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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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SAFIKHANI H. | Loloee M.

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In this paper, multi-objective optimization of the cooling and heating systems at the faculty of engineering of Arak University is investigated to increasing comfort and reducing the cost of energy. In the first step, the faculty building with 4 floors, 11800 square meters of infrastructure and 122 classrooms and rooms is modeled and the comfort and cost of the faculty are calculated. In the next step, a database of 2, 000 faculties with different design variables was created and analyzed. Between the formed databases, buildings with the best objective functions are selected and presented in a Pareto front. Design variables are the 11 geometrical and nongeometrical factors affecting the comfort and cost of the faculty. The objective functions are the comfort, cost, and energy consumption. The results indicate that both absorption and compression systems have the ability to achieve acceptable levels of comfort, but the amount of energy consumed in the absorption chiller is higher than the energy consumption of the compression system, which indicates the necessity of using absorption systems in conditions of waste heat. Also, the results indicate that the absorption system, despite the higher energy consumption than the compression system, has lower energy consumption costs due to the difference between electricity and gas tariffs in Iran country and should be corrected.

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In this research, the vibration of a beam treated with a viscoelastic constrained-layer-damping has been studied and the effects of thermal variations and the attached lumped mass on the variation of the optimal design of the constrained layer have been investigated. For modeling the core, the second and third order polynomials were used respectively for out-of-plane and in-plane displacements, and for outer layers, the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory was used. With this modeling, the effect of the through-the-thickness normal strain in the mid-layer (core) can be included in the analyses, and the model will be applicable for studying the cases with moderately thick cores. The finite element method with 3-node elements has also been used for the solution purpose. Moreover, the viscoelastic material is assumed to be isotropic and its constitutive behavior is described by a complex shear modulus dependent on temperature and frequency. This dependence on frequency and temperature has been obtained by using the graphs of the experimental results presented in the relevant references. Numerical studies have been carried out to investigate the variation of the damping and harmonic response amplitude with the thickness of the core and the constraining layer at different temperatures. The results showed that the thermal variation could considerably change the region associated with the optimal design and the maximum damping. This implies that the range of thermal variations in the operating environment of the structure should be considered in designing a viscoelastic-damping layer. In the numerical studies, the effect of added rigid masses on changing the optimal design was investigated. The results show the necessity to consider all the added masses before designing the constrained layer damping.

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In recent years, the integration of biomass gasification with solid oxide fuel cells offers an emerging alternative for conventional power generation systems. Also, due to the everincreasing human need for drinking water and the limitation of available drinking water resources, the desalination of the oceans saltwater is one of the promising solutions for the water scarcity problem. Therefore, in the present study, a novel integrated system containing steam biomass gasification, solid oxide fuel cell and multi-effect desalination system is introduced. Modeling and exergoeconomic analysis of the system is performed in EES software. A parametric study is conducted to examine the effects of key operating parameters on the net output power, exergy efficiency and unit product cost of the integrated system. The results indicate that the exergy efficiency and unit product cost of the integrated system are obtained 46. 04% and 4. 57$/GJ respectively.

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Karami mehr Z. | RABIEE A.

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The operation of power generation cycles and their related events are one of the main issues in the field of safety of power plants. If these events are not properly managed for any reason, the consequences will be irreparable. In the meantime, the operator action can be one of the most effective factors in the management of the accident. In this research, the operator action has been evaluated in the main steam line break connected to the turbine and total loss of steam generator feed water for the Bushehr power plant. Firstly, the data has been validated in both steady and transient states with the final safety analysis report of the power plant of Bushehr as a reliable reference. The results indicate a good agreement with the final safety analysis report. In the next step, the operator action has been evaluated to mitigate the thermohydraulic parameters, including temperature and pressure. Finally, by performing an operator sensitivity analysis in the main steam line break connected to the turbine followed by total loss of steam generator feed water, the maximum possible time for operator intervention has been estimated 76 minutes.

