This study aims to extract the dynamic parameters of a viscoelastic material sample. The mechanical model considered for viscoelastic material is the standard linear solid model. To extract the parameters of the model, first, a sample of the viscoelastic polymer was made. Then, it was subjected to a constant initial strain value and immediately pressure variations were measured over time. Then, using the governing relations of the standard linear solid viscoelastic model, by comparing theoretical and experimental relaxation functions, the dynamic properties of the viscoelastic material, such as storage and loss modulus, and its damping property were identified in terms of frequency. To investigate the effects of time passing on the dynamic mechanical properties of the viscoelastic material, the studies were repeated at a different time, which was ten times more than the first study. Also, the effects of constant strain amplitude on the dynamic mechanical properties and damping characteristic of the viscoelastic sample were investigated with three different levels of strain. These values for the relaxation function in the first test for the displacement of 2 mm were E(0)=523177. 2 N/m2 and after 70 days this value was equivalent to E(0)=666060. 8 N/m2. In the same test, the values of the relaxation function for the first test are equivalent to E(∞ )=458717. 9 N/m2 and in the second test, the value is E (∞ )=573029. 7 N / m2. Also, the results show that, in smaller constant strains, the efficacy of the viscoelastic material is greater in energy dissipation. In addition, the intrinsic parameter of the Young Modulus is obtained in the experimental estimate of 0. 89 MPa.