This experiment was conducted to determine the nutritive value of Phragmatis australis which grow in Khuzestan wetland. Chemical composition and digestibility of samples were measured by in vitro and in vivo method. Samples were taken randomly from Hoveizeh, Shadegan and Elhaea wetlands with one month interval and digestibility of dry matter and organic matter were determined using rumen fluid from buffalo. For in vivo experiment three castrated buffaloes were used. The animals were fed adlibitum. The mean values for crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, NFE, Organic matter, Ash, Calcium, Phosphorus were: 10.5, 1.17,32.62,42.96, 13.2, 86.8, 0.47 and 0.36 respectively and the values for digestibility of in vivo experiment for dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, nitrogen free extract, total digestible nutrient, and digestible energy were: 41-36, 43.68, 49.4, 33.63, 51.45, 38.43, 39.5 and 1.89 Mcal/kg respectively. The values of digestibility for in vitro experiment for dry matter in 3 periods of time in Hoveyzeh marsh was 40.53, 33.84 and 29.27% respectively and in Shadegan marsh it was 31.05, 35.07 and 20.7% and at last to Alhaea was 37.62, 32.56 and 33.47% respectively. The digestibility of organic matter in Hoveyzeh, Shadegan and alhaea marsh for 3 periods of time were 42.89,32.59,30.28% and 32.32, 35.23, 19.29 and 42.7,33.28, 34.99 percent respectively.