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In the present study, the combination of concentration lattice Boltzmann method with a smoothed profile method was used to simulate the dissolution of solid circular particles between parallel plates that are moving in opposite directions. The hydrodynamic simulation was performed based on the single relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method and the convection-diffusion equation was used to determine the concentration of the solute in the liquid phase. Additionally, the smoothed profile method was used to calculate the no-slip boundary condition at the liquid-solid interface and concentration forces. To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed model, the simulation results were compared with the empirical data in the literature. The difference between the simulation results and the empirical data for the Sherwood number at different Peclet numbers was less than 2%. The results show that the smallest dissolution time in systems with different volume fractions is in a system with the least volume fraction. As the volume fraction increases, the solid-liquid mass transfer driving force is decreased in the system. The simulation results showed that by increasing the Reynolds number from 0. 05 to 0. 38, the time required to reach the normalized volume fraction to 0. 05 of its initial value reduced from 0. 36 s to 0. 17 s. Also, by increasing the Peclet number from 5. 5 to 115, the Sherwood number increased from 1. 74 to 4. 06. In addition, the increase in the Schmidt number in the system leads to a slower dissolution time. Finally, the polydispersity in the system was studied.

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Shahrjerdi A.

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In this research, an efficient method has been used in terms of cost and equipment for the production of sandwich panels with auxetic foam core and ordinary foam. Polyurethane foam has been used for making the auxetic foam. Then, on the foam specimen, a thermal analysis is performed to determine the specified thermal range for making the auxetic foam. Four layers of carbon fiber were used to make the sheet in the panel. After making cores and sheets, the sandwich panel was made up of two different cores. To achieve the mechanical properties of the samples, various experiments were carried out, including a three-point flexural test, edgewise compression test, Charpy impact test, flatwise compression test, and drop-weight impact test. The results obtained from the flatwise compression test showed that the compression modulus of the sandwich panel with auxetic foam core was 8. 4 times the conventional sandwich panel modulus with a normal foam core. Its compressive strength was estimated to be about 20 times the sandwich panel strength with the ordinary foam core. The negative Poisson ratio of these materials causes this behavior, which increases their variation range. The results of the dropweight impact test showed that the impact resistance of the sandwich panel with the auxetic foam core is increased by 12. 62% compared to the sandwich panel with the conventional foam core, which is due to the high-energy absorption of these materials.

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In this article, noise generation mechanisms are studied at different Reynolds numbers and angles of attack. Tonal noise is the major part of airfoil noise at low Reynolds numbers. Studying the tonal noise and the effects of Reynolds number and angle of attack is challenging in aeroacoustics. 3D numerical simulation is conducted using the large eddy simulation method on SD7037 airfoil. Sound propagation is computed using the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FWH) analogy. The numerical results are validated using available experimental results. Some discrete peaks and a dominant peak exist in frequency spectra at low angles of attack. Increase of Reynolds number and the angle of attack decreases the number of discrete peaks and at high angles of attack and the dominant peak is diminished too. Studying the flow features shows that when a laminar boundary layer covers a vast area of the suction side, it can amplify acoustic waves that are generated in wake of the airfoil and this mechanism causes a dominant peak in the acoustic spectrum. Amplifying Tollmien-Schlichting waves by shear layer in laminar separation at suction side cause the discrete peaks and when a transition occurs in the airfoil suction side, discrete peaks are diminished. In the original semi-empirical Brooks, Pope and Marcolini (BPM) formulation, the boundary layer thickness of the pressure side is usually used as the length scale and it is replaced by the suction side boundary layer thickness. The results predict the frequency and amplitude of tonal noise successfully.

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In this research, friction stir processing was used to produce mono and hybrid surface composite layers of aluminum matrix containing TiB2 and graphene particles. Microstructural evaluation of the samples was performed by optical microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy of the composite samples cross-sections. The mechanical properties of the samples were investigated using microhardness and tension tests. Among the samples reinforced with TiB2 and graphene, the samples with 20wt% TiB2 and 1wt% graphene exhibited the highest hardness and strength compared to other samples. Aso, the highest mechanical properties are observed in the sample reinforced with hybrid powders include 20wt% TiB2 and 1wt% graphene. The yield and ultimate strength of the sample increased from 75 and 160MPa (corresponding to the initial 6061 AA) to 191 and 271MPa, respectively. Also, the average hardness of this sample in the stir zone is equal to VHN101 which was significantly higher than the initial alloy (VHN62) and the non-powdered friction-stir sample (VHN71).

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Ansarian I. | SHAERI M.H.

