Subject and Objective: Today, the police utilizing the different sciences including situational prevention, the possibility of diagnosis and analysis of crimes, execution of strategy for elimination of which and evaluation of its performance. The main objective of this literature is expressing the realizing mode of a crime in the context of a social problem, introducing the most efficientsituationalpreventive policies and circumstance of selecting a preventive answer for eliminating them. Methodology: the present research as respect to the objective is practical and topics of which have been written through library method applying written resources in the original language (English), written and translated books and essays, internet websites, domestic and abroad codified regulations and some of executed plans. Findings: the findings of this research indicate that the necessity of preventing the crime on the rational basis of offendinginflation, is social and economic aspects. But in spite of many topics which are published every year regarding prevention of crime and police affairs, there is no codified scientific basis to indicate the effective or ineffective cases in this context. Results: the results of this research indicate that selecting the preventive strategies, specifying the prevention preferences,targeted execution and at last, reduce of crime, all depend on the deep recognition of the nature of the foregoing problem and accurate and native analysis of which.