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Moderation is one of the most focal concepts of the history of thought and social and political theory which has a long history in the intellectual tradition of both the West and Iran. Sa'di is also influenced by the Iranian inherited tradition introducing it in his anecdotes and narratives and introducing persistent persuasions for moderation and advocacy for avoiding oppression in his works. Therefore temperance and moderation in Saadi's thinking has a fundamental basis. This article seeks to find moderation in Ideas and thoughts of Saadi in Golestan and Boostan. Hence by focusing the concept of moderation as a concept that belongs both to the realm of society and to the realm of politics one can obtain an understanding of the relation between these two domains in Sa'di's thought.

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The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, for many international relations thinkers and promising politicians, were a promising creation of a new international order in the form of a post-war post-cold-blooded international system, because in the initial fall of one of the two international superpowers, In different regions as a subsystem of the international system. In the transition from the bipolar structure, the Americans conquered the Cold War and tried to consolidate their position in the international system. This meant the efforts of American statesmen to stabilize their hegemony in the post-Cold War international system. But when the power structure changes in international politics, in those circumstances, new coalitions and challenges will be created and a pattern of relations between actors outside the traditional structure will be set. In this regard, after the end of the Cold War, there are challenges in the international arena, partly due to the collapse of the order based on the bipolar structure, and the other part is due to the new conditions and the post-war cold war international system. In this paper, we try to answer the question that the current challenges of the post-war cold war system (structural, institutional, value, and welfare challenges) of the international system play a role in the continuation or non-continuation of US hegemony in this system? In response, the continuation of US hegemony in the post-Cold War international system is directly related to the reduction of these challenges through an international consensus on the desirable pattern of international order.

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Introduction: Machiavellian personality involves interpersonal strategies with the use of deception, manipulation and lack of interpersonal affect that can be raised from conventional morality. This study explored the explanation of machiavellian personality according to three and five factor personality models. Method: The current study was conducted in correlational descriptive research context. A group of 203 normal participants from Tabriz Payam e noor university students answered to MACH-IV, NEO-PI-R & EPQ-R personality questionnaires. Data analyzed using the stepwise multivariate regression analysis method. Results: According to three factors model of personality, Machiavellian traits associated with neuroticism and psychoticism scales. With regard to five factors model Machiavellian traits was correlated to high neuroticism and low extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness. Conclusions: Results indicated that personality traits were suitable predictors of Machiavellian traits. Results were discussed in light of Machiavellianism symptomology.

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The International system that from 16th century has been replaced the pattern of regional powers did not have the stability and continuity. And throughout the history have always been changed. The most important changes happened in the Twentieth Century. Those changes appeared in the form of a multipolar, bipolar and unipolar system. After the collapse of the Soviet Union some claimed the post-Cold war international system is unipolar. And based on this, they entitled capitalism as the end of history and emphasized that in the new world the United State is the sole superpower which has no rival. They believed that in the era of weakness of Marxism and collapse of communism the dominating discourse of liberal capitalism will inevitable military, cultural, political, economic and social domination of White House. Although this claim might be true for the last decade of the Twentieth Century, but with beginning the Twenty-first Century that started with the important events of September 11, 2001 gradually change and development that are the perennial nature of the international system were appeared and proved that the pattern of the international system is not permanent and another pattern that is the multipolar system is being created.

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People’ s Republic of China, the most populous country in the world, is an impressive area in east of Asia and has passed a lot of tension and competitions in the Cold War. Today, it is looking for a new role model in its relations with the super powers, especially with the US. The economic progress and improvement of China during last years have attracted most attentions. A lot of analysts know it as their role model and some know its progress temporary. We should mention that, the collapse of the USSR can be known as the beginning of emerging of a new period in International Relations that in this time, the whole world is moving to a multi-polar situation. Meanwhile, the US as a hegemony in the world is facing new challenges after collapsing the USSR and changing of the international structures. In fact, the vacuity that has appeared because of the collapsing of USSR has faced international arena with a new structure in which the US has faced new competitors, like China. China, the country, which has moved in a way to improve economically and influence on international arena, has been able to make important concerns and challenges for the US. On the other hand, the US as a universal and regional hegemony wouldn’ t like hegemonic competitors be formed in other places in the western hemisphere. Therefore, after reaching to become as a regional hegemony in the western hemisphere, has been looking for stopping Asia and Europe to be controlled by other great powers. The main question in this research is that, how the increase of the China’ s economic power has faced the US place a challenge in Asia and the hypothesis is that, China is trying to decrease the economic power of the US and its universal place by increasing its economic power, accessing to the markets and energy sources in Asia. About the theoretical framework of this research, in a brief way, we can explain that Robert Gilpin believes that, hegemony is a new phenomenon in the contemporary century which we are facing and if the free universal economy wants to continue, the leader or the hegemony must be able to react quickly to the system’ s threats. In his point of view, balance of power changes during the time because of different reasons and these changes lead to some wars to reach hegemony. Eventually, the system is organized, based on the interests of the new hegemony (dominant power(.