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Commercial pure (CP) titanium has many applications in biomaterials especially in implants due to its excellent biocompatibility. Despite the importance of surface properties in bioapplications, limited research has been conducted to improve surface properties of CP titanium by improving the structure. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to improve the corrosion and wear properties of CP titanium by reducing grain size by multi-directional forging (MDF) process. For this purpose, annealed CP titanium samples were forged by MDF up to six passes at ambient temperature and 220° C. To investigate the corrosion properties of specimens, the tafel polarization test was performed in a simulated body fluid (SBF) solution. The tribological properties were also investigated by pins-on-disk test at sliding speed and applied stress of 0. 2 (m/s) and 1MPa, respectively. The results of microstructure analysis of the samples using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with EBSD showed that the ultrafine grain structure was formed in titanium CP, after 6 passes of the MDF. The results of the investigation of the tafel polarization test showed that the corrosion resistance of the samples increased with applying MDF and increasing the pass number, regardless of the processing temperature. Also, the corrosion resistance of MDFed samples at 220° C temperature was higher than the MDFed samples at ambient temperature. Wear resistance of CP titanium was also increased, by decreasing the grain size. The results of the investigation of surface morphology of samples using a field-emission scanning electron microscope showed mainly the abrasive and delamination wear mechanisms.

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Determining the behavior of structures under high-speed loading at different applications is very important. One of the most important equipment in this field is a shock tube that can simulate the mentioned objects above in a laboratory environment. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of the geometrical parameters of the shock tube on the impulse of the shock wave generated. In this study, the effect of change in outlet diameter with the nozzle and the variation in the length of the driver and driven sections on the wave created in the decrease and increase shock intensity has been investigated. In this regard, the functional components of the 3-inch gas-driven shock tube were investigated on the dynamic deformation of aluminum sheets. Based on the results, the length of the driver is not effective on the peak of the generated wave pressure. However, the driven length effects on the deformation of the sheet, in this way that the shorter the driven length is, the higher the dome height will be. The effect of concentrating the shock wave on the sheet is visible in the samples in which the nozzle is embedded. This demonstrates that a more centralized dynamic load has led to deform the sheet. Also, at high pressures compared with lower pressures, the nozzle effect is better in concentrating the shock wave from the explosion in the shock tube.

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The intensity of sound in most industries and processes is a disturbing factor. Sound absorbers are a means of reducing noise. There are various types of sound absorbers with different designs and materials, but sound absorbers that can have a high absorption coefficient will be effective. The design of the manger sponge with fractal structure will be a good solution to this problem. Various factors such as composition type, step, and frequency affect this adsorbent. In this research, each of these factors was investigated and analyzed. The effects of the absorption coefficient and changes in sound level influenced by composition type, step and frequency factors were investigated and analyzed. Investigation of the step factor revealed that the amount of absorption coefficient in step 2 had better results compared to the step 1. The absorption coefficient in steps 1 and 2 were 0. 3 and 0. 38, respectively. Among the effective factors on the amount of absorption coefficient of manger sponge, the composition type was more effective. The results showed that the adsorbent with harder texture has a lower absorption coefficient and the adsorbent with a lighter texture has a higher absorption coefficient. Among the composition type used for this adsorbent, the sponge has a maximum absorption coefficient of 0. 4 and MDF has a minimum absorption coefficient of 0. 3.

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Spherical robots are the mobile robots with spherical shapes equipped to an internal drive mechanism that moves on the ground due to their external shell rolling. In this research, first, a pendulum spherical robot is modeled, then using the Lagrange method, dynamic equations of plane motion of robot on the non-flat surface are derived. Considering the scarcity of the number of operators relative to the number of degrees of freedom of the spherical robot, designing of a non-linear controller is performed based on feedback linearization techniques. Therefore, regarding non-confirm initial conditions on the trajectory, parametric uncertainty and disturbance torque on the robot, the performance of the system has been investigated. By selecting the appropriate rotation trajectory, the robot motion is simulated in MATLAB software and in following the pendulum rotation angle and actuating torque are obtained. The results indicate that the designed controller has proper and resistant performance in tracking selected trajectory for sphere shell rotation during moving on a non-flat surface.

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In this paper, the design and construction of a new binary pneumatic actuated hyperredundant manipulator is presented. The discretely actuated hyper-redundant manipulators have advantages such as wide workspace, the ability of obstacle avoidance and simple control. Despite of these advantages, few prototypes have been made so far, which each of them has some defects. These defects are small movement range, fairly high cost, and accelerated and impulsive motion. To solve these problems, the 3-revolute prismatic spherical parallel mechanisms (3-RPS) are used as modules in this paper. So the cost is reduced due to the lower number of legs. Also, the motion range has been increased by replacing the spherical joints with universal joints. The movements of the manipulator have been effectively more uniform and softer by using flow control valves on cylinders. Finally, several tests are conducted to determine how the manipulator moves and the results are presented.

