Masterpiece of Roodaki is in a well known Khamryh ode (Anacreontic Verse), "Madar e Mey (Mother of Wine)", which reminds Abu Navas, an Arabic poet; however, Abu Navas describes wine drinkers after considering all types of wines, their extracts, jars, aging, bubbles, tastes, colors and smells. Their resemblance is not in expressing wine customs and the way they look at wine drinkers but in wine fermentation, wine making and many detailed explanation of meanings. For example, on origin of the wine, Abu Navas calls the wine the daughter of the time made due to the time, so the time is its father and it was created from beginning of the creation. He attributes wine aging to Adam and Noah periods and sometimes to Aad and Thamud. His wine has experienced ZvAlqrnyn and Moses times. To Roodaki, it is a very old wine which is very experienced. In the present study, it was tried, representing a glancing view on Khmryh composing ( Anacreontic Verse) and wine describing considering forms of imagination specially similie, to compare subjects such as wine effectiveness, its subtlety, radiance and light, wine bubbles, sanctity, cup bearer, wine glass, drinks party, ceremonial, etc in Roodaki's and Abu Navas' poetic works.