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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The Caspian goby, Neogobius caspius, belongs to Gobiidae family and it lives only in the Caspian Sea. Since this fish may be used as food for Caspian Sea commercial, fishes therefore this fish can be regarded as an important endemic species. The main aims of this study was studying dietary habits such as food items, preference, quantitative prey and their temporal, spatial and size changes. Sampling has been done monthly from Oct. 2005 to Sep. 2006 in four stations from depth 0-15 meters at Astara to Chaboksar stations, with bottom trawl. (In Gilan coasts in the Caspian Sea waters). The results on 701 full-gut specimens of N. caspius showed that, they have a total length of 24-176 with an average 88.70±31.4 mm, a weight 0.15-65.10 with an average 10.85±11.7 g and an age 0+-6+ with an average 1.96±1.4 years old. Coefficient vacuity, relative gut length and intensity of gut fullness were 8.72%, 0.76±0.17 and 267.7±263.3 respectively. There were significant differences between stations, seasons, sampled depths and the fish ages in studied indexes. Caspian goby was feed on 30 different preys consist of Zooplanktons (8 different groups), Benthic animals (15 different groups) and fishes (7 different groups). Young and yearlings had fed mainly mixed food (zooplankton and small benthic animals) and adults had fed mainly zoobenthose. Gammarids, Bivalvia, Cumaceae and Vormes were observed in 44.7, 38.9, 24.8 and 19.7% of full gut studied samples respectively. Bivalvia, Cumaceae, Gammarids and Ostracoda were main preys and had the most numbers in the fish gut, 26.9, 25.9, 25.3 and 10.9% respectively. In general, it can be concluded that, goby in studied area is euryphagous, carnivorous, benthphagous and mix-eater (molluscs-crustaceans) species.

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This study has been done in Bahrakan waters (Hendijan Harbor) to investigate and study on Paracalanoidae Copepods species, during July, August, October 2010 and December, February and April 2011. Zooplankton samples were collected with plankton tows using 100μm mesh net. Environmental factors such as salinity and temperature have been measured. Five species of Paracalanidae have been identified through this study and Paracalanus parvus with 53 percent relative frequency was dominant species between Paracalanidae species. Maximum and minimum density of Paracalanidae has recorded on July and August, and December and February, respectively.

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This study was carried out to determine the heavy metals content (Lead, Nickel and Cadmium) of liver and muscles of Rastrelliger kanagurta in Bandar Abbas (Hormozgan province) from June 2010 to August 2011. Twenty Tallal fish (Rastrelliger kanagurta) were obtained from landing site using random method. Samples were transferred to laboratory for biologic studies. Microwave Digestion method was used for digestion of samples. After preparation of samples, the content of heavy metals was determined by Varian, Model AA 100. Average content of Nickel, Cadmium and Lead concentration in liver was 0.4017±0.0 Ø154, 0.1711±0.0123 and 0.0854±0.0018 µg/g respectively. In muscles, these amounts were 0.2235±0.0121, 0.±0.0034, and 0.0321±0.0016 mg/g, respectively. According to the results the content of these metals are lower than the international standards of WHO, UK, EPA, NHMRC, and MAFF. According to ANOVA test, average content of Lead, Cadmium and Nickel showed a signifiant difference in liver and muscle tissues of Rastrelliger kanagurta (P<0.05). There was no significant correlation between biological factors and metals concentration.

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Heavy metal pollution of aquatic environments has become a global issue in both developing and developed countries. In this study, the concentration of nickel (Ni) and vanadium (V) has been investigated in surface sediments and Saccostrea cucullata in six stations in Bandar Lengeh and Hendourabi Island in fall 2010 and spring of 2011 respectively. The obtained results show that the average of Ni concentration in soft tissues of S. cucullata in Bandar Lengeh were higher than same species in Hendourabi Island, while the accumulation of V in different tissues (soft and hard tissues) of S. cucullata in Hendourabi Island were significantly higher than then the Bandar Lengeh. The findings also indicated that there is a positive and significant correlation between Ni and V concentrations in the shell of S. cucullata and their concentrations in sediment at Hendourabi Island. However there was no relationship between heavy metal concentrations in soft tissue of S. cucullata and sediments. In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between Ni content in soft tissue of S. cucullata and sediment in Lengeh Port, meanwhile in S. cucullata there was a positive significant correlation among V content in shell of oyster and sediment. Therefore, for biomonitoring of Ni and V metals in Hendourabi Island, the hard tissue of oyster was found to be better than the soft tissue. While in Bandar Lengeh, the soft tissue and the shell of oyster were found more suitable biomonitoring organ for Ni and V metals respectively.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum temperature and feeding conditions for growth of rotifer, Brachionus rotundiformis. This research was done in Aquaculture Department of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute (Hormozgan Province) in December 2010. The rotifers were cultured in three temperatures (25, 30 and 35oC) and were fed with two species of microalgae including: 1) Nannochloropsis oculata 2) Chlorella spp and 3) mixture of Chlorella spp. and Nannochloropsis oculata. Results revealed that temperature increase caused rising in the density of rotifers. The lowest density of rotifers was observed in 25oC and the highest density was observed in 35oC. There was a significant difference between the rotifer densities in different temperatures (p<0.05). In all the experiments, the combined effects of temperature and algal diets on rotifer growth were significant (p<0.05). Also the best result was observed in the experimental group in 35ºC temperature and using Nannochloropsis oculata as the main food (308.75 /ml).

