The present study was carried out to investigate protein, lipid, carbohydrate, fiber, ash, moisture and also energy level in farmed common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Indian white shrimp (Feneropenaeus indicus), 2009. Researched on common carp in three size, fingerling, middle and large (marketing size) and Indian shrimp in two sizes, middle and large. Samples fish and shrimp were collected of marketing in Ahvaz and Azadegan culture collection in Ahvaz. The protein, lipid, fiber, ash and moisture detected by Kjeltec 2300 foss Tecator, Soxtec 2050 foss tecator, 2010 foss tector Fibertec. The results showed of protein, lipid, carbohydrate, fiber, ash and moister in common carp was 67.5, 0.2, 9.08, 0.5, 5.2 and 74.01 g/100g and energy level was 4882 cal/g. In white Indian shrimp was 83.03, 2.6, 0.25, 0.5, 6.4, 45.23 g/100g and energy level was 3564 cal/g. protein, lipid, carbohydrate, moister and energy level in two species was significance different (P<0.05) and fiber and ash no significance different (P≥0.05).