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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Now a day maintenance and repair is main base for all industries, its importance is obvious. Maintenance and repair are very important for economical production. Maintenance system has a special role in those industries which use machineries and equipment. TPM has made a basic change in industries. This system use all parts of production system to improve productivity, it a good culture and insure improvement of all quality and productivity of product system. This research is about fisibility study of TPM system, implement in Khuzestan petrochemical co. Data are collected by two type of questionnaire's. A standard audit questionnaire (ISO 8401) for seven subjects and a researcher designed questionnaire for subjects, it's validity and reliability has been tested. The results show that there is not structure and human base for applying TPM in Khuzestan Petrochemical Co.

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The strategic analysis, formulation and selection of strategy are the two first and important components of strategic management, which require identify and analyze the organizational strengths, weaknesses, and also environmental opportunities and threats facing organization. Many techniques can be used to analyze strategic cases in the strategic management process. Among them, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis, which evaluates the organizational opportunities, threats, and its environmental strengths, and weaknesses, is the most common. However, the result of SWOT analysis is often merely a listing or an incomplete qualitative examination of the internal and external factors. SWOT analysis does not provide an analytical means to determine the relative importance of factors, or the ability to assess the appropriateness of decision alternatives based on these factors, and also rank then. For this reason, this matrix cannot comprehensively support the strategic decision-making. In this paper, the matrix SWOT is integrated with Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy ANP, and Fuzzy TOPSIS in order to support of the process of strategic analysis, formulation, and selection of strategy. This integration can capture vague and uncertain in strategic decision- making process, quantify SWOT factors to determine the effect of each factor on the proposed strategy, and determine the degree important of them. As well, it can rank the formulated strategies in term of the impacts of SWOT strategic factors on the success of organization, and provide adequate vision and knowledge related to own organization's capabilities and competencies for organization strategic team in order to exploit around environment for acquiring competitive advantage.

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The aim of this paper is to study the adoption rate of Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company with lean thinking principles. Lean thinking is a solution for minimizing the costs and wastes and is a way to continuous productivity and value creation. Managers by deeply understanding of this paradigm could use its techniques and make their firms ready to competition. For this purpose in this paper first the theoretical background of lean thinking has been reviewed and its principles have been described. Afterwards a descriptive survey method has been used to inspect the adoption rate of Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company with lean thinking principles. The population of this study is 140 peoples of Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company including the experts, managers and supervisors. The sample insists of 50 people selected by chance. A questionnaire has been used to measure the score of each criteria of lean thinking. The results of study show that the criterion of specifying Value has the best and the criteria of perfection have the worst situation. At the conclusion some suggestions has been made to flow the firm toward the lean organizations.

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Total quality management (TQM) in the manufacturing sector at the start but gradually emerged to service organization also affected. The aim of TQM is to create organizational and cultural change that is going to force staff, team work, therefore, increase morale in the entire organization, improving organizational culture and leading to profits. Studies show that consumers are in close contact with service providers, and they are involved in the service process. Total Quality Management approach in which organizations such as insurance customers are voluntary purchaser of its products is more important. Because in the insurance industry, the general attitude on the principles of marketing is that, no one buy our products rather should sell, that attention and supply of customers need is necessary. In this study the effect of different levels of TQM on performance aspects of insurance companies according to David Garvin model in the insurance industry has been studied. According to this model inform, speed of services, health of services, and beauty, and good behavior, accuracy of services, flexibility and legality, were. Method EX-post facto and statistical test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test assumptions were used. Investigation showed that the effect of different levels of TQM on performance aspects of insurance companies of Iran is different.

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This research carried out with the purpose of investigates the mediating role of job enrichment in relations between transformational leadership components with affective commitment. Research statistical populations were the industries under licensees in industry and mineral domain of EhyaSepahan Company 2500 persons in summer of 1388. From this statistical population, 329 persons selected with the using of tow stage sampling. For data collection questionnaire has been used. Questionnaires which has been used including transformational leadership with 22 items and four subscales namely, group goals, personal support, intellectual role model and high performance expectancies, job diagnostic survey with 23 items for assessment of job enrichment and affective commitment with 8 items. Data from research questionnaires analyzed with the using of structure equation modeling and mediation regression analysis. Primary model has been presented on the basis of transformational leadership components as a predictor variable, job enrichment as the mediator variable and affective commitment as a criterion variable. Results from structure equation modeling showed that there is not significant relation between group goals with job enrichment, therefore this path has been deleted from research model, and conversely a path added from intellectual role model to affective commitment for improvement of model. In general, the results of this research revealed that, job enrichment played a complete mediator role in relations between personal support and high performance expectancies as a two components of transformational leadership with affective commitment, but in relation between intellectual role model as another component of transformational leadership with affective commitment, job enrichment played the partial mediator role.

