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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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This survey is accomplished by the purpose of effective social and cultural factors on educational progress of high-school students in Shoush city. Out of 3200 persons about 280 persons were selected as sample volume according to Cochran formula. Sampling method was simple random. The most appropriate theory for this research is Parsons systematical theory. In this survey, the relation of 8 variables are estimated with educational progress. The results from statistics in this research show that there is a meaningful relation between sex, social, class and family size, self-respect, course likeness and educational progress of students. According to acquired results, study hours, sex, parents social class and self–respect degree have more influence in prediction of educational progress of high school students.

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This research examines effective social and family factors toward delinquent behavior. It is a survey research and uses structured questionnaire for gathering the data. A representative sample is 350 students. The result shows that there is a reverse and significant relation among religiousness, the level of parents control of children, family engagement, socio-economic status and school engagement with delinquent behavior. Also the result shows that the relation between Interaction with delinquent friends and students delinquency is positive and significant. The regression analysis shows 6 variables are concerned and 65.5 percent of variance of dependent variable has been explained by independence variable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Concerning about the social relationship is an important issue in classic and contemporary sociology. The contemporary sociologists employ the concept of social capital to study the quality and quantity of social relationship within the society. Social capital refers to the capital and resources which people can gain by having ties with each other’s. For this reason, researchers seek to identify and strengthen social phenomenon which have positive impact on social capital. Given the positive consequences of sport for people's social life, the present study seeks to examine the difference of social capital among youth with emphasis upon sport participation. That is to compare the stocks of social capital among athletic university students and non-athletic ones. The present study employed the theories of Putnam, Coleman, Bourdieau, and also functionalism, conflict and symbolic interactionism as its theoretical framework. From the methodology standpoint, it used the survey method and a questionnaire was administered among 387 students of Mazandaran University. For data gathering purpose, a multi-stage proportional stratified sampling method was employed. Face validity and high reliability through alpha Cronbach's coefficient were gained by a pre-test. The findings revealed a significant difference between athletic university students and non-athletic ones in terms of social capital. In other words, athletic students enjoyed higher level of social capital than the non-athletic students.

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This study compares the status of the Technical schools (Fani herfeee & Kardanesh). The research was conducted in Khorasan Razavi (E. North of Iran). We compared educational components including human resources, the equipment and workshop places with the existing standards. In this research, the target population constitutes boy students of Kardansh school and the sample included the field studies of "Web-page Designing" and "Civil power supply" and for Kardanesh school girls included the fields of ''Sewing & Designing clothes'' as well as ''Family Planning''. Also in Technical-Vocational schools، the sample for girls included ''Business Accounting'' and ''Graphics'' and for boys includes ''Electro-technique'' and ''Buildings''. The results revealed that among three components (place، human resources and equipment of the workshop) human resources in comparison with the other two components is in better situation. Finally 56.75 percent of educational non-workshop places (including classrooms and libraries) is under the standard level and 43.25 percent remain at the standard level. Therefore، improving the current situation should be considered more seriously.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the paper, it analyses the relationship between social capital and social security among the youth in sari (Northern Iran). Out of 65326 young people more than 118 ones were randomly selected through Cochran sampling method. The Alph-coranbach coefficient for the social capital were %85 and for social security were %83. According to Pearson correlation coefficient, there is a significant relationship between social participation, social trust, social relation, social solidarity with social security among the youth in Sari.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2605

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This study is examining the relationship between the rate of religiousity and attitude toward democracy in Nayshabor citizens. To do so, a survey was done in a sample of 295 literate citizens were selected in PPS method. Theoretical framework is selected according to the theories of Lenski, Weber and Cultural wars theory and religiosity measurement is done according to Glock and Stark’s multidimensional model. Attitude toward democracy is measured according to fundamental principles enumerated by Robert Dohl. Results indicate a significant, inverse and negative relationship between rate of religiosity, belief dimension of religiosity, ritual dimension of religiosity, judicial dimension of religiosity and also education level with attitude toward democracy it also shows that there is a direct and positive relationship between consequential dimension of religiosity and attitude toward democracy. The results also indicate that there is no relationship between age, gender and marital status with attitude toward democracy.

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The purpose of the study is to review social factors creating value differences of two generation in sari, (Northern Iran). The theoretical framework of research is the social system theory based on Talcot Parson's action theory. UN adopted range of 15-24 was used to select the youth, then by Cochran sample size, 266 young people and 532 individuals (father and mother) were selected. Questionnaires were filled in using stratified method and in a systematic random way considering age and gender and dividing Sari (Mazandaran capital) into approximately 8 equal parts. The specific feature of the study is to use 3 separate sets of questionnaires for fathers, mothers, and the youths. The following results were obtained considering the four hypotheses: the economic character of the youth had little or reverse effect on their value differences and their parents, while parents' economic character had highly reverse effect on value differences. Parents and youth political characters moderately determined value differences, but it was reverse among the youth. Social character had higher differences, and it in part determined youth's value differences, and it in part determined youth's value differences. This character shows the differences on moderate and reverse level for parents. The cultural character in both moderately showed the differences, but it was reverse for each. Value differences can be generally seen amongst youth and parents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research was done in order to describe the content of proposed lyrics’ concepts in permissible pop music based on published audio works’ list of music publication office in 2009 among 200 albums of music office published audio works, the 10 number of pop singers were randomly selected and the lyrics’ concept of 70 music were also investigated. In the process of data analysis in the first step (open coding) were obtained 504 codes. The open coding is the process of breaking and conceptualizing data. The level 1 codes are relatively simple and changed gradually. In the second step, with summarizing codes in the similar groups were obtained 76 categories and the third step means that oriented coding of youth isolation and gender categories in the content of pop lyrics were selected as a central categories. In this study, the content of 70 lyrics were examined in the 10 singers’ albums in which 45.83% of concepts relate to gender and 54.16% (273 cases) relate to youth isolation. It’s obvious from this findings which 54.16% (273 cases) of proposed concepts in the content of lyrics is allocated to the concepts which have a sign of isolation, unwillingness and give in. Youth fragmented culture adopted of pop music have a sign of youth isolation, unwillingness and give in. It’s recommended that culture and music supervisory especially pop music programmers and responsible persons pay attention to this important matter and take action with more supervisory on lyrics and music content along enriching.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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