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There are many effective parameters in impact mechanics. In this article, the relation between the depth of penetration and the projectile nose shape has been investigated. Projectiles were made of AISI 4340 material with flat, ogive, and hemispherical nose shapes. Semi-infinite targets made of alumina ceramic 99. 5 and aluminum 7000. The projectile impact velocity in this experimental test was about 400m/s and the thickness of ceramic and aluminum were 4 and 20mm, respectively. A numerical simulation has been conducted by Abaqus software. The results of the numerical simulation show a good agreement with the empirical observations. The depth of penetration for the flat projectile and ogive projectile was highest and lowest, respectively. The ballistic limit velocity for the flat projectile and ogive projectile was lowest and highest, respectively. Projectile erosion is affected by the ceramic thickness and the shape of the projectile. The amount of this erosion for the flat projectile and ogive projectile was lowest and highest, respectively. Increasing ceramic thickness leads to more erosion in the projectile. Also, the changes of ballistic limit velocity have been determined with the changes of ceramic and backing metal thickness.

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Additive manufacturing technology significantly simplifies the production of complex 3D parts directly by the computer-aided design model. However, additive manufacturing processes have unique flexibility. They still have restrictions that don’ t allow engineers to generate some specific geometric shapes, easily. Some of these restrictions are the consumption of materials to supports, the poor abrasion resistance and the inferior surface finish of some surfaces with certain angles. One of the methods to overcome these problems is designing by segmentation. The proposed methodology consists of two steps: 1) segmenting of the 3D model and 2) exploring the best orientation for each segment. In the first step, engineers consider the possible number of segments and the connection method of segments. In this paper, a series of segments is obtained by recognition of features and separating them with one or more appropriate planes. In the second step, the best fabrication orientation should be chosen. The criterion for optimization is that the support volume, abrasion ability, and surface roughness should be minimum. The operation is performed automatically by the algorithm created based on principles of the Particle swarm optimization algorithm using visual C#. Experimental tests show that segmentation design improves additive manufacturing processes from the aspects of material consumption, abrasion volume, and surface quality. This paper presents an original approach to improving the efficiency of additive manufacturing technologies that make the additive manufacturing closer to maturity.

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In this research, the effect of adding clay Nanoparticles on increasing the lifetime of glass/ epoxy composites under hydrothermal conditions has been investigated. For this purpose, samples containing 3 Vol. % of clay Nanoparticles and samples without clay Nanoparticles in resin epoxy has been manufactured for the fabrication of specimens of the tensile test using hand lay-up and vacuum bag. The specimens were placed under the hydrothermal condition of 90% humidity and 75 ° C temperature for 500 hours in the incubator and were tested for tensile properties. The results show that addition of clay Nanoparticles decreases the strength of the composite by 21. 39% in the newly produced samples while in a long time, these particles slow down the process of composite degradation, so that in the same environmental conditions, the strength of specimens containing clay Nanoparticles is 9% higher than the specimens without clay Nanoparticles.

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HASSANI H. | Khodaygan S.

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This competitive commercial space forces designers and manufactures to produce and supply products with high quality and low prices at a desirable level of reliability. On the other hand, during the design and production process, engineers are always faced with uncertainty. In recent years, to encounter these uncertainties and guarantee the quality and reliability of a system subsequently, reliability-based robust design optimization (RBRDO) algorithms have been developed based on robust design optimization (RDO) and reliability-based optimization (RBDO). In practical engineering, uncertainties of some design parameters or variables are epistemic and only a few samples are available for designer. Generally, some of the RBRDO methods ignore the information in the design process. This approach can lead to an enormous error. Other RBRDO methods ignore this valuable information in the design process. This study, a comprehensive RBRDO framework is developed by combining Bayesian reliability analysis and dimensionality reduction method (DRM) using NSGA2-II multi-objective optimization algorithm. For verification of the proposed algorithm, an engineering example is selected and the effects of epistemic uncertainty on objectives are studied. Moreover, the results of the proposed approach are compared with other existing approaches at a specific case of available data about epistemic uncertainty.

