Evaluation of employment and unemployment in human developing will be very important. Many sensitase items have effect on this process. Comperrision of this pure mers in different population will give us different result, therefore they cannot get a valuable disesion. Human development index for comporision among different towns in Isfahan province is our study for employing and unemploing of the people in this province. Our study evaluated by different factor analysis and red use to five factor and combination of these five factors have a good significant. With c1aster analysis the category of different towns in this study have been evaluated, and First group is: Borkhar 0 meyme, Najaf abad, Mobarakeh, Kashan, Khomeyni shahr, Lenjan, Isfahan, Shahreza. Second group is: Falavarjan, Tiran va karvan, A ran va bidgoJ. Thid group is: Ardestan, Naeen. Forth group is: Khansar, Golpayegan, Chadegan, Fereydan, Fereydoon shahr, Semirom, Dehaghan, Natanz.