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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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برخی کارشناسان اقتصادی بر این باورند که پس از اجرای قانون هدفمندسازی یارانه ها، به دلیل تغییر قیمت حامل های انرژی، به گونه مستقیم هزینه تولید در بخش کشاورزی افزایش یافته و با تغییر قیمت نسبی نهاده ها، ترکیب عوامل تولید در بخش به نوعی دگرگون شده است، و در مورد برخی محصولات، وابستگی به واردات به منظور تامین تقاضای داخل افزایش یافته است. با توجه به اهمیت و جایگاه محصول جو به عنوان کالای واسطه ای در تولیدات بخش دام کشور، در مطالعه اثر افزایش قیمت سوخت در پی اجرای سیاست هدفمندی یارانه ها بر خودکفائی محصول جو از راه بررسی شکاف بین میزان تولید داخل و واردات بررسی شد. این مطالعه در سال 1394و با استفاده از آمار تولید و هزینه سالانه محصولات کشاورزی موجود در بانک اطلاعات وزارت جهاد کشاورزی و با روش تخمین همزمان توابع هزینه و تقاضای نهاده های تولیدی به روش ISUR، انجام شد. نتایج مطالعه نشان داد که با اجرای سیاست هدفمندی یارانه ها، در اثر یک درصد افزایش قیمت سوخت، مقدار واردات جو 0.099 درصد افزایش و مقدار تولید 0.183 کاهش یافته است. این موضوع نشان می دهند که اجرای سیاست آزادسازی قیمت انرژی بدوم اجرای سیاست های حمایتی تکمیلی در تناقض با هدف خودکفائی در تولید محصول جو بوده و بمنظور کاهش وابستگی به واردات و تحقق اقتصاد مقاومتی، اجرای سیاست های حمایتی از تولید کنندگان این محصول، ضروری است.

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Increased demand for rice and limitations of production inputs have often led into problems such as increase in rice import; so that it is required to come up with a framework that provides us with effective managerial strategies towards production factors and output supply management simultaneously. Therefore, this research concurrently studies the inputs demand and supply functions of rice in Mazandaran Province, the largest rice producer in Iran. To this end, ISUR and data of 2013-2014 periods were used. Own- and cross-price elasticities of inputs demand verify the expected negative effect of price on the amount of input demand and existence of substitutive relationships between inputs. Moreover, the own-price elasticity of supply and elasticity of supply to inputs price show that farmers are relatively sensitive to inputs and outputs price changes. According to the results,  any achievement in price policies to provide more efficient managerial strategies to improve input demand and output supply management is hugely contingent on a simultaneous concentration on both the input demand and the output supply conditions.

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Food security, creating jobs and a market for manufactured goods and factors of production of other economic sectors, generating exchange revenues and environmental considerations are including reasons of important of the agricultural sector. The high degree of economic and non-economic risks and the relatively higher yield of some of economic activities, investment and financing in this sector face challenges and add to its importance. The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of liquidity and credit on the value added of agricultural sector in Iran (1978-2011). So GMM method was used. All data were obtained from the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The results indicated that the liquidity and credit have positive and significant effect on the agricultural sector. But elasticity of value added to credit was higher than liquidity. Thus, it can be said that monetary policy can increase the value added and among these credit seems more appropriate political instrument. Also, public and private sector investments and labor had positive and capital stock had negative effects on the agricultural value added.

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Export expansion in agriculture sector of Azarbayjan Sharghi province needs to know potential export products and export markets. The aim of this study is to examine comparative advantage and to determine target market for agricultural export products of Azarbayjan Sharghi province. The results of comparative advantage indexes show that watermelon, dried apricots and dried grapes have highest comparative advantage. The findings of numerical taxonomy method suggest best export choices for agricultural export products of Azarbayjan Sharghi province are respectively: export of dried apricots to the Turkey, export of watermelon to Turkey, export of dried grapes to the Algeria, export of dried grapes to the Tunisia, export of dried apricots to the Lebanon, export of dried grapes to the Egypt and export of watermelon to the Romania.

