Nowadays, increase in population and their needs to food and enough primary row materials, cause in degradation of natural resources in most of the countries in the world such as Iran, that due to geographic and climate conditions is different. Therefore suitable utilization of water resources especially floodwater can play important role in reduction of degradation and helping to food supply and improving environmental conditions. This paper is attempting to evaluate the impacts of floodwater spreading on changes of ground covers (vegetation, litter and bare soil) and standing crop production in a flood spreading area in Sohrain-Gharecharian plain of Zanjan. This plain is located in northwest of Zanjan and included rainfed, follow and released area. For these purposes, the data of diverted floodwater to the experimental area were collected during five hydrological years from October 1998 to June 2003. In order to evaluate the ground cover changes in four sites in spreading area, totally 16 permanent transects (14 in spreading area and 2 as control) were established. Then during a five-years period (1999 - 2003), by Line Intercept Method, the percentage of canopy cover of vegetation, litter and bare soil was noted. Also, for evaluating the standing crop production, 50 plats of 3x3 m (39 in floodwater spreading area and 11 in control area) were established and the standing crop of 1m2 fromeach of them were randomly cut and weighted each year. The results showed that the mean canopy cover in the spreading area increased from 22.22 to 56.18 %. The mean bare soil cover also decreased from 56.18 to 33.4 % during study period. The standing crop production in the last year increased 315 % related to first year and 208 % related to control site. Data analyzing by T-Test method showed that the differences of vegetation cover in 2 sites of spreading area were significant at 5 % level, and one site at 1% relate to control site. In totally, The differences of mean vegetation cover in spreading area with control site were significant at 1% level. For bare soil three sites had significant differences with control site at 1% level. For the production, the statistical analyzing showed that in the two first years, the changes of standing crop production was not significant related to control, but in last three years these differences became significant at 5 and 1 % level.