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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urtica dioica is a herbaceous, perennial and enumerate medicinal plant. Urtica dioica is an indigene plant in Iran and in last years many pharmaceutics effect are reported about it plant. In this research, the effect of Urtica dioica hydro-alcoholic extract of the plasma levels of thyroid hormones (T4, T3), TSH and liver enzymes, alanin amino transfrase (ALT), aspartate amino transfrase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were studied. In this experimental study, the experiments were performed on 40 adult male wistar rats with weight about 210±10 gr, which were divided into 5 groups. The experimental groups received 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg of the Urtica dioica extract with injected intraperitoneally (IP) for 28 days respectively. Sham group received only solvent (distilled water) and control group did not receive any thing. At the end of experiment by collecting the blood samples from heart animals, plasma level of T3,T4 and TSH were measured by using ELISA Technique and enzymes liver AST, ALT, ALP by photometric method. Detected data were analyzed by T-test and ANOVA (p£0.05). The results showed significant increase in the level of TSH hormone in the each three experimental groups compared with the control group. The level of T4 hormone significantly decreased in the each three experimental groups compared with the control group. Also the level of T3 showed significant decrease in experimental group receiving 50,100 mg/kg extract compared with the control group. The Level of AST, ALT enzymes in experimental groups showed no significant difference compared with the control group, While ALP enzyme in experimental and sham groups showed significant increase compared with control group. The results of this research have been shown that extract of this plant could affect on HPT axis and have no effect on some of the liver enzymes respectively.

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In order to study of distribution and host range of nematodes belonging to the family Longidoridae in 3 province, Mazandaran, Golestan and Semnan, during 2010 and 2011 in Spring and Fall seasons, after three stages sampling from the rhizosphere of different crops and counting of some population of this group, the results showed the increasing of these species in the high humus and forest soils, at 40-45 cm deep. This study yielded identification of 5 species, Longidorus iuglandis, Longidorus rubi, Xiphinema index, Xiphinema pachtaicum and Xiphinema mazandaraniense. Among these species, L.iuglandis and L. rubi are reported for the first time from Iran. Most population is belonging to L. iuglandis with 48 nematodes from rhizosphere of Apricot in Ahovano village in Damghan city. X.index and X.pachtaicum are found in most regions that shows these species are more distributied than another species.

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In this survey that was conducted from July 1388 in 6 months, to identify fish species composition and their abundance in Gamasiab river of the Kermanshah Province and study of effect of industrial pollutions on dispersion of species, monthly sampling had been done on the fishes by cast net in 3 stations. Studied stations were determined from up to down of the river, respectively: station 1 was in upside of the river nearness Samangan-e-sofla village, station 2 in Chehr bridge region and station 3 was in Sorkheh-deh region. In this project, to catch the samples only used from cast net with 1.5 cm meshes. According to the results of studying on the 486 fish speciments, 25 species of 5 families were identified: Minnows (Cyprinidae), River Loaches (Balitoridae), Catfishes (Sisoridae), Catfishes (Bagridae) and Spiny eels (Mastacembelidae) which had 20, 2, 1, 1 and 1 species in the studied region, respectively. Among identified families, Cyprinidae were the dominant fishes in whole of region and after that were Balitoridae. Also the results showed that the minimum caught species were in station 2 or near the source of polluting of the river and the maximum species found in station 3 or far from the source of pollution. In the other hand, industrial pollution and the waste of factories were effected on the dispersion of fishes and due to decrease the diversity of them and distance of the pollution due to increase the diversity of fishes.

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Artemia mainly due to its nutrition value and also its merits has been considerate very in research biology and aquaculture. L-carnitine as a food supplement which stimulates the fatty acids oxidation and its affect on increasing of the nitrogen retention and stimulation of resistance against the environmental stresses is used lately in modern aquaculture. In order to study of the effect of dietary L-carnitine supplementation on the growth performance, survival rate and early maturation of Artemia franciscana, treatments were done by 1, 10, 100, 1000 mg/l of L-carnitine supplement. The cysts of A. franciscana were hatched in optimal conditions. Acquired larvae were fed as long as 15 days with a compound of enriched yeast with HUFA and the alga Dunaliella tertioleca in salinity of 80g/l. L-carnitine supplement was added directly in culture medium and indirectly added by enrichment the algae were fed by specimens. Results revealed that this supplement can stimulate early sexual maturation and aggravates masculinization in all of the experimental groups in comparison with the control group. The best result, in this regard was recorded for 1000 mg concentration of L-carnitine in which at 15th days the best percentage of sexual maturation, 13.03%, was seen. These results showed that L-carnitine has significant effect on growth performance when it exposes in 100 mg concentration of L-carnitine.