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    4 (36)
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The distribution of wealth and income is one of the main concerns of any economic system. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of banking facilities granted to agricultural sector on income distribution in Iran during the period of 1370-91. For this purpose, in this paper, after verifying the reliability of variables and determining the causal relationships between variables, the VAR method is used to estimate the model. The results showed that banking facilities and per capita income had positive and inflation had negative effects on income distribution in Iran during the studied period.

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    4 (36)
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Reducing pollution and achieving economic benefits with cleaner environment is one of the most important issues in recent decades. In this research, a macro approach was applied to assess the economic factors affecting environmental pollution in Iran during the years 1971-2013. The results indicated that the effect of variable energy consumption was at high levels of statistical significance, so that by 10 percent increase per capita energy consumption is expected that per capita emissions increased in the long-term and short-term by about 8 and 6 percent respectively. Also by 10 percent increase in urban population growth is expected that per capita emissions reduced in the long-term and short-term about 1.2 and 0.86 percent respectively. Trade liberalization had negative impact on the emissions. Thus Iran can not be considered naturally immune against environmental concerns and we propose that at levels of per capita income of over $ 2,300 (second concave curve), that pollution increases more quickly so that  politicians should look for more pollution control methods.

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    4 (36)
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Climate change is a phenomenon that effects on the agriculture part through direct and indirect affects i.e. temperature, precipitation changes. Therefore, in this study the effects of climate change prematurity on agricultural production and farmer's income situation at the regional level and in down lands of Taleghan dam was studied. First the behavioral pattern of temperature and precipitation climate variables during 1991-2016 years was investigated. Then by using the econometric methods the effects of above variables on the selected products yield of down lands of Taleghan dam were investigated. Then, by entering the results of regression analysis in the multi-period positive mathematical programming model with approaching the Trendstandel cost function the effects of two degree increase in temperature and fifteen millimeter decrease in rainfall scenario on the agricultural production and farmer's income situation of down lands of Taleghan dam were analyzed. The results showed that the yield of water barley, corn, sugar beet and alfalfa increases 14.9, 19.1, 17.4 and 13.0 percent and the yield of water wheat, tomatoes and canola decreases 21.4, 16.5 and 26.2 percent respectively, after applying the above combination scenarios. Also, the farmer's total gross profit decreases 5.16 percent compared to the base year and arrives from 9208 to 8733 million rials. Finally due to prematurity of climate change in regional planning, to increase agricultural production in down lands of Taleghan dam it was proposed that the first be considered the performance improve operating in per unit area (considering the positive effects of climate change on the yield of selected products) and development the under cultivation of crops such as corn, beet and alfalfa be placed at the next priority.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was conducted to analyze the total factor productivity in onion production of nine major provinces using Malmquist index. The results indicated that, the country wide productivity decreased about 9.6 % during the study period. The amount of reduction was not the same in different regions and provinces. It was in East Azerbaijan (0.07), Esfahan (0.06), Sistan and Baluchestan (0.04) and Fars (0.06) lower and in the district of southern Kerman (0.13), Khorasan (0.1), Khuzestan (0.12), Zanjan (0.14) and Hormozgan (0.14) had been greater. Among the provinces studied, the greatest improvements in technical efficiency belonged to the farmer of Efahan province and the onion growers of Sistan & Baluchestan province had experienced the least decline in technology, so it is a necessity to introduce new methods and uses other regions successful results to increase the share of productivity in onion production growth.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (36)
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Due to the importance of efficiency in productivity growth, the objective of this study is to investigate profit performance of poultry farms and its influencing factors to this end, stochastic frontier production function and profit inefficiency model were estimated simultaneously in poultry farms in Sistan. For this purpose, a sample of 96 poultry farms selected and interviewed in 2014. The results showed that the average profit efficiency of poultry farmers was 54.27 percent .88.27 percent of poultry farms had lower profit efficiency. Based on the results of the frontier profit function the cost of one-day chickens, health services, food and fuel, age, level of  education, years of experience, distance from city center, equipment and the number of periods in a year had positive and significant effect on profitefficiency. The results of this study indicated that access to modern poultry equipments to modernize farms, to encourage farmers to optimize resource allocation could improve profitability of poultry farmers in Sistan.

