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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The God has been claimed as the goal of the universe trend in verses of Holy Quran like: “ Indeed your lord is retaining. ” (Alaq-8) and “ Surely to Allah all things return. ” (Shawra-53). And obviously, a movement without any Goal, Knowledge and Recognition, will never guide human to final destination. Thus, the evolutionary Movement of human, through monotheistic pedagogy system, has to be wisely and thinkfully for the human to achieve some levels of the good life, promised in holy Quran. Surely this movement has its own especial interpretation and analysis, generated from divine worldview that defers from epistemological fundaments of secular pedagogy such as experimental positivism, revelation-free Darwinism and humanism. Present paper studied the most critical epistemological fundaments of monotheistic pedagogy (consisting possibility, resources and restraints), through a descriptive analysis procedure, based on Holy Quran verses. According to result of this study, since human has unlimited epistemic and scientific capabilities from Holy Quran point of view, thus, possibility of attaining knowledge is certain for him. Unlike western Philosophy schools, Quran has recognized various tools and resources such as senses, wisdom, intuition, revelation and inspiration for the human to attain various types of knowledge. Within the pedagogical system of this Holy book, beside the determination of knowledge restraints, establishment of a monotheistic pedagogy comprehensive system and escort of human towards a good life is depended the on consideration of all epistemological tools, regarding to their levels. The most crucial result of this discussion is certain science attainment, and deep knowledge, considering its major role in realization of right knowledge. KeywordsEpistemological

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Since the advent of Islam, all the poets who have cultivated their souls through their poetry have concidered the Qur'anic verses, hadiths and traditions, and have combined their thoughts and spirits and poetry with these two blessings. This effect of the Qur'an and hadith turned back to the middle of the third century In lunar system, although the manifestation of the Qur'an and the hadith is different in the poems of various poets in each period. Due to having witty poets and their interest in the Qur'an and hadith, they have provided a platform to use these two important things more. one of the poets who has Composed poetry based one Qur'an and hadith is Biddle Dehlavi. Biddle hasbeen able to articulate the path of mystical journey excellently through the artistic application of Quranicverses, hadiths and narratives, and based on three stages of Shariah, Tarigh and Truth. As well In this article, the effect of divine words and prophetic hadith on Biddle's poems is investigated; in his poems, Quranic themes and teachings are abundantly found. They can be seen in different aspects such as lexical, propositional, narrative, allusive, adaptive, and visual effects.

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The manifestation of Quranic teachings in philosophical approaches on the one hand, and the demonstration of Qur'anic teachings through philosophical analysis, on the other hand, signify a deep link between revealed knowledges and philosophical ideas in the epistemic system oftranscendent philosophy. Among the issues that reveal correspondence between Sadrian philosophical findings with the Qur'anic teachings is Mulla Sadra's view in the coextensive of being and perception. A look at Mulla Sadra's philosophical analysis on this issue and survey and critique of its compatibility with the Qur'anic teachings is the subject of this article.

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Animal pain and suffering in the domain of nature are undeniable facts, which give rise to the problem of incompatibility of such facts with divine attributes of omniscience, omnipotence and absolute benevolence of God in Abrahamic faiths. Theologians have endeavored to meet this challenge by both explaining the compatibility and persevering their traditional faith in divine attributes. Mark Maller, however, attempted to solve the problem by reinterpretation of divine attributes and abandoning theorthodox beliefs. The problem with Maller and his like Christian theologians was to rely on nonreligious presumptions rather than on theistic foundations in finding a solution for the problem. The critique of their stance is that one cannot formulate a logical consistent argument by adopting some premises from religious fources and other premises from nonreligious ones. It seems that a holistic view and looking into scriptural thrives can provide a better and more coherent solution for animal suffering.

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Belief in prophecy is one of the principles of the religion of Islam. Faithful scholars have shown the qualities of the Prophet, Timmans and his joy for the emergence of beliefs and proximity to the prophetic tradition and persuading them to obey the carnal messenger. Sayf, a mystic poet of Ferghana's profession, is familiar with the deep moral, religious, and historical events of the Prophet's epoch and, with particular attention to the sources of the souland interpretation, with a comprehensive and artistic expression, has drawn the great events of the life of the Prophet into the field of purification and erosion. The image that he presents in Khatamalanbine's style expresses the deep devotion of this well-known poet to the Prophet Mohammad. In these lines, poetic evidence is extracted from the image of the Messenger of Nikki from the Divan Saif Farghani and descriptively-analytically, in terms of individual and social characteristics, attributes, titles, miracles and. . . Examined and categorized.

