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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Syntax principles in Arabic are the main base of this language, yet they have always been accompanied with complexity specially in the field of education. No doubt that different factors create this situation. Some of these factors are vapidity of principles, traditional methodology, fruitless efforts and aimless education. Furthermore, naturally, syntax consists of philosophical analysis and a large amount of idioms and details which make it difficult to for being understood not only by the learners but also by the teachers. Thus, it seems necessary to simplify the syntactic rules, and this is why so many attempts have been done up to now in this field although with little effect. Regarding all these facts it appears that irregular, sparse and not education-related solutions for syntax simplification will not be of any use. Instead, for accomplishing this task, we should use linguistic and teaching facts and knowledge. This paper aims to answer the questions like: How much could the attempts to simplify the syntax principles achieve? Why were these efforts fruitless? Which method can be suggested to simplify syntax education with better results?

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The extent of popularity and circulation of a foreign language words inside a specific region can be considered as an evidence of mental, social and political impact of that foreign civilization and culture upon the people of that area.This paper deals with the influence and popularity of Persian words in Pre-Islamic poetry. The wide range of this popularity in various fields emphasizes the religious, economic, politic and military influence of Persia upon Arabia.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study reviews the topics of some famous orientalists' books, regarding Arabic literature, and evaluates the style of their literary history writing, their intellectual inclination and methods .Identifying their methodology in this field, helps us to have a better understanding of their special perspectives. Realizing the position of the" History of Arabic Literature" in orientalists' studies, their share and role they had in giving a true understanding of the history of Arabic literature is also appreciated. The most important point in this regard is the orientalists' method in classifying the periods of Arabic literature. Carl Brukelman, for example, has not only identified literary periods and named the poets, writers, and their works, but he has also examined sciences of the periods such as jurisprudence, philosophy, theology, medicine,and history of Islam. However, other orientalists like Gonzales, have only focused on research of literary works in a particular period and made their attempts to clarify the most specific literary points in a particular era.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Since the appearance of the knowledge of syntax the grammarians made an effort to develop the rules of Arabic language, through which the Quran was sent down. To do this they considered some principles: 1) To develop the rules of syntax they only referred to the language of Arab noble and eloquent tribes. 2) They developed the rules of syntax based on the widespread and prevalent language of Arabs and considered the others rare and unusual and deemed it sufficient to be recorded and did not adhere to those rare instances. 3) They developed syntactic rules based on speech and dialects of eloquent Arabs and considered oral language as a base for written one, in this way they deduced written language through the speech and dialects of eloquent Arabs. In this study, we have tried to explore Abu Ali al-Farsi's points of view, one of the distinguished grammarians in the 4th century of Higra, regarding syntactic evidence & analogy. He believed that the syntactic rules have to be derived from dominant Arabic language and not from rare dialects. He also thought that acceptance by usage is more important than analogy which can not be given greater value than the accepted dominant language.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study attempts to review and analyze Abu-Firas's Roomiia ode and identify the elements composing it by going through the text rhetorically and semantically. In this research the special quality of the ode has affected the selection of the method and coming to a result. In this paper, the authors have taken advantage of the method called discourse analysis of poem, the effective technique to detect latent and apparent purposes of the poet. They tried to study the influence of poet's spiritual and emotional conditions on the coherent elements, the style of expression, the vocabulary type and order and the poetic composition. This article aims at scrutinizing the question whether the poet's emotional energy was manifested in the form of his poetry, and whether the poet's original intention and his emotional center can be realized by studying the ode's elements. The findings of this study represent the deep relationship between the mentality and inspiring language of the poet in this ode, and prove that deep feelings of pain caused by captivity, influenced the harmony and unity of expressive architecture and emotional tune of the ode.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Dating- in- verse is a rhetorical art which-according to the most reliable documents- appeared during the period of decline in Arabic literature, although some authors believed that Pre-Islamic poets also wrote some kinds of it. Dating-in-verse is the versification of a date written by use of ABJD alphabetical order, in which each letter marks or equals a number, e.g.  A=1, B=2, J=3 etc.To versify a date, the poet makes a phrase or a sentence whose letters –if summed up-equal the date of an event, like the date of someone's birth or death and so on.Having harmony, rhythm and rhyme, the versified date can be memorized easier than a date made of mere a number.This art has been popular in traditional literary circles during last two centuries and Shiite theologians have created numerous verses of this poetic type.This paper deals with the introduction of this rhetoric art and the poetic samples written by Shiite theologians during two last centuries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Taboo words are topics and concepts not used because of their common law or socio-religious unlawfulness. Such unlawfulness of the taboo words causes that people use these dirty, naughty, rude and unpleasant concepts in a good, friendly, kind, polite and far from any frankness mood. This kind of meaning assigning is referred to as euphemism. The euphemism category has been in the focal point of Muslim philologists and critics since the beginning of literary and linguistic researches, so that most of them began to introduce, name and analyze the methods, incentives and meaning scopes of this kind of linguistic behavior. To name this kind of meaning assigning, the ancients used propositions such as "al -talattof meaning stating something softly", or sometimes they made use of the methods for coining euphemism such as "al -kinayah meaning irony". In Arabic, the semantic areas for euphemism are sexuality, disasters and tragic events like death and illness. Furthermore, observing modesty and shame, reducing the negative meaning loads of frank phrases and softening them, fear and pessimism, courtesy, amusement and innovation and respect all are the main reasons for using euphemism.This article aims to review the position of "euphemism" in literary criticism, the use of this linguistic behavior and the ways of coining it. Depending on the situation, the authors will put forward the ancients' viewpoints.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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