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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This research aims to study the effects of different research methods (descriptive, multiple choice and performance) on the learning rate in the lesson of research method among students of guidance and counseling major. In this research, we select 69 students randomly in three experimental groups which were substituted according to different experimental levels (assessment method). In order to collect the data about the learning rate of students, we used formative tests according to the related experimental variance as well as a general test which was consisted of multiple-choice, descriptive and performance questions. The prepared general test was administered in two stages (before and after semester) and the descriptive tests were performed in three stages for each group. All of the employed tests were constructed by researcher. In order to analyze the data, the statistical methods such as t-test, ANOVA test and also post hoc tests and regression analysis were used. The results of the study showed that in general test (evaluation based on compound of three assessment methods) the difference of averages of performance and descriptive experimental groups (both) with multiple-choice experimental group was significant, but it was not significant comparing with each other. Totally, the highest result regarding the rate of learning (according to the average of marks) was observed in performance experimental group and the weakest result was observed in multiple-choice experimental group. Inter-group comparisons showed that responding to the multiple-choice items were easier than descriptive questions for performance experimental group (the average difference were significant in 99% level) and responding to the multiple-choice items were easier than performance questions for descriptive experimental group (the average difference were significant in 95% level). The regression equation of forecasting the marks of students in general test according to the first and second formative tests and also assessment method (with 99 and 95percent of certainty level respectively) the forecasted values were significant, but the third and fourth pre-tests were insignificant from this perspective.

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Background and Objective: Considering the high prevalence of test anxiety and its negative effect on achievement performance, so far various methods of psychological intervention have grown. This study aimed to assess the impact of mindfulness-based techniques in reducing student’s anxiety was conducted.Materials and Methods: The present study after random assignment of 11 subjects in the experimental group exposed to training mindfulness-based techniques and 11 subjects in the control group, by experimental pre-test - post test with control group design was conducted. Spielberger Test Anxiety Inventory (STAI) for assessment of subjects test anxiety was used.Results: To examination research hypothesis and analysis of results, data statistically was analyzed by analysis of variance method with repeated measurements in a 2x2 design. Comparisons showed significant differences (p>.001) between test anxiety scores in two groups following conduction of interventional methods, so that the experimental group has been shown significantly decrease in the level of Test anxiety compared with the control group.Conclusion: The results of this study, consistent with the research hypothesis indicate that group training sessions of mindfulness-based techniques causes significantly reduction in students test anxiety.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Concerning the significance of teachers' role as effective and efficient factors in training future generation, it seems necessary to find some procedure to fulfill this mission well. The normalized opinionire of Minnesota teachers is one of the appropriate tools for achieving this goal. The statistical population of this study is consisted of the male and female teachers of Tehran.415 male and female teachers of Tehran Province with were selected by cluster random sampling among the 22nd Districts of Tehran Education Organization. The attitudes' difference of the male and female teachers was studied based on their marital status, age group and teaching experience. The obtained results using SPSS are as follows: the calculated validation was estimated by Cronbach's alpha 0/89 which indicated the high validity of the test. The content validity of the test was also considered by factor analysis method. The findings of implementing this test on the above-mentioned samples showed that the test has been saturated with 2 factors. These two factors are as follows: 1- the attitude of teachers towards students 2-the attitude of teachers towards teachers' profession. Based on the research variables, after conducting the statistical studies and using Manova, the difference between the scores of factor 1 and 2 in confidence level of 0/05 was significant between the male and female teachers. But there was no significant difference between the attitudes of single and married teachers. The teachers' teaching experience and their age difference did not have significant effect on their attitude.