynamic post urography, which contained sensory organization tests and limits of stability. The tests for each person were conducted in two conditions: while wearing and not wearing the orthosis and the order of testing within a patient was randomized. Results: Wearing spinomed orthosis significantly increased balance score (p<0.0001) and directional control (p<0.032). Also, significant difference in balance score (p<0.0001) was observed between two groups (spinomed orthosis and control group).Discussion & conclusion: The spinomed orthosis improves balance in elderly people with spinal hyper kyphosis. Improved balance could reduce the risk of falls and direct and indirect costs of falls and related fractures.

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Background: Mental impact of war can be remaining for long time. This impact is significant on the children of veterans. the purpose of this study is investigation on stress, anxiety, dimension of personality on depression of veteran children. Materials & Methods: 731 veteran children participate in this study. They respond on percpt stress (spss), zank anxiety test (sas), and five personality factor (NEO) and beck depression inventory. Conclusion: Nevrosness, anxiety and flexibility of prison war children was higher than murtried children. correlation coefficient showed correlation between depression and anxiety. regression analysis showed the power of anticipation of all of variables on depression. on the basis of this study we could conclude that the impact of war is so significant of prisoners of war and by this mean it impact on their family and especially on their children .the depression on this depression could be a signal of this awful experience of their fathers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Major amputations are a main source of disability and affect the amputee's quality of life. Despite the improvement in designing, prosthesis manufacturing techniques and rehabilitation methods, lower limb amputation effects on the quality of life is persistent. As the quality of the prosthesis is a key factor for amputees to return to the society, different proficiencies such medical engineers, mechanical, electronic engineers and prosthetists are attempting to improve the quality prostheses. In this direction prosthetic intelligent knee joints with the kinetics and kinematics principles which simulate the normal knee joint are available to the market. Designation and manufacturing these types of the knee joints with a high level of function needs to be light, delicate, strong and durable which requires spending enough time and budget leads to increasing the cost of intelligent knee joints comparing to the mechanical ones. However despite many efforts on designing new components, there are few studies to determine the effects and consequences of the new concepts and components on the satisfaction of the amputees and ultimately their quality of life. In this study it is aimed to determine the effects of two different prosthetic knee joints (i.e. Mechanical and intelligent) on the quality of life of the trans femoral amputees. Material & methods: This was a cross-sectional study. the quality of life have been evaluated according to the Trinity Amputation And Prosthesis Experience Scales (TAPES) questionnaire in two groups, each one composing of 20 traumatic unilateral trans femoral amputees of veteran using two types of intelligent knee joint and simple mechanical one who were referred to Tehran Kowsar Orthotics and Prosthetics Center. This questionnaire was originally developed in 1999 by P. Gallagher and Maclachan for a better understanding about the adjustment of the amputee with his/her prosthesis in the lower limb amputees and improving higher quality of services. The results of recent studies on TAPES by the developers showed this questionnaire has a high psychometric properties and it is suitable for evaluating the psychosocial adjustment, Athletic activity restriction and satisfaction with prosthesis. Moreover the statistical tests like ANOVAs and independent Test have been done for the two groups. Results: Forty traumatic amputees participated in this study. The results of the statistical tests revealed that the average score of psychosocial adjustment and satisfaction with prosthesis was nearly equal (not significant) but the athletic activity restriction and functional restriction were lower respectively (P-Value=0.040) and (P-Value=0.008) in the intelligent knee joint users comparing to the mechanical group. Conclusion: The survey of the statistical outcomes in the three items of psychosocial adjustment, athletic activity restriction and satisfaction with prosthesis showed nearly equal score for the intelligent knee joint user group at psychosocial adjustment and satisfaction with their prostheses and lower score for the athletic activity restriction comparing to the mechanical knee joint user group. Also it was proved that the quality of life in the intelligent knee joint users is higher than the mechanical user group.

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Introduction: Todays, management science and different styles of it are the most factors in increase of personals productivity in health sectors for provide of approprate services specially for veterans. Therefore the purpose of this Study was survey of Relationship between Organizational commitments of Nurses with Management Styles of Head Nurses in Teraputic Wards of outpatients veterans on 2010. Materials & Methods: This is a descriptive study that Data was collected by two standard riminding staff and leadership styles questionnaires and data collected was analysis by statistics descriptive techniques. Results: Findings showed that total score of organizational commitment was 2.4240. also in four management styles, scores of authoritative style, charitable style, participatory style and consultative style were 116, 0.206, 738 and 0.998. Conclusion: That, despite the positive correlation between Participative style of head nurses significant related with organizational commitment of nurses in under study centers then this can be approprate way that lead to increase of nurses productivity for provide of approprate services for veterans of war in teraputic and special sectores of hospital in around the country.

