Mowlavi's mystical masterpiece of Mathnavi is one of the few works that, in the same period of time, has kept its freshness and freshness in many respects. One of the aspects of the novelty of this work is the use of allegory in the expression of mystical concepts. In addition, among the ancient works, the most striking literary work in which allegory is very much seen is Rumi's Masnavi. Rumi has turned to allegory to bring mystical content closer to the mind, understanding and perception of the audience, and also to explain his purpose to the allegory, and as much as a more vague and complex issue, he adds to the number of allegories. Although Rumi is influenced by the style of Quranic stories in allegorical anecdotes, he has a personal style in allegory. In this descriptive-analytic research, the narrations and allegories related to the topic of "neglected and discursive neglect" and the way of making symbols in these allegories are examined. The results of the research show that Mowlana used only one analogy to convey the neglect of Mamdouh But he has used allegories of wandering to explain the neglected neglect. The symbols and codes of neglect in the sleepy Mathnavi (for neglected and neglected), harp, night, cotton, curtains and eggs. Maulana knows the cause of human neglect as the soul, the will, the world and its blessings, God's rudeness and blessings.