Cold roll-forming is process by which metal sheet will obtain its required section form by being passed through series of rotating rollers. The pre-notched sections have frequent usage in different industries. The problem with these products is the deformation of the holes after completion of the forming process. Also, there are problems like edge waves, buckling, bending, distortion of the holes, etc. In order to analyze and predict the important parameters in deforming the ellipsoidal holes during the cold roll-forming of U-channel section, three-dimensional model with finite element has been taken into account. The effective parameters of forming the Uchannel section with pre-notches such as the minor and major hole diameter, hole spacing, the distance of holes from the flange edge, thickness and the material were intended. Furthermore, by usage of response surface methodology, the set of tests were designed. Afterward, set of out-put parameters such as: edge buckling, the wave of the holes, the change of the hole spacing size, the change of the distance of the holes from the flange edge, and the change of the hole size were considered. The output parameters were measured and the chart of experiment design was completed. Then, by applying ANOVA, the accuracy of the statistical results was obtained. Also, by comparison of the results with experimental study, the accuracy of the simulated models was analyzed. Finally, the effect of the significant parameters has been extracted both in statistical form and mathematical functions.