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The aim of the present study is to investigate the political participation of the citizens inhabited in the city of Gorgan. Theoretical framework of the study is based on the opinions of Lipset, Almond &Verba, Ingelhart and Nelson & Huntington. Methodologically, the present study is based on survey and the data had been collected by using the researcher-made questionnaire. The concept of political participation in the present study includes two dimensions of electoral behavior and active participation, which were questioned after operationalizing concepts and designing statements. The population of the study consists of the entire citizens inhabited in Gorgan in which 407 participants were determined as sample based on Morgan Table and were selected and studied using proportionate stratified random sampling. Nominal validity has been used to approve the validity of the variables. Furthermore, the reliability of the tool was approved by using Cronbach’ s alpha (0. 780). The results of descriptive analysis of the data indicate that political participation was 2. 82 of 5 which is more than the average level. The results of testing hypothesis show that political participation varies in terms of gender and marital status of the respondents. Additionally, there is a significant positive relationship between education and political participation of the respondents while there is not a significant relationship between variables of age and subjective background and dependent variable.

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Given the fact that the explanation of the role of emotional indicators on decision making is of great help, The present research seeks to investigate the factors affecting emotional intelligence affecting political participation. Because political systems are based on the will of individuals and their continuity and authority depends on political participation and interference of the people. This article is an exploratory analytical research of correlation type. The statistical population of the research was the students of Payamnour University of West Tehran Branch; The research sample consisted of 394 undergraduate and graduate students who were selected by random sampling method. The results of this study showed that the total score of emotional intelligence and its 15 subscales, 3 sub-scales included: Problem solving, tolerance of stress and optimism have a relatively high correlation with the variable of political participation. Based on the findings of the research, it can be concluded that no matter how difficult the problem solving, tolerance and optimism can be in society and especially among students, Equally, their participation in political events affecting society, including participation in elections, will be higher as one of the components of political participation. Of course, the development of these sub-scales in society itself has an unbreakable link with the development of civil society parameters.

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Amiri Suroush

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This study aimed to address the impact of development-oriented government strategies and factors affecting the dynamics of the Singapore economy between years (2000-2015). Singapore is one of the best examples of economic growth and development among the countries of South East Asia that could introduce itself to the world without using natural resources and just by taking advantage of own God-given gift as well as the macro management and policy consistency among the developed countries of the world. Accordingly, influential factors of dynamic economy in Singapore (between 2000 and 2015). were discussed using the analytical method and based on figures contained in the internal and external documentation sources. The most important factors in economic dynamism Singapore from 2000 to 2015 include: stable macro-economic policy inspired by the political context, appropriate commercial terms including cheap labor, the proliferation of social dialogue among the citizens, educated force work and fluent in English and attract skilled foreign labor, social and environmental rules are pro-business, busy ports, excellent transport and communications infrastructure, a stable fiscal policy, low inflation and favorable financial sites encouraging.

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Borders, as the most distant territory of a state and country, are often influenced by changes on both sides of the borders. Thus, borers usually are at the forefront of the established or evolving changes of the neighboring countries. Pakistan has always been in a special geopolitical importance and strategic position for America, both during the Cold War and post-Cold War. Therefore, the adjacency of this country at the center of geopolitical and geostrategic critical areas of the twenty-first century and the effects of this adjacency with neighboring countries is scrutinized. It is also one of the countries that has an important position in political Islam. The importance of this country in this subject, on the one hand, is the role of Islam and Islamist groups on political developments in Pakistan and, on the other hand, the provision of a favorable environment for the formation and growth of fundamentalism of the Talibanism type in the country and sending it to neighboring countries and the lack of mutual intimate relationship between the sovereignty of the country and the Baluch people that have led to the lack of confidence formation and perpetuation in the central government. The question that has been raised here is that how Pakistan's internal crisis has affected the border developments of the country with Iran? The purpose of this paper is to study Pakistan's internal crises and the deprivation of Sistan and Baluchistan province in terms of national development and the impact of these changes on the border between Pakistan and Iran. In order to achieve this aim a descriptive-analytical method will be employed.

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