Stamp is a cultural ambassador and the smallest securities which can passes the borders without passport, Therefore Messages and images on the stamps express the government’s official view on the social, cultural and political spheres and from this point of view, the sensitivity of the design of the stamps for the government is very important.During the Qajar era, lion and sun or king’s images were only images on the stamps and only the two first ones were considered as symbol of Iran.At Pahlavi era, many stamps printed with images of ancient architectural designs or Achaemenid and Sassanid kings, announcement of changing name of Persia to Iran of, Ancient sports, Commemoration of Iranian figures and celebrities. But the most striking feature of stamps of this period was their dedication to portrait of king and royal family. But with the victory of Islamic Revolution on 11 February 1979, pictures and themes of Stamps were completely changed. The pictures of events occurred on June 5th, 1963; September 8th 1 1978; February 10th and 11th 1979, War with Iraq and martyrdom, Women in society, Imam Khomeini and the symbols of Iranian culture, were depicted on these Stamps. The research was conducted based on the descriptive - historical method and the gathering information was based on data library and after referring to the history of stamp and how it entered to Iran; we consider the stamp design in Iran with an emphasis on the stamps of three decades after Islamic Revolution.