Undoubtedly, Allameh Iqbal Lahori is one of the greatest bilingual poets in the Indo-Pakestan subcontinent whose character and poetic skills were to a great extend influenced and developed by Persian literature. Being familiar and trained in the school of great poets such as Sanaie, Molavi, Sadi, Hafez and many others, he has been able to compose odes, lyrics, quatrain, and other forms simultaneously signifying the reflection of these great poets and his own mental perception. The poet is deeply influenced by Molavi's Islamic concepts and mysticism yet this is not the case when dealing with Hafez and Sadi. His great literary works such as Inside Secrets (Asrar Khodi), Secrets Whatsoever (Romoos Bikhodi), Persian Zaboor (Zaboor Ajam), New Raz Masnavi (Golshan Raz Jadid), Orient Message (Payam Shargh), The Rest (May Baghi), Immortal Letter (Javid Nameh) and many others has bestowed him an important place in comparative literature. The researcher explores some of the mental and artistic influences on Lahori to the time of Hafez.