Mirza Baba Bayk, with the pen-name of Jooya is one of the well-known poets in Indian Style and was a talented student of Kalim Kashani and Saeb Tabrizi. His book of poetry, by imitation of Kalim and Saeb is repleted with opposite meanings and themes; that’s, like kalim and Saeb, he was the influence of such causes and factors as: the reason of being in different situations, lack of spiritual and mental equilibrium, creating themes, attaining the colorful meanings as used to imply " the unfamiliar meaning "; he had different attitudes toward the mythological, historical, religious, poetical elements and surrounding phenomena and created new and opposite themes which in Indian style means that the poets of this style, by creating novel themes and avoidance of stereotyped and undimentional subjects which are current in Persian literary norms (Iragy Style), together with norm deviation the familiarity, has broken the past poetical tradition and given new meanings ( positive and negative or praise and denunciation ). The writer, in this research, has extracted the opposite themes and meanings from Jooyayeh Tabrizi’s odes and has arranged them alphabetically, and where it needed has brought examples from other poets in the footnotes. The outcome is that dealing with the opposite themes and meanings, by norm-deviation and following the Indian style are of higher frequency.