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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of symbiotic (BiominÒImbo) on growth, survival, body composition and food cost of Caspian Roach (Rutilus frisii kutum) fry. This experiment conducted in a completely random design with four treatments which contain triplicates. Three levels of symbiotic (2 gr/kg, 4 gr/kg and 6 gr/kg of ration) (BiominÒImbo) were added to the basic diet. Fish fry were fed by experimental diets thrice a day at 10% of body weight for 70 days. Kutum fry (average individual weight, 623±6 mg) were randomly distributed with density of 2 fish/l into twelve 100 liter fiberglass tanks. The results indicated that fry which had been fed on the basal diet showed lesser production efficiency comparison other treatments. Adding synbiotic to diet had positive significant effects on the growth factors (final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversation ration, protein efficiency ratio, feed efficiency and daily feed intak). But food convertion ratio showed significant decreas. No significant difference in the condition factor was observed. Adding synbioic except protein has not significant difference in other body composition. Ultimately, when all variables was considered, synbiotic Biomin Imbo inclusion to diets leads to reduce significant incidence feed cost and increase significant profit index.

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View 1426

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    3 (15)
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Round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), like other gobiid fishes in the Caspian Sea, is ecologically important because of its feeding on unavailable food items for other fish species, as a competitor for bentophagus fishes, as a main food source for predator fishes and birds, and bringing about an increase in the number of marine fish. There are few studies on Gobiidae in Iran. The present study has been carried out to fill the gap about the feeding of these species. Sampling was carried out from 3 stations including west (Astara coast), central (Anzali coast) and east (Chaboksar coast), all located in the southwest of the Caspian Sea (Iranian coasts). Three depth zones including 0–5 m, 5–10 m and 10–15 m were selected. Every month the fish were captured by special bed trawl and then were transferred to laboratory to identify the food items in their gut (stomach). The results showed that the empty index of alimentary tract (CV) increased with increasing the temperature but relative gut length showed no difference with changing the age, sex and station. There was no difference in Feed intensity index (IF) regarding the sexes but there were some differences based on station and depth of sampling. The present study showed that round goby is a carnivore of benthophagous and euryphagous species. 21 different animal groups in its alimentary canal or gut were observed which showed it preferred mollusks and benthic crustaceans. Food preferable index of this goby showed it did not have any main food at Iranian coast of the Caspian Sea.

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View 1141

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    3 (15)
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The existence of the cost information of cultured fish to use for management in decision making is essential. Supplying the necessary data is in need of establishing an accountings system of cost. The objective of this research is to present an appropriate model of cost for culturing trout, and in this way, the necessary data related to fish culturing will be provided. Data collection is based on case study and library methodology and based on the study and investigation of the process of culturing trout, and according to the theoretical accounting, the model for the cost of the product will be given. In order to accept the offered model and the findings Delphi-Test was employed and the results were judges by experts and specialists in this realm to gather their suggestions and ideas, an appropriate form was used and its completion will be continued till all have the same agreement on it. Finally the appropriate model of cost information for culturing trout has been provided.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2154

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    3 (15)
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Total predation of 19 fish beach sein cooprative companies was evaluated in Golestan Province (Miankale, Khaje-Nafas and Gomishan Zones) by using of question forms and arrangement of special forms with them managements. Results were showed that predation ration of Rotilus frisii kutum was significantly more than two zones (Khaje-Nafas and Gomishan), as the ration of it strongly decreased from Miankale zone to Gomishan Zone. Inversely, predation ration of Cyprinus carpio was significantly more than two other zones and it strongly increased from Miankale Zone to Gomishan Zone. The ration of Mugilidae (Liza auratus and L.salince) was more less two zones. This different can be related to floor and it,s organisms. Regression model F test was significant. Also, T test parameters determined significant effect of Zones on the ration of the predation. Predation ration average in Khaje- Nafas and Gomishan Zones were 91466.9 and 50922.7 kg lower than Miankale Zone.

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View 1451

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    3 (15)
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This study was carried out in the south-west Caspian Sea (in coastal of Kiashahr waters) form September 2007 to May 2008 on Vimba vimba spicies of Cyprinidae. The samplings were monthly and samples were collected by several fishing gears beach seine. 415 specimens of Vimba vimba persa were catch. The measured parameters were: TL, FL, SL, body weight, aging (using scales), sex, gonad weight and egg diameter. All studied fishes were classified in 3 age groups (1+, 2+, 3+) years. We could recognize sexuality in 412 specimens. Males provided 42 percent and females provided 58 percent of the catch. The sex-ratio was, F: M=1:1/38. The range of agg diameter was measured 22 to 130m and the average of agg diameter has been 77±21/25m The minimum and maximum of absolute fecundity were estimated 6435, 13589 eggs in March and April, respectively. It’s mean was 10526 eggs. The minimum and maximum of relative fecundity were 92 and 152 eggs in March and December, respectively. The mean of relative fecundity in all samples was 128 eggs. The minimum and maximum of Gonadosomatic index (GSI) of males were 0.57±0.22% and 3.18±1.14% in November and May; and for females were 1.7±2.6% and 14.53±3.25% in October and June, respectively. The mean of Gonadosomatic index (±SD) in males and females were 2.16±1.53 and 6.35±4.19%, respectively.