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research was conducted to determine the relationship between personality traits with the types of female third- grade student's identity in Tabriz guidance school. Using descriptive- correlation method. The sample size was 370 persons who was selected by multi-stage random sampling. The instruments are included of identity questionnaire of Adams & Benion (OMEIS-2), short- neo form personality one (NEO-FFI). For data analysis Pearson’s correlation and SPSS software was used. The results showed that there is positive and meaningful relation between neuroses with delayed identity, between inflexibility with premature identity, between demonstrativeness with developed identity, between consciousnesses with developed identity. But there wasn't meaningful relation between plea sureness with premature identity. It could be said that personality of female students would be effective in formation of their identity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between leadership style and organizational commitment, among Iran Telecommunication Company employees 50 managers and 258 inferior employees selected as sample Using stratified random sampling, and answered to research Leadership Style questionnaire, and Organizational Commitment questionnaire. Based on the results, there are significant relations: P<0.05, between leadership style managers and organizational commitment, inferiors. There was significant difference: P<0.05, between organizational commitment managers and inferior employees. Also there was no significant difference between organizational commitments a permanent employee and a contract worker.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aims to investigate the relationship between organizational health and effectiveness of school administrators in 5th district of Tehran Education Office. The target population of the project consisted of 3509 elementary, guidance and high school teachers of governmental school in 5th district of Tehran and according to Morgan Sample Size Table 346 teachers were selected as the sample of the study using a simple random sampling and a multi- stage cluster sampling. The research method of the study is correlation. For the purpose of data collection two questionnaires: the Organizational Health Institute (OHI) standard questionnaires and the Standard Effectiveness questionnaire were used. Content Validity and Reliability were obtained using existing resources and experts' opinions and by conducting a pilot study Cronbach Alpha was calculated 0.89 for OHI questionnaire and 0.91 for the Standard Effectiveness questionnaire. To study the aspects of organizational health, a model that divides organizational health to six parts: structuralizing, observation, supporting-source, morale, scientific emphasis and institutional unity was used; based on the findings of data analysis in this research, all aspects of organizational health are correlated to each other. and to study effectiveness, a model was used which has six dimensions namely: leadership, assisting students, constructional relationship with parents, proper dealing with teachers and skills in evaluating personnel and administration of schools affairs from teachers viewpoint. Furthermore, the relationships between organizational health aspects and effectiveness dimensions were investigated in this study. The findings of the research indicate that there are significant relations between organizational health aspects and effectiveness dimensions. Therefore, if the administrators try to apply methods which could improve organizational health, effectiveness in all aspects would also improve.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present research is a study of qualitative and quantitative content of high- school sociology text books based on a social perspective in curriculum development from the teachers and students points of view in Anzali. The statistical population included all the teachers (40 people) and the girls' high- school, second and third graders (580 people). The statistical sample for teachers (23 female, 15 male, 2 unknown) for students, using Cochran modified formula, was 232 people. The sampling method is ratio stratified random sampling. The data collection tool was the researcher made questionnaire on cultural transfer, social change and democratic citizenship. The research method is descriptive survey. To analyze the data and test the hypotheses, Pearson’s coefficient correlation and chi- square is used. The results showed that there are significant relations between sociology lesson content and cultural transfer, democratic citizenship, and social change. Also there are significant differences considering the questions in all of them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The ability to read in a second language is one of the most important skills required of people in multilingual and international settings. The main Purpose for reading can include reading for comprehension. Emphasis on reading ability of foreign language learners has come to be one of the most important methodological topics in the field of English to speakers of other languages, because it is considered a significant tool in leaning all academic subjects. One of the major problems is Iranian students' unwillingness in involving with reading texts, while most of the English textbooks are reading based in Iran. Reading classes seem boring for students. This is due to teachers' unawareness of making language classes meaningful and therefore enjoyable for students. Task-based language teaching is an effective methodology for improving learners' linguistic and communicative competence. This study has investigated the effect of task-based activities on EFL learners' reading comprehension. In order to accomplish the research, 60 students were chosen from a private Institute. A pre-test including 60 TOFLE questions was given to the participants. According to the pre-test, the participants were divided into two groups, namely experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught according to the elements of task-based learning but the control group didn't receive such treatment. After 15 sessions a post test was given. Through the analysis of the obtained data, t-test, it was found that there were significant differences between control and experimental group on dependant variable, reading comprehension.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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