In the “Decade of culture of peace” (2001-2010), international thinker and institutions have with a positive outlook, deemed access to coexistence the duty of different social groups and institutions and introduced coexistence as a legitimate educational goal as a way to boost social cohesion. In this article peaceful coexistence is construed as an educational goal with roots in scientific/ philosophical, pragmatic and Islamic ideas. In this article a more comprehensive idea of coexistence, i.e. peaceful and just coexistence, is advocated, which is more compatible with our country’s educational system and Islamic culture. Conceptually, the ramifications of this goal constitute an educational continuum of activities covering training and education toward, as first step, a minimal peaceful and just coexistence, moving toward developing a just compromise among groups. a second step, maximal peaceful and just coexistence and balanced society in the third and fourth stages, respectively. In all the four stages, emphasis is laid on change, reform and shaping the socio-psychological repertoire of individuals and groups and education them to accept the existence of other groups and their rights. These activites are hoped to pave the way for a permanent peaceful and just (i.e. free and unimposed) socio-cultural coexistence. At the training stage, internalization of valses and the development of social skills and behaviors should receive the most attention on the part of both curriculum developers and practitioner.