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View 1143

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    3 (15)
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The use of prebiotics, nondigestible dietary ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and /or activating the metabolism of health- promoting bacteria in the intestinal tract, is a novel concept in aquaculture. This survey was conducted for evalution the efficiency of commercial prebiotic immunogen in five treatments (0, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%) in ration of giant sturgeon (Huso huso) juveniles in 3 weight range of small fishes with average weight 8.71±0.02 gr, medium fishes with average weight 25.15±0.01 gr and large fishes with average weight 53.69±0.02 gr. fishes were fed up six meals a day. The trial at period 8-week was conducted in Shahid Marjani Sturgeon hatchery of breeding and culture in summer 2009. At the end of culture period, growth performance and survival rate for giant sturgeon juveniles compared. The results showed that difference in average of weight, length, daily growth, body weight increase percent, specific growth rate percent and condition factor of fishes fed by diets containing 0.5% and 1% immunogen significantly (P<0.05) higher than control group. Difference food conversion rate in fishes fed the diets supplemented with 0.5% and 1% prebiotic immunogen significantly (P<0.05) lower than control group. Survival rate in fishes fed contained 0.5% prebiotic immunogen was higher than fishes fed by basal diet but there was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Based on these data, it is concluded that immunogen prebiotic in lower level can serve as functional feedstuffs in the diet of giant sturgeon juveniles by enhancing growth performance and survival.

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View 1404

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    3 (15)
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Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) were cultivated with chine's carp and common carp and were economically compared with the commonly-used cultivation method. The culture period was 6 months in 6 earth ponds with 1720 m2 area per pond in south Iran aquaculture research center in Ahvaz. Using random selection, 2 treatments with 3 repetitions were designed. Treatment 1, polyculture plus 150 B. sharpeyi. In both treatment organic and inorganic fertilizer were used the same. In treatments (1), fingerling benni were stock culture system, only artificial food amount of consuming was higher compare to control treatment. According to physical and chemical parameters the ponds water were suitable. Survival rate in control treatments 95 percent and treatment (1) 93 percent was calculated by using variance analyze test of mean camper were indicated that between production amount of fish in two treatment was not significant difference (P£0.05) Average of production in 2 treatments was 4976.5±592.74, 5993.2±764.04 kg/ha respectively. While treatment 1 had more production compare than control treatment. Advantage of 1 kg fish, advantage in hectare and expenses of 1 hectare was observed significant difference between No 1 treatment and control treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3204

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    3 (15)
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The study of the current velocity in the coast of Amir Abad port is important in analysis of environment and fishery problems. Current velocity causes of faster transfer to industrial waste to this region and affective the ecological processes on aquatic organisms. This research presents a numerical three dimensional model for the prediction of sea current velocity and wind driven circulation in Amir Abad region of south Caspian Sea. This numerical model is based on the governing equations of current and by using finite difference method supposing Dx and Dy constant and Dz is variable. The study region dimension is 2.2×7 km2 and every mesh size of model is DX=DY=100 m2. In vertical direction in 4 layers with thicknesses varying from the surface to the bottom respectively 5, 15, 25 meters, and more has been considered. The coriolis parameter is constant and hypotheses such as hydrostatic and Bussinesq approximation has been used. In this study, the temperature was considered as a constant parameter. The results of solving the model show that the current speed is approximately 10 cm/s which represents a good evaluation and about 20 percent error, compared with the measurements done by the ports and Navigation Organization at a similar time.

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View 803

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To analysis of consumer market of fishery products in Gorgan city, in the year of 1386, an investigation was conducted using questionnaire, 343 families were selected using independent random method. Collected information were analyzed using SPSS program, c², Mann-Whitney U, Kendall`s tau-c, Spearman Correlation tests. Result showed that per capita consumption of each person in this city is 9.12 Kg and the ten densities of Gorgani families are, respectively, fishes of Caspian Sea, warm and cold water. Factors such as quality and freshness, price, and healthy point of the place of distortion have the most important role in the decision of buying. About 39.5% Gorgani families prefer to buy the packed aquatics. The Lack of confidence on freshness and health of aquatics, having enough time, and their higher prices are the main reasons for the use of packed production. 58.4% consumers prefer to buy from fishery agencies that represent the necessity of creation and control of this shopping in Gorgan.

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View 1517

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The use of zeolite was investigated to improve the environmental condition of common carp. The fingerlings of 13 grams were tested in 4 treatments. Each treatment contained 60 fish and 3 replications, in RBD experiment design. The treatment was performed 20, 40, 80 and 120 mg/l and one without zeolite as control. EC, T, O2 and salinity was equal but the amount of No2, NO3, NH4 and total hardness, was lower in zeolite treatment compared to the control group. Other parameters such as TDS, pH and sulfide were not different. The results showed that using zeolite can improve the water condition but the SGR, PER, FCR and total weight, in spite of pronounced difference between the dosage of 8 and 120 mg/l, the difference was not significant. In treatment of 80 mg/l, weight increased for 31%, GR for 29%, SGR for 29%, PER for 42%, more than the control group. FCR in the control group was 3.07 while in treatment with 80 mg/l zeolite, it was 2.34.The present study showed by using zeolite and by good management to improve the water condition, it is possible to improve the growth parameters of fish.

