This research is a study on the efficient sociological factors on Vandalism across senior high school students of district two of Ahvaz. The research data was collected through a surveying method, and participants were 376 persons out of 17054 among senior high school students of district two of Ahvaz city. They were randomly selected in a categorical method. The dependent variable (vandalism) was investigated via a questionnaire and its relationship with the independent variables such as The students gender, The students educational situation, The persons socio-economical base, The relationship with vandals, weakness feeling, abnormality student feeling, relative deprivation feeling, and social seclusion feeling, which are driven from the theories: A) the holistic sociologists or the very classics (Dorkim or Merton) and, B) the atomistic or contemporary sociologists (Cloward, Ohlin and Miller with atomistic cultural theory Sutherland with discriminating learning theory-Seeman with Alienation theory and Hirshi with social Control theory) was hypothesized and tested. The collected data was analysed using descriptive and deductive statistics via SPSS software. The findings varified the hypotheses. In this research the data collection was done by questionnaire. Analysis of the findings confirmed the research hypothesis. Results showed that the prediction equation of the trend tendency toward Vandalic behavior can predict 0.406 percent of the variance of the independent variable. And since the research model could predict 0.406 percent of the variance of the independent variable using seven variables (academic achievement, social-economic status, contact with offenders, feeling of powerlessness, sense of relative deprivation, sense of social isolation, and sense of anomie), it can be said that its predictive power is good.