Effect parasitic infections on some hematological parameters in migratory Kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) of the Tajan River during migration reproduction season of Kutum in 2008, 30 Kutum was studied. The fishes were collected by passive fishing and transferred live to Caspian sea Ecoligy Research Center. After biometry and age determination, the blood samples of fish were collected by routine method. Hematological parameters in blood samples were measured following laboratory standards methods. Then autopsy have was carried out on the fish. Parasites were separated and deteramined by the means of valid identification keys. In this study, average length (45.83 cm) and weight (824.67 g) were recorded. According to the results, four parasite species, Asymphylodora kubanicum, Paradiplozoom chazarikum, Dactylogyrus sp. And Diplostomum spathaceum were identified. The mean of red blood cell was 1811333.33 mm3, white blood cell 16500.00 mm3, Hematocrite 53.47%, MCV 307.87 fl, MCH 96.22 pg, Lym 73.80%, Mon 0.73% Neu 12.93% and Myel 12.53%. the current study showed that, there was no significant relationship between blood parameters and Parasite (P>0.05).