Euthynnus affinis with local name: Zardah is an important species in scombrid fishery in the Hormozgan and southern Iran provinces. Catch management of this species in region is requiring to be known some biological parameters such as growth and mortality. In this research according to migration behavior of kawakawa in Hormozgan, Samples were collected from landing at four station: Gavbandy, Kong, Salakh and Jask. During Three years study from 2003 to 2005 more than 25000 specimens were measured, mean ±S.D Values for each year were 64/58±6/27, 64/73±7/2 and 62/96±5/31 respectively. The maximum and minimum total lengths were 25cm and 86cm respectively. Growth and mortality parameters were calculated for the 3 years as below, L∞: 89, 87 and 87 and K: 0.5, 0.52 and 0.53 and t0: -0.30,- 0.46, and -0.48, Z: 1.78, 2.72 and 2.62, M: 0.64, 0.66 and 0.67, F: 1.14, 2.06 and 1.95 respectively. Exploitation ratio (E) was estimated 0.64, 0.75 and 0.74 respectively. Exploitation rate, U : 0.53,0.7,0.68 and Annual total stock at beginning of year: 11566,7881,9060 T and Annual average standing stock , b : 5419, 2678 , 3159 T were also estimated for 2003 – 2005 respectively. Result in this study showed exploitation ratio kawakawa stock is over fishing and decreases exploitation ratio proposed.