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 Cerebral ischemia leads to neuronal death invulnerable sections of brain that is due to free radical production and oxidative damage. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of 28 days oral administration of grape seed extract (GSE) (100 mg/pkg (on brain oxidative stress indices after permanent bilateral common carotid arteries occlusion (2VO) or ischemia/hypo perfusion in male adult rats. Materials and methods: a number of 30 rats were divided into test and control groups. To make animal model of permanent cerebral hypo perfusion/ischemia, carotid arteries were ligatured upper and lower and cut bilaterally. Rat brain tissue to separate Striatum and measurement of malondialdehyde were extracted. Results: results showed that chronic two-vessel occlusion (2VO) hypo perfusion-ischemia increases brain oxidants such as lipid per oxidation (LPO) (p<0.001. (Post ischemic GSE treatment significantly reduced LPO in striatum) p<0.001 (. Conclusion: GSE administration could remove or scavenge oxidants from brain tissue and improve its function and possibly be used as a way to treat this disease.

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Wound healing is one of the most basic human issues that are facing the beginning of creation. So trying to find the ingredients in the least adverse impact on the healing of human aspirations, especially in the use of medicinal plants can be important. Henna is native to Mediterranean regions, the Near East and India. Hana in Iran in areas south of the country, including Balochistan, Bam Nrmashyr grows. Most parts of mature leaves of henna used it. Since extracts of Henna (Lawsonia inermis L.) have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects, in this research, the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of this plant has been investigated on wound healing. After collecting and drying plant leaves, the hydroalcoholic extract soaking method were prepared and concentrated. Study of 48 male rats Wistar rats weighing 200-210 g were used in the range. Ulcers 3 cm in length on the back of mice were Haayjad and and then were divided into three groups of sixteen: The first group was kept as control without treatment, the second group of Eucerin (negative control), Group III of the ointment made from the henna plant extract based Eucerin was used once a day. To study wound healing every day was measured during wound And the percentage of wound healing in different groups during all days of treatment based on one way ANOVA and Tukey test were compared. To histological studies, on days 3, 7, 14 and 21 of each group samples of full thickness wounds were removed. Average time of survey complete wound healing in group 3 (treated with henna extract) was lower than of a group 1 (no treatment) and group 2 (treated with Eucerin). Results indicate that the treatment group has the best effect in wound healing in comparison with other groups. It is possible that the components of henna have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and reduces inflammation, edema and bleeding and also stimulate collagen formation, faster wound contraction, angiogenesis and vasodilatation.

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Nanosilver, as one of the wondrous scientific outcomes of nanotechnology, has numerous usages in both medicine and pharmacy. In its larger sizes, silver is a metal with low reaction sensitivity but when transformed to very small particles, as small as nanometer, its special properties are intensified. The purpose of this study is the effect of drinking nanosilver on fetus death in rat. In this investigation, 12 pregnant rats were used in experimental environment. The rats were randomly assigned to 3 groups of 4. Group 1 or the control group, group 2, rats which received high dosages (10 ppm) of nanosilver through drinking, group3, rats which received low dosage (1 ppm) through the same procedure. From the 16th day of pregnancy on, the pregnant rats were treated with drinking nanosilver with the concentration of 10 and 1ppm and the treatment went on till the 22nd day of pregnancy. Later on, the death rate of the babies was monitored in both the treatment and control groups and result were investiged with SPSS software and one way ANOVA statistics analysis. The results of the study depicted the fact that usage of nanosilver through drinking during pregnancy has cytotoxic effects on fetus and would lead to the death of the baby.

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The purpose of this study to demonstrate the effects of lysine supplement on small intestine morphometrics of broilers chickens. 180 day old male Ross breed broiler were purchased and divided into 3 groups. In starter period Control group received diet containing 1.2% lysine, Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 group received diet containing 1.3% and 1.4% Lysine, respectively. In Grower period Control group received diet containing 1.1% lysine, Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 group received diet containing 1.2% and 1.3% Lysine, respectively. Intestine villous morphometrics examination was done by analyzing of villi's height, width and depth of crypts. PAS solution was used in order to staining samples. Data analyzed by SPSS 17 software through one-way variance analysis and Tukey Test. The findings show that as diet lysine increased, in treatment 2 the villous height and crypt depth had a significant increase compared to the control Group. The growth of intestine villous width which depends on lysine density had significant increase (P<0.05) compared to control group. Lysine had no significant effect villous height to crypt depth ratio and villous height to villous width ratio in the jejunum.

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