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Khouzestan coastal areas could be characterized from other parts of Persian Gulf by having shallow, high turbidity, fresh water discharge and several large creeks. Three main fishing sites in the area are Lifeh, Bahrekan and Mahshahr creeks. In these areas, Metapenaeus affinis was sampled and studied using research boat, dhows and bottom trawl. 25851 shrimps (47% males and 53% females) were studied in laboratory. Total length of females ranged 51-172 mm in Lifeh, 67-177 mm in Bahrekan and 38-163 in Mahshahr creeks. For males, these ranges were 64-148, 63-144 and 53-141 mm in Lifeh, Bahrekan and creeks respectively. Maximum mean length of males and females in the coastal areas was observed in March-July period. In coastal areas, GSI started to increase in March and maturity stages 3 and 4 were observed in March-July, indicating that the shrimp may spawn from mid-spring to mid-summer. Lesser amount of mean GSI and absence of stages 3 and 4 in the creeks showed that M. affinis shrimps do not spawn in creeks. Therefore, life cycle of M. affinis in Khouzestan waters can be summarized as follows: Mature adults occur in seawater areas but smaller and immature juveniles occur mainly in creeks. Spawning migration occurs around March that during this month adult shrimps may gradually migrate from deeper waters to shallower coastal areas. The spawning takes place in coastal areas from July to August and the larvae spend their early stages in sea. After that, they are carried to creeks by tidal currents. Young shrimps stay in this area for feeding and growth until late autumn.

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The Caspian Sea Kutum is one of the most important economic fish. Each year through artificial propagation millions of fish entrance of the Sefid-Roud release into the Caspian Sea. The male broodstocks have an effective role in the maturation process of artificial reproduction. Therefore,investigation effect of sperm biochemical compounds on the artificial propagation efficiency of kutum fish migrating to the Sefid-RoudIn the first half of April 2011 took placed in Shahid Ansari Rasht in the proliferation, development and reconstruction of bony fish stocks. In this study sperm of 20 male brood stocks (10, 3 years old male broods and 10, 4 years old male broods) and eggs of ten 4 years old female brood stocks was used for culturing. About 1 ml sperm of each male fish for fertilization and 1 ml sperm for studyingbiochemical composition were transferred to DrFadayee laboratory. According to the results, mean and standard deviation of biochemical composition in 3 and 4 years old fish were 3.1±1.2 mg/dl and 2.3±0.68 glucose, 23.5±16.25 mg/dl and 30.6±17.1 Alkaline phosphatase, 18.3±5.8 mg/dl, and 22.4±8.48 Cholesterol, 291±135.7 mg/l and 297.1±123.8 of total protein, 26.3±8.26 mg/dl, and 23.4±7.52 triglycerides, 18.7±3.3 mg/dl and 20±3.5 urea, respectively. According to the results eggs obtained by fertilization of 4 years old male broods sperm had highest mean fertilization rate(87%) and hatching rate (82%) and eggs resulting from fertilization of 3 years old male broods sperm had lowest mean fertilization rate (78%) and hatching rate (74%).In this study negative images were obtained in relation between glucose with the fertilization rate. Also the alkaline phosphatase associated with the fertilization rate and percentage of hatching was negative significantly. The relationship between cholesterol, total protein, triglycerides and urea with fertilization rate and Hatching percentage were calculated directly positive.

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The effect of dietary mannan oligosaccharide (MOS; active MOSÒ) on growth, survival, body composition and salinity stress tolerance in Roach (Rutilus rutilus) fry were evaluated for 8 weeks. Fish with initial average weight of 375±37.4 mg were randomly distributed into PVC tanks (100 fish per tank). Commercial Rutilus fry diet containing 38.45% protein and 9.87% lipid was supplemented with zero (control), 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 g/kg MOS in a much randomized design trial in triplicate groups. There were no significant differences in growth and feeding parameters between fish fed control and MOS supplementation diets (P>0.05). At the end of trial, in-group treated with 2 g/kg MOS showed an enhanced survival rate but without significant difference between the treatments (P>0.05). The results of linear regression showed that there was a positive correlation between growth performance, survival and supplementation level of MOS. At the end of experiment there was no significant difference in survival index after 48 hours exposed to salinity stress (10 ppt) (P>0.05). No significance difference in body composition was observed (P>0.05). From the current results, it may be advisable to use MOS at the rate of 2.0 g/kg MOS in roach fry diets.

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