Each year, many large scale national projects face to operational problems. In this regard, risk management can play a significant role in identifying and taking preventive activities. In this research, using Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), a risk management procedure has been designed and implemented in transmission and high distribution power lines of Khorasan Regional Electric Company. First, different kinds of risks in transmission and high distribution power lines have been identified. Next, risks analysis have been carried out based on probability of occurrence, ease of detection, manageability as well as their impact on project goals. The rate of goals achievement was taken into account by three criteria including time, cost and quality of execution. This was followed by classification of the risks, through risk breakdown structure, and their prioritization. The results have shown that budget shortage, sanctions issues, improper selection of project team, are the main risks in the projects considered in this research. The proposed approach in this study, with minor modifications, may be employed to manage the risks in other large scale national projects.