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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Center of Zabol University during 2007 cropping season. The experiment was split plot, based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The main factors consisted of unfertilized (control) (F1), recommended fertilizer (F2), recommended manure (F3), half of recommended manure + half of recommended fertilizer (F4) and sub factors were cropping of millet (I1), 75% millet + 25% bean (I2), 50% millet + 50% bean(I3), 25% millet + 75% bean (I4) and sole crop of bean (I5). Results showed that were for these tow species the highest grain and dry matter yield and harvest index (HI) obtained from half of recommended manure + half of recommended fertilizer treatment. However, fertilizer treatments did not have significant effect on 1000-seeds weight. Highest land equivalence ratio (LER) for grain and dry matter yield was achieved from half of recommended manure + half of recommended fertilizer treatment. The highest crude protein (CP), P and K content in each of the forage crops obtained from recommended fertilizer treatment. Interrace culture different ratios treatments, for millet the highest grain and dry matter yield and P and K content achieved from sole cropping. While highest harvest index (HI), 1000-seeds weight and CP content in millet forage obtained from their intercroppings. Highest bean values for all traits in achieved from its sole cropping. Furthermore, highest LER for dry matter and grain obtained from 25% millet + 75% bean treatment.

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Grain and oil yield in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) are quantitative traits, which are products of interactions between numbers of traits. Thus, evaluation of different traits and their relationships are important to the researcher. In this study, important agronomic traits and their relationships in sixteen single cross hybrids in a randomized complete block design experiment with three replications were investigated during 2009 at the Research Station of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch. Result indicated that all of the morphological traits except ratio of kernel/achen, area of the flag leaf and hull weight per head were significant at 5% probability levels. Mean comparisons showed that hybrids including 8 (CMS322×R2) and 13 (CMS346×R56) possessed promising traits such as seed and oil yield, 100-seed weight, head diameter, stem diameter, total number of seeds per head, ratio of kernel/achen, day to flowering, the number and area of leaf to include in breeding programs. The result also showed that correlations between grain yield and with other traits such as growing period length, day to physiological maturity and stem diameter, head diameter, number of seeds per head and number of filled seeds per were head positive and significant at 5% probability levels.

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Relationships between grain yield and yield components in some hull-less barley lines were studied in experiment conducted in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications at the Research Station of Agriculture of Gorgan, Iran. During growth season several characteristics including plant height spike length, number of spike per m2, biological yield, number of total tillers, number of fertile tillers, number of kernel per spike, number of spikelet per spike, relative water content (RWC), coefficient of membrane stability (CMS), flag leaf area, Na/K ratio, grain yield, 1000 kernel weight and harvest index were measured. Results showed that stepwise multivariate analysis was the best suitable model in evaluating of the yield. Path analysis showed that correlation among characteristics which remained in the model was broken into direct and indirect effects. The results derived from correlation and path analysis indicated that almost 70% of the yield increase was due to the direct effect of 1000 kernel weight. Number of kernel per spike was positively significant and number of fertile tillage was also found to have positive and significant direct effect on yield, but number of fertile tiller indirectly affects by higher 1000 kernel weight.

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To study the effects of harvest time on quantity and quality of corn forage, this research was conducted ot University of Zabol in 2005. Experiment carried out in randomized complete block design with four replications and three different harvest times at tassel emergence (H1), milked stage (H2) and dough stage (H3). Result of statistical analysis showed that effect of harvest time on traits like plant height, weight of leaves, stem, ear, dry matter and dry matter yield per hectare were significant. Highest plant, ear weight and dry matter achived from H3 treatment harvest at dough stage. Highest leaf weight, stem and number of leaves achieved from H1 treatment harvest at milk stage. Delayed harvest changed quality of corn forage; and resulted in increases in dry matter, fatty percentage, ADF, ADL and NDF. Highest carbohydrate content obtained in H2 treatment harvest dough stage and then decreased drastically. Concentrations of most nutrients content of the forage at different harvest times were not affected. Ash and crude protein content of forage did not change after H1 treatment. According to the results of this research, in can be concluded that harvesting the forage at mike stage increases both quality and quantity of corn forage.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different sowing dates and plant density on quantitative and qualitative yield of baby corn var. KSC403 su (Zea mays L.). The experiment was performed in at the Agricultural Research and Natural Resources of Khorasan Razavi Province, Mashhad, Iran in 2008 growing season. The experiment was carried out in a factorial split plot based on randomized completely block design with four replications. The sowing dates (14th June, 3th July, 24th July) were used as the main factor and combination of plant densities (65000, 85000 and 105000 plant.ha-1) along with the two harvest methods (baby corn, sweet corn and their combinations) as sub factor. The results showed significant differences among sowing dates for plant height, ear height, stem diameter, ear length, ear diameter, husked and dehusked baby corn yield. The maximum baby corn yield was harvested from 3rd sowing date (8095 kg.ha-1). The plant density had significant effects on traits like stem diameter, husked and dehusked ear yield, standard ear percentage and sub- standard ear percentage. Therefore, significant differences between harvest method for plant height, ear height, dehusked and husked baby corn yields were obtained. Finally, the interaction of sowing date and plant density and harvest method was significant only for standard and sub-standard ear percentage. Thus, sowing date of July 24th and with planting density (105000 plants/ha) is recommended for maximum husked baby corn yield.