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This study introduces a new lay-ups of bi-stable hybrid composite laminate (BHCL) which consists of 90° unidirectional composite laminas in the upper and lower layers and metallic strips distributed along with the middle layer of 0° unidirectional composite laminas in the middle layer. The static characteristics of the laminates were investigated using the finite element (FE) method and were experimentally validated. The two stable configurations of laminate have identical curvatures with opposite signs. The curvature direction of the proposed BHCLs does not change during snap-through between stable states. This feature will give the engineers more freedom to design morphing structures with desired specifications. The effect of the width, thickness, and material properties of the strips and laminate side length on the static characteristics of the laminate were numerically investigated using the finite element method through Abaqus software. Several BHCLs with different materials, lay-up and dimension were fabricated for verification of the results. The curvatures, out of plane displacement, and the static snap-through load of the laminates were determined experimentally and compared with the results of the finite element method. A good qualitative and quantitative agreement was observed between the FE and the experimental results. The results show that it is possible to adjust residual curvature and load-carrying capability by changing the width, thickness, and material of the strips and laminate geometry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Atherosclerosis is responsible for almost 35% of annual deaths in developed countries. The disease could be due to an artery blockage by the interaction of an externally second phase (air bubbles, medicine-carrying capsules) with a particle that is entered into the bloodstream. The effect of some of the important affecting parameters on the blockage time of a microchannel due to the impact of a particle collision with and a moving second phase is investigated using the lattice Boltzmann method and with programming Fortran 90. The authors tried to mimic the physic of the flow of a small artery by generating the same geometry and changing geometrical and physical parameters. In the present research, Lee and Lin Lattice Boltzmann multi-phase model is used beside the immersed boundary method. It is investigated that the small changes in Capillary flow have no meaningful effect on the interaction of the second phase and particle. But, the ratio of particle size to the channel width affects the blockage time in the microchannel. In fact, the blockage time will increase by an increase in the size of the particle. The initial size of the second phase to particle size ratio has the highest effect on the blockage time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Welding residual stresses decrease designing stress in natural gas transmission pipes with a large diameter under high internal pressure. The outside diameter and wall thickness of API X70 steel in this research are 142. 3 and 1. 98 centimeters. Hole drilling is the most common technique in order to measure residual stresses. Considering the large diameter of this pipe, its transportation to conduct a hole drilling test is a big problem so cutting a finite sample is desired. In this study, the standard dimension of this sample plate is analyzed, and simulation of the welding process is conducted. The residual stresses in different directions are obtained. Residual stresses for the thickness is presented for the first time. The results show that separating a finite sample with a size of 32×44 centimeters is appropriate to perform the hole drilling test. The location and amount of the maximum compressive and tensile residual stress are obtained, and variation in the hoop and longitudinal residual stresses on both internal and external surfaces of pipe samples are investigated. Also, validation of simulation results is performed by comparing with the experimental results of the residual stress in the same pipe on an industrial scale. The results showed that maximum residual stress in the inner surface of the pipe in the longitudinal direction was 460MPa (96 percent of yield stress) which was reduced to 200MPa (42 percent of yield stress) after the hydrostatic test. Because residual stress after the hydrostatic test is lower than the half of yield stress, the hole drilling technique is validated after the hydrostatic test.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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With the advancement of the manufacturing processes and the continuing need for increasingly precise assemblies, consideration of dimensional and geometric tolerances has been of great importance in tolerance analysis of mechanical assemblies. Therefore, in recent decades, several methods have been developed and implemented for calculating the influences of geometric errors of components on the final performance of the assembly. One of the proposed methods for tolerance analysis is the Direct Linearization Method (DLM). However, DLM has significant advantages in dimensional tolerance analysis, due to simplifications used in this technique, it does not have the ability to solve assemblies including free form profiles. In this research, a new method has been proposed to consider the complex profiles in the process of DLM. In the proposed combination method, rational Bezier curves have been used to define component profiles such as elliptical profiles, cams, edge joints, and non-circular profiles that have a complex error variation. Then, by using principles of DLM and rational Bezier equations, the developed algorithm is successfully accomplished. In this way, we can not only use significant advantages of DLM in dimensional tolerance analysis but also it is possible to solve assemblies including a component with complex profiles without any simplification. The developed hybrid approach has