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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Irregular growth of population in the urban zones causes some problems such as increase of offending, suburbanization, dwelling crisis, undesirable conditions of working, environmental issues, etc to occur. One of the most important issues in the cities of today Iran is the increase of social abnormalities rate and creation of insecurity feeling among the citizens. As well, this affairs cause within the past decades, the increasing attention and interesting in analysis of local-temporal dimensions of offendingvia geographical information systems (GIS) as one of the controlling tools of police in the urban zones to be appear. Local-temporal analyses of two important dimensions of criminal incidents. This kind of analysis provides valuable information for solving the problems and answering the security and disciplinary problems. Present research has been applied with the objective of local and temporal analysis of crimes commitment in the central districtof Tehran.Research method considering the subject and questions of the research is a composition of descriptive, comparative and analytical methods. For analyzing the data, statistical and graphical analyses have been applied. Sampling group of the present study is all committed crimes including thievery by force, villainy and racketeering which have been occurred in the research period in the central district of Tehran.Research findings indicate that the occurrence of crimes including thievery by force, villainy and racketeering in the central district of Tehran follows particular local and temporal patterns and the most crimes occurs on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays and in the most cases during the day and working hours. The centrality and exertion center of these centers have been formed in central and northeast districts of Tehran that this subject indicates the undesirable situation of these zones as respect to the offending. The results of this research indicate that the most important hot spots of central districts of Tehran are located in the central and northeast districts of Tehran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The phenomenon of nationalization and formation of identities and micro cultures of under national identity in the contemporary age has been considered greatly and factors such as territorial divisions based on the national government, inequalities and privations, ideologies and colonialism had important role in nationalization f societies. Meanwhile, the process of nationalization may be deemed as a process through which the connection between land and culture becomes week and the ability of protecting the convergence of a nation will be at risk. The objective of present study is reviewing the pattern difference and communion of Iranian ethnicities from one side and expression of threatening factors of folks against the national security from the other side. In this literature, based on the documental and library method and through studying the resources and written and available documents laying on the written documents in the ethnicity and ethnic identity context, the study and review of the role of ethnicities and their identity for production and protecting the security sustainably has been applied. The findings of this research indicate that of the most important factors which may be raised, in the event of negligence of central government, from different folks as the causes of threaten and a weak point against the national security of the country, is existence of the same-religion folks in the neighbor countries and their relationship with each other, intervene of foreign factors, frontier situation etc.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 6603

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Subject and Objective: Today, the police utilizing the different sciences including situational prevention, the possibility of diagnosis and analysis of crimes, execution of strategy for elimination of which and evaluation of its performance. The main objective of this literature is expressing the realizing mode of a crime in the context of a social problem, introducing the most efficientsituationalpreventive policies and circumstance of selecting a preventive answer for eliminating them. Methodology: the present research as respect to the objective is practical and topics of which have been written through library method applying written resources in the original language (English), written and translated books and essays, internet websites, domestic and abroad codified regulations and some of executed plans. Findings: the findings of this research indicate that the necessity of preventing the crime on the rational basis of offendinginflation, is social and economic aspects. But in spite of many topics which are published every year regarding prevention of crime and police affairs, there is no codified scientific basis to indicate the effective or ineffective cases in this context. Results: the results of this research indicate that selecting the preventive strategies, specifying the prevention preferences,targeted execution and at last, reduce of crime, all depend on the deep recognition of the nature of the foregoing problem and accurate and native analysis of which.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2283

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Subject and objective: some people believe that a part of productivity and decrease of services quality in the organizations is due to the defects in the individual characteristics. Because human resources are counted as one of the main factors in the organizations and the effect of stress on these factors may reduce their efficiency and in contrast, considering these factors and reduce of stress may increase the productivity and improve the quality of working life. This literature has been applied with the objective of reviewing the relationship between stressor individual factors and productivity of human resources among the employees of police departments of police command of Kermanshah province. Methodology: present research is practical, research methodology is descriptive and sampling group is consisted of all personnel ofpolice departments of police command of Kermanshah County. Sample sizehas been specified 216 persons which is distributed through classified random method into three senior officers, petty officers and noncommissioned officers classes. The tools for data compilation is researcher made questionnaire.Findings: the findings of present research indicate that the tests have certified the individual characteristics as the factor for creating stress and demonstrates this claim that the stressor individual factors has great effective on the reduce of the productivity of human resources of the employees of police departments of police command of Kermanshah County.Results: the results from this research may resulted in presentation of applied solutions and reduce the problems and important topics which may hurt the health life of the society. Considering the sensitivity of missions of police departments for protecting the security and comfort in the society, it is required tothe NAJA officers be aware from the mental health conditions and the rate and type of stresses sustained on theunder commandemployees in order to apply the organizational and particularly individual supports towards the reduce of these stresses for NAJA employees and in contrast, paying attention to these factors and reduce of stress may increase the productivity rate and improve the quality of working life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1932