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In order to study the response of bread wheat recombinant inbred lines to drought stress and their grouping an experiment was conducted in split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications at Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch the Agriculture Research Station. Main factor consist of different levels of irrigation (80, 120 and 160 mm evaporation water from class A evaporation pan) and sub factor included the lines. Result of analysis of variance revealed significant differences among different levels of irrigation for the most of the traits. Mean comparisons showed that drought stress reduced the value of these traits. Significant differences were observed among lines for all the traits except non fertile tiller number. Line × stress interaction was non significant for all of the traits studied. Cluster analysis using WARD algorithm based on the traits under study assigned the lines into two separate groups. Discriminate analysis confirms this grouping. Factor analysis based on principle component analysis and varimax rotation, showed that the first four factors accounted for about 88.69 percent of the total variation. The result revealed that yield and its components and plant height were important traits for selection of promising lines.

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Relationships between grain yield and yield components in some hull-less barley lines were studied in experiment conducted in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications at the Research Station of Agriculture of Gorgan, Iran. During growth season several characteristics including plant height spike length, number of spike per m2, biological yield, number of total tillers, number of fertile tillers, number of kernel per spike, number of spikelet per spike, relative water content (RWC), coefficient of membrane stability (CMS), flag leaf area, Na/K ratio, grain yield, 1000 kernel weight and harvest index were measured. Results showed that stepwise multivariate analysis was the best suitable model in evaluating of the yield. Path analysis showed that correlation among characteristics which remained in the model was broken into direct and indirect effects. The results derived from correlation and path analysis indicated that almost 70% of the yield increase was due to the direct effect of 1000 kernel weight. Number of kernel per spike was positively significant and number of fertile tillage was also found to have positive and significant direct effect on yield, but number of fertile tiller indirectly affects by higher 1000 kernel weight.

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Effects of planting dates and weed control methods on yield and agronomic traits of sunflower was investigated. A factorial experiment based on a complete randomized blocks design with four replications was conducted in 2009. Treatments consisted of three planting date (April 4th, May5th and Juns5th) and five weed control methods, Trifluralin (2 Lit/ha) + Fokus (1.5 Lit/ha), Trifluralin+Nabu-s (3Lit/ha), Trifluralin, Hand weeding and without control. Results indicated that planting dates and weed control methods significantly affected head diameter, 100 grain weight, seed number per head and grain yield. Harvest index and oil percent was affected only by planting dates. The highest grain yield (630.1 g/m2), was produced in the second planting date (May 5) by using Trifluralin+Fokus. Delaying sowing date (after May 5) significantly decreased grain yield. The most important weeds in the experimental site were common lambsquarter (Chenopodium album), field bind weed (Convolvulus arvensis), bastard cabbage (Rapistrum rugosum), flower-of-an-hour (Hibiscus trionum), cockspur grass (Echinochloa colorum) and green bristle grass (Setaria verticillata). It was observed that the dry matter weight sharply varied in all weed species in different planting dates, that is, in the 4th April the dry matter production of common lambsquarter and bastard cabbage, in June 5th planting date were maximum. Dry matter of broad leaf and narrow leaf weeds in the date of May 5th was lower than the other two planting dates. The interaction of planting date ×control methods on head diameter, seed number per head, grain yield and weeds dry matter was significant.

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Adaptation of thirty rice genotypes was studied in a completely randomized block design experiment with 3 replications for two cropping seasons (2005-2006) in Astara. Analysis of variance showed that differences among the years for the most of traits were not significant where as there was a significant difference among the genotypes and genotype by year interaction. Correlation coefficient of the traits under study showed that grain yield had a positive and significant correlation with number of tiller per plant, paddy yield and harvest index. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that the paddy yield per plant and panicle length had a positive and significant effect on the grain yield. Cluster analysis of genotypes in these grouped genotypes into three categories. Two years of experiment showed these lines producing higher yields, were better adapted to Nemat, line 338, Sangtaroom, Dorfak, Mehr and line 6 fell into the second group.

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This research was conducted to evaluate the effects different planting beds on the mini-tuber production Agria and Savalan cultivars of potato in both laboratory and greenhouse of “Ardabil Potato Seed Production Company of Dasht-Zarrin” during 2009. Experiment was factorial based on completely randomized complete block design with three replications and two factors. Factor A consisted of two potato cultivars (Agria and Savalan) and factor B of four planting beds (Biolan, Terracult, Cocopeat and soil as control). Analysis of variance of measured traits showed that differences of planting beds, cultivars and interaction between cultivar × planting bed concerning the number and weight mini-tuber per m2, average size of mini-tuber and plant height were significant. Savalan produced highest mini-tuber number, weight per m2 and plant height, and Agria had the highest average size of mini-tuber when Terracult planting bed was used. Correlation between mini-tuber weight per m2 with plant was positive and significant.

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