Background and Aim: Aerosols containing microbes from the oral cavity of the patient are created by using high-speed rotating instruments while practicing dentistry. This study aimed to evaluate the level of microbial aerosol contamination in different dental departments of Islamic Azad University Dental branch in 2009.Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study has been carried out on184 samples of 3-6 location of 11 departments from operatory and non-operatory places. The samples were cultured on blood agar plates that was placed one meter height from the floor. In each section, a control agar plates were placed in non operatory part. Anaerobic microbes were not evaluated, Prevalence of contamination was evaluated and role of related factors: traffic sector, service type, time, or the use of turbines, the volume of space and number of units were analyzed by Fisher's exact test and DOE (Design of Experiments). Results: Aerosol contains microbes have been observed in% 88 of the samples. The air contamination in the therapeutic section was 47.3% and in non- therapeutic section was 52.7%. Microbes found in the same sectors, including gram-positive cocci %58.5, gram-negative cocci% 25.8, gram-positive bacilli %12, fungi %2.1, gram negative bacilli %1.6 Microbial air pollution levels in non-health sectors in the morning and with fewer patients had increased significantly. Conclusion: The results shown high degree of contamination which is striking. According to AMI standard, the results shown high contamination rate, therefore the need for developing new means for preventing microbial aerosols is mandatory.