been presented in detail by solving an example of assembly tolerance analysis. Finally, validation has been performed and the accuracy of the proposed approach was confirmed using Monte Carlo simulation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the present research, a multiscale method based on crystal plasticity finite element method and computational homogenization is proposed to simulate monotonic and cyclic plastic deformation of a highly textured rolled magnesium alloy AZ31. All active deformation mechanisms including slip, twinning as well as detwinning have been simulated in the model through user material subroutine in ABAQUS (UMAT). All representative volume elements have been constructed, synthetically. Polycrystal laminate has been reproductive by representative volume element (RVE) and periodic boundary conditions have been applied on the RVE faces. For cyclic validations, uniaxial compression-tension along extrusion direction has been applied for 2 loading cycles and the problem at the macroscopic scale has been solved by the ABAQUS finite element solver. The results are in good accordance with the experimental curves and the proposed model can accurately predict all cyclic behavior characteristics like asymmetry in a stress-strain curve due to alternating twinning-detwinning, tensile and compressive peak stresses, twinning and detwinning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, the Coanda effect phenomenon and its advantages to produce underwater propulsion have been evaluated experimentally and numerically. The Coanda effect is the tendency of a jet flow to follow a convex surface. This effect is used to multiply the flow volume rate through a nozzle-diffuser channel. A ring shape jet flow is injected toward the throat, which follows the curved surface along the channel. Surrounding fluid sucked into the nozzle was pushed toward the exit section of the diffuser. The flow is several times more than the jet flow rate therefore it can be used as a propulsion system. A series of experimental Bollard tests were performed to investigate the system behavior with respect to the different size of the gap and the jet flow rate. Also, a numerical model was used for simulating the tests for similar conditions. A good agreement is observed between numerical and experimental results. The numerical tool was then used to predict the amount of thrust where free stream velocity was 2. 5m/s. the Comparison of the flow multiplier performance with a regular propeller shows that it is possible to use of the water flow multipliers as underwater propulsion systems with acceptable performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this research, aero-thermo-elastic stability of fibrous laminated plates subjected to supersonic airflow has been investigated. The experimental method was used to determine the effect of carbon nanotubes on the thermo-elastic properties of the composite matrix material. Young’ s modulus and linear coefficient of thermal expansion of neat epoxy and carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy was determined using the tensile test and dilatometry method. The modified Halpin-Tsi micromechanical model was used to characterize the mechanical properties of the carbon nanotubes-fiber-epoxy laminated composites. A rectangular simply supported plate subjected to supersonic airflow was assumed. The governing equation of motion was extracted using the energy method and Hamilton’ s principle. Linear piston theory was used to evaluate the aerodynamic pressure. Galerkin’ s method was employed to solve the governing equation. The influence of adding carbon nanotubes in epoxy resin was illustrated when glass or carbon fibers were used as microscale reinforcements. Moreover, the effect of plate aspect ratio and temperature on the aeroelastic stability boundary was investigated. Results show that for the plates with high aspect ratio, adding carbon nanotubes into the epoxy resin has more effect on the aeroelastic stability boundary especially when the glass fibers are used. According to the results, in high temperatures, carbon nanotubes have less effect on the expanding of the stability region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, a selective laser sintering 3D printer has been designed and built. 3D laser printing is one of the flexible additive manufacturing methods, which can use different powdered materials. Recently, additive manufacturing technologies have been introduced into the pharmacy, and in August 2015, they received FDA approval as the three-dimensional drug products. By using additive manufacturing in the pharmacy, controlled release, dosage tailored to the characteristics of individuals, the desired morphology of the drugs can be achieved and we move toward the personalization of the medicine. One of the important issues is to determine the properties of tablets before printing. In this paper, the effect of important variables of selective laser sintering on tablet breaking force is investigated with the aid of central composite design and modeling. Using the proposed modeling, the value of each variable can be determined so that the tablets are printed with the required breaking force. The cylindrical tablets with a diameter of 1. 2 cm and a height of 3. 6 mm were printed for use in the experiments. To fabricate tablets, the thermoplastic polymer, Kollicoat IR (75% polyvinyl alcohol and 25% polyethylene glycol copolymer), was used and 5% paracetamol (acetaminophen) was added. Also, some edible black color was added to increase the absorption of laser light. Laser feed rate, the percentage of the tablet infill density and percentage of the added color are the studied variables. According to the results obtained in the considered range, by increasing laser feed rate, tablet breaking force decreases, but tablet braking force increases by increasing infill density and amount of added color.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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