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The politics is from natural elements of managers' strategic decisions. Strategic decision making is defined to be involved in financial benefits. This persuades managers to support each other and leads them to control information and construct consortium. The politics leads to a weak strategic decision making process. This political behavior is stronger where managers face to financial issues. The involvement of manufacturing organizations in political behavior of financial managers could affect financial reports prepared by them. Hence, the objective of this research is to prepare a discriminator and prediction model to differentiate political from nonpolitical managers. From 450 companies 190 did not have research conditions and finally we selected 70 from 260 companies as research sample, in error level of 0.1 by systematic sampling. By SPSS statistical software version 15 data was analyzed and we presented the discrimination model based on two groups of financial and managerial variables. The results indicate the age of manager is the strongest discrimination variable, after that ROS and again two managerial variables namely experience and genders are the strongest. Therefore, financial performance variables are weaker than managerial variables. The total success of the model to prediction of depend variable (to be political or not) is 91.4 in this research that indicates the model is successful to prediction.

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Several economic frameworks agree with the fact that reaching suitable condition for economical development needs technical progress of production elements. One of these elements is labor's productivity and hence, considering labor's productivity and attempt to improve it is important. In this research, we survey some of the effective factors and their effects on the labor's productivity. We use the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) in the time period between 1354 to 1386 to analyze the effect of different factors including economy openness, practitioner population, human resource and capital intensity on the labor's productivity in IRAN's economy. For examining whether there is a long-term relation in the pattern, the bounds testing approach (Pesaran, Shin and Smith, 1999) has been used. The results indicate that openness, human resource and capital intensity have positive and meaningful affect on the labor's productivity in long run, and practitioner population has negative and meaningful affect in long run. Two structural stability tests including CUSUM and CUSUMSQ show that the estimated coefficients are stable during the study period.

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The aim of this research is the pathology of knowledge management in government agencies and provide practical solutions for employing and improving the knowledge management. The research is ' started by this fundamental question: How can we manage the knowledge in government agencies? In this research the concept mapping is used. Here for, we survey the effective factors in knowledge management in government agencies and after identifying 51 indexes as effective elements on knowledge management in government agencies, we classify these indexes in 3 classes of elements: organizational' factors, environmental factors and citizens. These studies are based on exact analysis of theoretical bases and the comments of 17 professors of knowledge management in IRAN. The efficiency of these factors in the proposed model is confirmed based on the analysis with Stella and Lisrel software.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research has been done in order to evaluating of the internal sufficiency of the specialized and general short range educational centers of Islamic Azad University and comparing it in units of area 10. In this research that has been done by case study, the phases of short range education process (accreditation, planning, performance and evaluation) have been ranked in Islamic Azad universities of area 10. So it has considered the area units (Golestan and Semnan province) in order to specify the ability of execution of specialized and general short range educational plans for personals, faculty members and department’s heads of in-service educational centers. The method of research is descriptive study, study aim is applicable and conduct of that is survey-descriptive. Statistical populations is 2600 that includes personals, faculty members and department heads of area 10. By using stratified random sampling and based on Q test, 324 sample data was selected among 2600 statistical populations. In order to collecting data, we use researcher made questionnaire with reliability which was examined by Cranach’s alpha (a=%87) so needs assessment was %75, planning was %77, performance was %78 and evaluation was %80. In order to analyzing the data, a test of T and F (anova) and scheffe test (L.S.D) was employed. So data was analyzing by SPSS and EXCEL. The results showed that is significant difference between averages of sufficiency number of short range educational centers in observance of accreditation principles based on division of area 10 units. So, it was found that the phase of performance has the most sufficiency and Shahrood unit is in first rank in order to have sufficiency number in observance of accreditation principles and gorgan, MinouDasht units are in next phases.

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