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Purpose: The present study measured the level of satisfaction of veterans war handicapped to health and treatment services provided by the Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs (FMVA) and Effect of satisfaction to health and treatment services on subjective well-being war handicapped. Materials & Method: The study population war handicapped above 25% are in Qom province. Statistical samples are obtained from 228 patients. To measure the status health and treatment services activities in three parts Drug Administration medical device, Health Department activities and manage the activities of treatment were studied. To measure psychological well-being of the veteran Oxford questionnaire was used. Results: One sample T Test results has shown that the situation from the perspective of war handicapped health and treatment services activities provided is appropriate. Also according to the Friedman test results health services-treatment, medication and medical equipment management activities, activities, health administration and management activities of the treatment is classified. Research findings show that levels of subjective well-being of war handicapped is also desirable. The results of the software LISREL has shown that satisfaction of health and treatment services on levels of subjective well-being of war handicapped is impressive and the results fitted the model has been confirmed. Conclusion: Overall study results indicate that war handicapped health and treatment services have provided satisfactory And the satisfaction of their subjective well-being levels are impressive. This indicates that the relationships adjusted R conceptual model was reasonable.

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Background: In identity crisis, teenagers get anxiety and cannot harmonize difference aspect of their character. Also presentation of a devotee or a patient in family cause some problem in harmony and social and professional identity. Teaching the ways of problem solving can decrease this disharmony and can be a solution for planning to improving and increasing mental health. Purpose: The pressures of war can make problem in shaping and growing of devotee child's identity specially in girls teenagers. So the goal of this research is studying the effectiveness of group training of problem solving to decrease identity crisis of girl teenagers (devotee's daughters) and as for the demographic qualities (education degree and financial income). Materials and methods: The method is experimental. On beginning on pre-test performed test of character identity and demographic quality on 100 of girl teenagers of devotee's daughters. Through people that gained score maximum, research sample (30 girls) are selected systematic randomly and divided in to 2 groups of test and control. The problem solving training was done on the test group, in 10 sections (1.5 hours). The test group decreased to 11 people and finally 22 people were analyzed. After training sessions on pro-test performed test of character identity and demographic quality on groups of test and control and analyzed results of two stages. Results: To analyze data, covariance was used. The results show that there is a meaningful difference between test and control group in effectiveness of problem solving education in identity crisis (p<0.0001). But the effectiveness of training according to effect of demographic qualities is not meaningful. Conclusion: According to result it can be concluded that problem solving training in groups had been effective in decreasing the identity crisis of girl teenagers (devotee's daughters) and training had same effect on persons (without involving the demographic qualities of education degree and financial income).

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Background and Aim: Mindfulness is ability of self regulating attention and direct it for task. The purpose of present study is evaluation of correlation between mindfulness and executive function in blind veterans. Materials & Methods: we evaluate 93 blind veterans with Dys executive function and mindfulness questionnaire. Pearson Correlation Test was used to evaluation. Results: findings show significant correlation between mindfulness and executive function specially inhibition and memory (P<0.01) and arousal (P<0.01) subscale. No correlation found in intentionality and hyperactivity subscale (P>0.05). Conclusion: Cause of correlation between mindfulness and inhibition, arousal and memory is common structural and functional overlap. Mindfulness can be used as a proper predictor of this subscale of executive functions.

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Objective: Amputation of lower limbs accompanying with serious problems like social, economic, personal and domestic that makes life difficult. As a result of Iraq-Iran war, 578 survivors through bilateral lower limb amputation live in Iran. The purpose of this study was to investigate service satisfaction reported by Iranian bilateral lower limb amputees. Materials & Methods: In this cross sectional study, all war related bilateral lower limb amputees were invited for the interview and 335 participated (response rate=58%). Information about time of injury, the level of amputation, level of education, employment status and rate of the perceived services satisfaction were recorded using a questionnaire. Results: The mean age of the cases was 42.1 (SD=3.6). The majority of the cases were male 97.6% (n=327), and married 97.6% (n=327). The average time after injury was 22.3 (SD:3.9) years. About Two-third (n=237) were unemployed. The most common type of amputation was both below knee 37.6% (no=133). The most service satisfaction reported by amputees was educational facilities and rehabilitation, and the least satisfaction belonged to sport and recreation and health services. The most important problem in receiving health care services was waiting times for appointments and treatment 72% (n=241) and lack of some specialties in small cities 23.2% (n=78). Conclusion: According to results of the study, improvement in accessing to health care services and sport and recreation facilities can lead to higher service satisfaction in war related bilateral lower limb amputees.

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