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Self-employment project was one of government approach to employment in agricultural sector. This project formed in different provinces using cheap credit because one of serious problems of agricultural sector is the lack of credit. Multilevel modeling is an important tools for data analysis that investigate the heteroscedasticity problem in different levels. In this paper regard to importance of considering this model in studies, the relationship between credit and self-employment projects studied using data on agricultural bank of Mazandaran province during the 2005- 2010, and multilevel logit model and software HLM7 . The results showed that there is a hierarchical structure in data. Also, Logit multilevel model estimation showed that there isn’t a significant relationship between the capacity of projects and credit facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the feasibility studies and location measurement of the projects to achieve the objectives banks.

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One of the marketing inefficiency indexes of Iran fisheries is fluctuation and instability of prices and high marketing margin of some products in this market. So, considering population growth and increasing demand for healthy food, investigating market of these products for finding solution to improve marketing and helping development in this section is necessary. So, this paper investigate impact of price transmission on market margin of products such as north fishes (white, mullet, common kilka, tofu, bream, perch and carp) and farmed fishes(grass carp, big head, silver carp, carp, trout and farmed shrimp) during 2004 to 2014. Results show short and long term asymmetry in price transmission of white, Common Kilka, north carp, grass carp, south silver carp and shrimp. Trout just has short term asymmetry of price transmission. So, market brokers increase market margin by asymmetrical transferring of marketing costs and price of some products from wholesaling to the retailing and taking benefit by this way.

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Nowadays, most of the management scholars have come to this conclusion that many of the old marketing principles could no longer be applied to the future. Therefore, managers of some companies are trying to improve their performance by considering environmental standards for company strategies. For this reason, given the important role of agriculture in providing food, organic farming is considered to be one of the most important alternative farming systems. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the components of organic market orientation in order to develop a model for market orientation of organic products according to the indigenous conditions of Iran. The research method is a mixed type and in fact a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. This article first explores the views, different models of market orientation, market orientation factors and the impact of market orientation on business performance, then studied the causal relationships between internal and external factors affecting market orientation with two cultural and behavioral approaches  Using exploratory interviews of managers of organic manufacturing companies and structural equation modeling have proposed and tested a conceptual model and decision maker to explain the causal relationships affecting business performance. The results of correlation coefficient and t-score scores showed a significant correlation between external and internal factors and market orientation scores. Also, the results showed that market orientation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of enterprises producing organic products.

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Considering the importance of agriculture sector in Iran's economy and the importance of adopting appropriate developmental policies, in this research, using the ARDL approach, the short-term and long-term interactions of agricultural development and economic growth in the period of 1979- 2015 has been investigated. The results of the multivariate Granger-causality test based on ARDL-ECM estimations indicate that there is a causal relationship between economic growth and the value added of the agricultural sector in the short and long run. Furthermore, significance of error correction term implies a long-term relationship between economic growth and agricultural value added. In addition, the coefficient of error correction term shows that the effect of changes in the agricultural value added on economic growth can be seen in a very short time. As a result, the agricultural sector can be considered as an engine of economic growth in Iran, and therefore the strengthening, attention and development of the agricultural sector can lead to economic growth and development. Moreover, trade liberalization, investment and increase in employment also have a positive impact on economic growth.

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Today, water resources and environmental sustainability in agriculture is extremely important. Hence, determining the profitable cultivation with less water and fertilizer will cause the sustainable use of resources. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal cropping patterns, crops in central county of Sirjan considering economic and environmental objectives separately and simultaneously is the single-objective problems, a simple linear model for the problem of multi-objective planning model programs Augmented e-constraint multi-objective linear programming method and the TOPSIS method was solved. Required data through a questionnaire survey of 190 farmers in the region for the period 2013 to simple random sampling was obtained. Selection of optimal patterns in different weight scenarios showed that Alfalfa and barley are cultivated for farms smaller than 5ha under optimal patterns with the objectives of minimizing weight of water and fertilizer Cultivation than the current model. The optimal patterns with target weight goal of maximizing gross margin and same weight, the product Bulb will replace the product. Also, results showed that for farms larger than 5ha to meet targets simultaneously, less alfalfa and barley and onions are cultivated more than the current model. In the end, it was found that larger farms than smaller farms have been better in terms of profitability, but not be efficient in terms of water consumption.

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