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Shahidi Abbas Ali

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Social networks are consequence of Internet and ICT applications. The study aimed to investigate the effect of membership in a social network virtual on the level of Identification and sense of security adolescents. The research was descriptive and causal-comparative. The population was consist of all boys and girls in the city of Arak that selected 200 people with using purposive sampling. To collect data was used Question naira sordid gentrification (ISI)and social security questionnaire. The data were analyzed with T-test and analysisof variance and using SPSS software. Result showed that between levels of identification and social security in the member sandman-members adolescents، there was no significant difference. Based on the findings of this study seem that membership in socialnetworks alone do not explain the levels ofidenti ficationor social security Ado lessens and other factors such as family, school environment and educational environment and other condition straining and develop end processing the adolescents can influence the form at ion fid entity and sense of security of them

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Westerners have paid a great deal of attention to Islam and Muslims in recent years. This has left a tremendous legacy of researches and books. The results presented have centered for many politicians, research institutions, and even the Western public, shaping major political and strategic doctrines. However, some codings as Islamophobia has rooted from the very heart of it and consequently many politicians and the media has used these arguments in order to reclaim their ideas in this contest. Bernard Lewis is one of the contemporary Western Islamic scholars, whose studies on the matter of Islam and it’ s cultural, economical, and social the Middle East region, has left a body of works, which is the center of attention for many politicians and the media. Without any doubts, further study of his works will be helpful in establishing recognition on this thoughts and its construction.

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Hajibabaei Hamidreza

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From the perspective of the Qur'an, the way to achieve the happiness of the world and the Hereafter is to follow the pattern of monotheistic education. Quran expresses the main purpose of creation as the cultivation of man. And for this purpose, the road map has been determined, in which rules, paths, methods and methods are determined and how to achieve the goal through full patterns. The monotheistic education model in the form of society has depicted general features, a complete individual, and sometimes depicted with a particular attribute of a person, and who has been discouraged by ) On the other hand, it is applied in applied science, which uses fundamental sciences, epistemology, theology, anthropology, valueology, psychology, sociology, philosophy, theology, and jurisprudence. And it's not limited to worldly science. Based on this argument, the training takes place. And the concept of education from the root of "Rabo" in the Quran is limited in scope. But from the root of the "rebab" has a wide and wide range. And "Rabbit Verbiate" plays a decisive role in interacting with the monotheistic world. Because of its gravity, it has a total lack of ownership and modesty. And the only creator can be paste. In this realistic depiction, education from the perspective of the Qur'an, the recognition of the Creator, the Owner and the Immortal, the acceptance of Him as the only Passover and the act of His commandments and His will, which is the same religion. After all, The affairs are guided through full patterns. . unscrupulous patterns, tends to monotheism toward a monotheistic worldview.

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The present study aimed to study and analyze the nature of epistemology, principles, extent, types and sources of knowledge. This applied research is descriptive and analytical. According to the results, science and knowledge are obtained using various sources such as nature, wisdom, revelation, etc. Meanwhile, the lack of access to such knowledge is a major obstacle to achieve the ultimate goal. Since different ways can be used to develop knowledge in the learners, teachers must pay attention to the best way of acquiring knowledge through such philosophical studies. Knowledge can only be obtained through experience. It should be noted that the purpose of education needs to be accompanied by knowledge. The anthropological perspective of existentialism, therefore, searches for the root of knowledge in man. Accordingly, more freedom must be given to the students in order to search for knowledge, given their psychological needs.

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The nature is a term that refers to the essence and nature of the objects and phenomena of the universe and accordingly, the meaning of the nature of death, is its truth. Death in public use means the inexistence of this universe and the end of life. But writers and scholars in different domains of thought, especially in the domain of mysticism and Sufism, have, from their point of view, explained the nature and concept of death, based on their attitude of the post-death world. In addition, Molana has a significant position in the field of poetry and mysticism. Thepraise of death and the conceptual relationship between the nature of death and life in his intellectual geometry with another form, been specially considered by him. He is not the first and the last person to strive to explain the nature of his death andpraise. But praising the death with passion-centered and foreignization of its nature and its image, in addition to emphasizing the meaningful hidden attractions in the philosophy of life in the form of artistic imaginings, has a high and unparalleled frequency in his works. In this essay we have tried through precision and research in his perspective and based on his valuable works, especially the valuable book of Mathnawi, the nature of death, the goals and motives of praise of death and the story of his passion for dealing with this mysterious incident in addition to enumerate his sources of thought in this field, We will analyze and research.

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Proscription and approval are two precedent approaches among the Muslim petitioners and clergymen. Approval originates from Sunni principles while proscription has a root in Shiite ones. Since two tribes of shiite and Sunnite have had disputes on the issue of the caliphate of prophet this kind of above-mentioned issues caused a distinction between their approaches more and more. The studies done by researchers in academic centers and religeous schools are often descriptive and merely illustrative. A deep and precide look at both the issue of proscription and approval of kalami functional challenges of these views was the main reason for the study. In this research, in addition to descriping and explaining both categories. The kalami errors of theseviews are reviewed by examining the comprehensiveness or deficiency of religion from the perspective of approval and also the problem of excommunication and its relation with the proscription has been examined. Bisides the contrast and paradox of the tow approaches, equality and unity of the content of tow views and some of the positive and constructive aspects of the thought of approval have been other findings from the researcher.

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