The purpose of the study is to review social factors creating value differences of two generation in sari, (Northern Iran). The theoretical framework of research is the social system theory based on Talcot Parson's action theory. UN adopted range of 15-24 was used to select the youth, then by Cochran sample size, 266 young people and 532 individuals (father and mother) were selected. Questionnaires were filled in using stratified method and in a systematic random way considering age and gender and dividing Sari (Mazandaran capital) into approximately 8 equal parts. The specific feature of the study is to use 3 separate sets of questionnaires for fathers, mothers, and the youths. The following results were obtained considering the four hypotheses: the economic character of the youth had little or reverse effect on their value differences and their parents, while parents' economic character had highly reverse effect on value differences. Parents and youth political characters moderately determined value differences, but it was reverse among the youth. Social character had higher differences, and it in part determined youth's value differences, and it in part determined youth's value differences. This character shows the differences on moderate and reverse level for parents. The cultural character in both moderately showed the differences, but it was reverse for each. Value differences can be generally seen amongst youth and parents.