Objectives: The studies on the burden of disease in Iran have revealed that psychiatric disorders ranked second among all medical illnesses. Furthermore, depressive disorders were shown to be the most common morbid illness among women. To define a prospective view of the studies on mood disorders in Iran, we performed a bibliometric study on the relevant literature. Method: The present research is a descriptive analysis and a secondary and research upon research study. Two Iranian databases Iranmedex and Iranpsych, and two international databases Medline and EMBASE were searched by two psychiatrists with good inter-rater reliability. Results: From a total of 973 articles meeting the inclusion criteria, 78.4%, 7.8%, and 4% of the articles were dedicated to depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, and suicide respectively. The majority of the studies (i.e. 53%) were on the epidemiology, Methodologies of researches were descriptive, descriptive/analytic and analytic in 32.8%, 39.5%, and 28% of the articles, respectively. While 32.8% of studies were cross-sectional. Others such as cohort, hypothetical, systematic review, and economic studies, each constituted less than 1% of the studies. Nearly two-thirds of the articles were published in Iranian journals. Conclusion: There is a growing trend in the publication of articles on mood disorders and mood disorder studies. Nevertheless, considering the prevalence of these disorders, the whole scientific output is still insignificant in some areas.