Introduction & Objective: Sexual dysfunction is called to inability to get or keep a successful sexual intercourse. The term “sexual dysfunction” may also be used to describe other problems that interfere with sexual intercourse, such as inability to achieve erection and problems with ejaculation or orgasm. Damage to nerves, arteries, smooth muscles and fibrous tissues, often as a result of a disease, are the most common cause of erectile dysfunction. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the frequency of sexual dysfunction in patients referred to Fatemieh infertility clinic, Hamadan.Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study all males referred to Fatemieh infertility center in 2005, were entered the study. All patients were clinically examined and their medical histories were obtained. Data such as age, accusation, education, history of smoking and opioid abusing, sexual dysfunction, inability to achieve orgasm, premature ejaculation and the frequency of intercourse were entered in the questionnaires. Data was analyzed using SPSS 13 and c2 statistical test.Results: The mean age of patients studied was 32.3±7.4 years (20-65 years). From 245 cases, 135 (55.1%) had sexual dysfunction. The most common sexual dysfunction was premature ejaculation(38.8%). Other sexual dysfunctions were impotence with 16.3% , lack of sexual desire with 12.2% and orgasm disorder with 10.6% respectively. 65.9% patients were uneducated or had elementary education , 27.4% had diploma , and 6.7% had academic education. 23.7% of patients had addiction and 34.1% were smoker.Conclusion : This study showed that most common etiology of sexual dysfunction was premature ejaculation. Other sexual dysfunctions were: impotence, sexual desire disorder and orgasm disorder respectively.