Present research deals with investigation of a key issue in each society; feeling social happiness. Feeling happiness is based on person's attitude and perceptions and expresses the condition that is emerged from experience of positive emotions and satisfaction of life. Using two methods of documentary and survey, present research is kind of co relational researches. Regarding this in the theoretical section, there is a review of books, journals and previous researches and in the other part in order to evaluate the amount of happiness and effective factors on it, questionnaire's technique was used for the sample of 2000 residents (15 up to 65 years old) of urban and rural areas of Markazi province.Findings show that feeling of happiness among 18.5 percent of respondent is low and very low, whereas 19.5 percent of respondents have high feeling of happiness. Results show that 62 percent have evaluated their feeling of happiness in average degree. Due to the model of path analysis, among determinate factors of social happiness,, hope to future has been entered to equation as the first variable. The regression's coefficient of this variable on variable of social happiness is 0.32 and is known as the most important influential variable on social happiness. Other variables are feeling of social acceptability (with coefficient of 0.28), satisfaction of emotional needs (with coefficient of 0.26) aging (with coefficient of-0.08), feeling of distributive justice (with coefficient of 0.07), suitable atmosphere of public morality (with coefficient of 0.06), lack of derivational feeling (0.05) feeling of security (with coefficient of 0.05) and devotion to religious values (with coefficient of 0.11). As a whole mentioned variables have been able to determine 0.55 percent of changes or variance of social happiness.