The New Style or the Indian Style initiated in the late 10th century (AH) and continued until the early 12th century (AH). It is a sure fact that this type of style, which encompasses numerous poets of that era has had an undeniable impact on Persian Literature, which can be traced until recently. Unfortunately, no significant and/or appropriate studies have ever been accomplished in Persia or for that matter, in any other country, in regard to this type of style, to investigate its points of strength or on the other hand, the weaknesses of this specific type of style. One can assume that among the reasons why this style is neglected are the negative views of the foremost scholars of Persian Literature that were under the influences of the written books called "Tazkirah" during the era, known as the "era of return", and the negative approach of these books towards that kind of literary style. Furthermore, it should be noted that the glorification of the foremost Persian literary works is another reason for the shortage of study and research about this particular style. Moreover, other important reasons are the distribution of the recourses of this style and the unawareness of the previously done studies about this specific subject in other countries, and the failure to investigate this subject matter in a historical context. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and to analyze the oldest critical researches of Orientalists that deal with the study of the Persian literature, and to study then, that kind of works that introduces this New Style or elaborates on the poets, who followed the Indian Style. As a result, this study aims to answer some important questions. For instance, who is the first person, who introduced the poets of this era? What are the first known Persian "Tazkirah" books ever published, and then, how and to what extend did they affect the future studies? And what is the general point of view of the Orientalists in regard to the poetry of that era, until 1895.