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View 1030

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Kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) is one of the economically important fish in the Caspian Sea. To reproduce, these fish migrate from the Caspian Sea to various rivers every year. One of these rivers, which the fish migrate to, is Tajan River. For this reason, millions of newly born kutum, larva cultivated through artificial propagation, are released in the rivers entering the Caspian Sea every year. From among those, male broods have a significant role in the propagation process. For this reason, it seemed necessary to investigate the effect of age on the reproductive performance of male broods in artificial propagation efficiency in Kutum in 2008. For the present study, 3 groups of male broods (3, 4 and 5 years old) were fertilized with female’s broods individually. The results showed that, maximum average spermatocrit percentage (53.67±18.03%) belonged to 3- year- old male broods and maximum average concentration of mail (31.38±12.16×109) belonged to 4-year-old male broods. The results obtained indicated significant differences (P£0.05) in mean fertilization rate and hatching rate. The present study showed that the produced eggs from fertilization of 4- year-old male's milt and female's ova had maximum average of rate in fertilization percentage (95%) and hatching percentage (98.43%). Based on the results of the present study, 4- year-old male broods are the best choice in artificial propagation.

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View 804

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This study was carried out to determine reproductive conditions of large-scaled barb in the Shapoor River in Boushehr from January 2009 to January 2010. 891 pieces of fishes were caught by gill nets with different mesh sizes. The results showed that 7+ was the oldest age group. Fishes became mature at 2 years old. The maximum length of the caught fish was 691 mm, having absolute fecundity of 65000. The reproductive effort was calculated. It increased with age so that it increased from 2 years with 68.8 to 5 years with 82.1 and then decreased so that it became 80.2 in 6 years old. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) was calculated for both sexes. Female fishes gained spawning peak at two stages so that first peak was in April and second peak in June.

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View 1232

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Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897) is one of the most precious species of Caspian Sea. Considering Persian sturgeon is dominant species of Southern part of Caspian Sea; we should concern its facilities and test it in vivo. Persian sturgeon acclimatizes to artificial foods is very difficult. For this reason a mineral material matter by (Anzymite=Zeolite) added to food ration in order to stimulate food digestion and absorption. This is the first time that it has been added to food ration of Persian sturgeon finger lings to identify the effect of Anzymite on food ration efficiency in Shahid Beheshti Propagation and Culture of Sturgeon. 450 Persian sturgeon were tested by average weight of (3.70±0.74 gr) in fiber glass tanks (1 m3). Feeding conducted for a 60 period and three treatments (Anzymite 3%, Anzymite 5% and control group) applied by 3 replicates. The results has shown that there are statistical significant differences between treatment of 3% Anzymite with other treatments according to total weight and length, biomass increase, growth factors like this growth rate, specific growth rate, body weight index and food efficiency those were preferred comparing other treatments. Although condition factor and protein efficiency ratio in control were higher than other treatments. Feed conversion ratio in treatment diet contained by 5% Anzymite was significantly higher than other treatments. Survival rate of Anzymite 3% was higher than other treatments. Carcass analysis showed significantly highest protein and ash percent and the least fat and moisture in Anzymite5% (P£0.05). According results of this study we propose Anzymite 3% as an additive to get appropriate survival rate and growth for Persian sturgeon during finger ling culture.

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View 981

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Hydrocare is a compound of Hydrogen peroxide and sodium percarbonate which applied as a disinfectant. In this research 450 Beluga (Huso huso) fingerlings were kept in 9 veniros, in three replications of control group and treatments. First treatment was disinfected with 30 g/m3 dosage, second treatment was disinfected with 40 g/m3 dosage for 6 days (30 min) with Hydrocare. Alive samples in rearing water were moved to laboratory. Samples were washed with sterile neutral salt solution to remove adherent bacteria. Skin was removed in sterile condition, and then was homogenized and appropriate dilutions were spread on the surface of TSA (tryptic soy agar) and finally the plates were incubated. For bacterial loading in rearing water, above process was done by the same method .After bacterial growth, CFU (Colony Forming Unit) by means of counting colonies was measured. The mean of skin bacterial flora in the first treatment was 5.08±0.39 log CFU/gr and in the second treatment was 4.35±0.35 log CFU/gr and they had a lower amount in comparing with control group with the mean of5.81±0.38 log CFU/gr. In order to One way ANOVA and Tukey HSD tests there is a significant statistical difference. In the study rearing water ,the mean of bacterial flora of rearing water in the first treatment was4.38±1.47 log CFU/ml and in the second treatment was3.97±0.45 log CFU/ml and they had a lower amount in comparing with control group with the mean of4.87±1.54 log CFU/ml. In order to One way ANOVA and Tukey HSDtests there is a significant statistical difference.

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View 738

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