Based on the Minimalist program and VP-shell analysis, the present study is to investigate the surface position of the main verbs in Persian language. In this regards, the word order and internal structure of verb phrases in Persian language have been mentioned and then, the headposition of Tense Phrase (TP) have been considered. In the next step, it has been theoretically and empirically shown that Tense is considered as as head-last parameters in this language. Nextly, it has been discussed how Tense affects the main verb and it has been suggested that verbal elements within the vP move higher up to the relevant functional heads, i.e. T or Perf, to pick up the inflection. To be more precise, in the Persian feature checking system when the inflection feature on v is valued, the value is strong; so the whole little v complex has to move out of the vP for checking purposes, including for tense marking (as in French, but unlike what happens in English). Finally, a number of empirical evidences, including the position of lower adverbials, VP-ellipsis, confirmatory tag questions, and the interaction between tense and perfect aspect, are provided for favoring verb movement out of vP in Persian.