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The objective of present research is identifying the economic factors effective on the tending to the street prostitution in the great Tehran as respect to the sociology has been studied; because the phenomenon of street prostitution has been appeared as a social issue and damage. Methodology: the present literature is practical and as respect to the descriptive method is survey. Its sampling group is consisted of all street prostitutes in Tehran and sample size considering the dispersion of sampling group, 512 persons were studied and investigated through available sampling method and for compilation of research data, questionnaire and interview have been applied. The findings of this research indicatethat the average of prostitution beginning age is about 19 that the first illegal sexual experience has important effects on their attitude to this profession. Sexual enjoy and reaching the wealth was not the main factor of prostitutes for tending to the prostitution, but their very bad financial ability, unemployment or undesirable job, being unsupervised or bad-supervised, or very bad financial ability of their husbands and parents from one hand, and good and very good financial ability of the requestors of the north regions of great Tehran on the other hand, has provided the situation for street prostitution. So, street prostitution is deemed as a profession for the prostitutes and that activate for providing the requirements of their life or their families. Results: the results of this research indicate that from among 20 factors, economic factor has been recognized as the effective and undeniable factor in lieu of 20%, on the attitude of the persons to the prostitution. So that economic factor has the most effectiveness force on the attitude of the respondents to the prostitution profession.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3063

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Subject and objective: in this literature, in addition to the criticism of low performance of traditional methods of policy making for realization of the organizations’ goals, it is hinted to the fade of inter-organizational social capital and applying the information and communication technology and the effects of these two attitudes to the modification of policy making approach of the organizations from traditional to the networking. Therefore, the objective of this research is reviewing the responding rate of the current structure of policy making (hierarchic) of NAJA mission polices (prevention and roadster) in relation to the purposes of organization and as well studying the role of effective factors (information and communication technology and social capital) for tending to the utilization of network patterns for policy making and organizational decision-makings. Methodology: research method as respect to the objective is practical and as regard to the descriptive method is survey and correlative. Sample size has been specified as 120 persons from among sampling group of prevention and roadster polices through Cochrane sampling formula, who have been specified and tested via classified random method (60 persons from each police dept.) foe execution of test. Validity of the tools for compiling the data has been certified by the idea of the experts and perpetuity of which has been estimated equal to @=0.87. Data analysis (which have been compiled via questionnaire) has been applied through descriptive statistics and Chi-square test statistic and Kendall coefficient. Findings: the findings of this literature indicate that the movement of current process of police policy making is from mechanical mode towards the organic mode in the recent years. So that gained results express the direct relationship between communication and information technology and social capital and changes of organization’s policy-making performance from traditional or the same hierarchic methods to networking method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1836

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Object: in this paper we try to evaluate the addiction as one of the most important social problems which is considered as a main root of social harm. In most of literatures the emphasis is on general social factors on this phenomenon including familial effect, we try to evaluate the familial effect on addiction of children using main functions of families individually. We try to consider the functions of family including upbringing the children. Then, we consider that which factors cause some dysfunctions in family and the main factors in addiction of children including addiction of parents. We consider the role of poverty and other factors. We try to determine whether we can find these dysfunctions in addicted families in society. If the family is unsuccessful in social ability of internalizing the values and norms, the other in institution like schools, criminal and judgment systems can do this?Methods: this research is comparative – causal and for accumulation of data, use two sample group in society: addicted and non - addicted. The addicted sample is including addicted center of Shahid Family and non - addicted sample is including Golestan Club. The data are analyzed by SPSS.Results: results are shown that most redundancy in addiction is 7 years and more (73%). The most of parents has educational level less than diploma that is 90% and 91 % for fathers and mothers, respectively. The most reluctance of contention is 71% and it is observed among the families who have the less experience in interfamily controversy.Conclusion: it is shown based on statistical data that dysfunctions like parents addictions, continually fight among family members especially parents is the most effective factors in addiction of children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3560

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