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Introduction Specific learning disability (SLD) is disability or disorder that as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines it, affects a specific academic skill or domain. According to IDEA, SLD is defined as follows: The term “ specific learning disability” means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, and this disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, spell, or do mathematical calculations. Such a term includes such conditions as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. Such a term does not include a learning problem that is primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities; of mental retardation; of emotional disturbance; or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage (Jacobs, Flanagan & Alfonso, 2016). One of the main problems of students with SLD is Dyslexia. “ Developmental Dyslexia” is the most widely used term for children who experience severe difficulties in learning to decode print. Children with dyslexia find it hard to recognize printed words, have great difficulties “ sounding out” unfamiliar words, and often also read slowly. In European languages, which have more regular writing systems than English, the main symptoms of dyslexia are poor reading fluency and spelling, but the predictors of reading (and dyslexia) are the same, namely letter knowledge, phoneme awareness and rapid naming (RAN) skills (Hulme & Snowing, 2016). Theretofore, several interventions have been used to improve dyslexia in students with SLD, one of which is morphological awareness instruction. Researchers have documented that a conscious awareness of the morphology is related to reading skills (Cunningham & Carroll, 2015). Words are composed of morphemes, the smallest units of language that convey meaning. Morphemes can be free (i. e., base 1 words; book, clap, good, hook) or bound (i. e., prefixes and suffixes, collectively known as affixes; books, clapped, goodness, unhook). Words that consist of a free morpheme only are monomorphemic, and words that contain both free and bound morphemes are multimorphemic. Multimorphemic words can be inflected or derived. Inflected morphemes change the tense or number of a free morpheme (e. g., clapped, books), whereas derived morphemes change the part of speech and/or meaning of the base word (e. g., goodness, unhook). Prefixes always modify the meaning of a base word, whereas suffixes may or may not affect base words’ meanings (Apel & Werfel, 2014). Morphological awareness refers to an individual’ s ability to consciously consider the structure of words in terms of the smallest meaningful units and to analyze and manipulate these units (Larsen & Nippold, 2007; Apel & Werfel, 2014). Morphological awareness can be operationalized as an individual’ s performance on tasks that require conscious analysis of the morphological structure of words (Berninger, Abbott, Nagy & Carlisle, 2010; Apel & Werfel, 2014). Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficiency of play therapy based on morphological awareness on dyslexia in students with SLD. Materials & Methods This study was a pre-test/ post-test control group design. The statistical population of this study included all female students with SLD that studied at second grade in schools of Dorche city in 2016. The sample included 30 students selected by Simple Random Sampling from this population and then assigned into two groups of 15 people (experimental group and control group). The experimental group received the play therapy based of morphological awareness in 10 sessions and 3 times a week. At this time, the control group did not receive any intervention. The study data was collected by the NAMA reading and dyslexia test (korminori & Moradi, 2005) and teacher-made test of reading. MANCOVA analysis was used to analysis the data. Results The results showed the efficiency of play therapy based on morphological awareness on dyslexia in components of chain words (F=9. 270 and P=0. 006), reading time (F=5. 596 and P=0. 027) and correct reading (F=5. 264 and P=0. 030) is significant at α =0. 05 level. But, it is not effective on reading words (F=1. 696 and P=0. 206) and reading nonwords (F=0. 660 and P=0. 425) for these students. Conclusions According to the results of this study, since morphological awareness is related to perceiving words and also, it is effective in defining words. These results are in accordance with the results of various studies, as such as (Apel & Werfel, 2014; Good, et al., 2014; Wouters & Ghesquiè re, 2015; Cunningham & Carroll, 2015; Vaknin-Nusbaum, et al., 2016; Lyster, et al., 2016). Therefore, it is suggested to use play therapy based on morphological awareness for diminishing dyslexia in students with specific learning disability.

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In each country, educational systems play an important role in moving ahead of their goals to adapt to the changes in society. Language skills are the main objectives of the primary curriculum. Clearly, competence in them requires education and any education needs a program while program needs to be evaluated for improvement. Writing is an integral part of contemporary education because of its relation to thinking and reading. Writing is a valuable factor both for the current education reform and for individual success at school and at work; therefore, it is essential for educators to define the strengths and weaknesses of the current school curriculum. However in the field of writing, there has been much less research in the country and no changes are offered in writing as a result of the transformation of philosophical and theoretical foundations. Therefore, in this research, it was attempted to evaluate the written curriculum of primary writing instruction based on the theoretical foundation and written curriculum. There are two main approaches to writing: Product Approach and Process Approach. The Product approach is derived from the behavioral theory and the positivism philosophy, wherein the emphasis is on the teacher and the lower-level cognitive functions. In this approach, educational methods are more onedimensional and teacher-centered. Writing in this perspective is based on grammar and the regularization is through direct teaching. Students write in one step and teacher also scores in another step to the final writing. Therefore, in this approach, the emphasis is on basic skills such as handwriting, spelling and linguistic knowledge – i. e. word-formation and grammar. By the change in the philosophy of teaching from positivism to post-positivism, the process-writing approach transformed the old approach – i. e., the product approach. In this approach, the emphasis is on the student, problem, and process. The process of writing transforms thoughts and ideas into the final text and emphasizes the construction of meaning and its transition. Over time, the process approach evolved and introduced other dimensions. This research is based on the process approach merged with other approaches. Effective elements derived from other approaches are well combined with the writing process and show positive results in research. Thus, a pattern of writing education is used that takes into account the training and opportunities of writing for high-level skills such as strategies, goals, criteria of evaluation and growth of self-regulation strategy as well as basic skills in an interactive and collaborative context. Since the process of writing is the central element in this approach, the theoretical foundation of this research is called the process-oriented approach. The textbook is one of the most important references and resources for the students’ learning in our country’ s educational system. In Iran, most educational activities are carried out within the framework of the textbook and the most educational activities and experiences of students and teachers are organized around it. So, in this study, it is tried to investigate writing skills in primary school’ s reading and writing textbooks and the writing approach used in that according to teacher guidebook. This research seeks to answer the two fundamental questions: “ Is the approach of reading and writing textbooks to the writing instruction based on modern teaching methods? ” and “ Is the approach of reading and writing textbooks to writing instruction coordinated with the intended approach in the teacher’ s guidebook? ” The method of measurement in this research is guided content analysis or analogy-based content analysis. In a guided or analogy-based approach, the basis of the analysis is the existing theory or the results of previous research as initial codes. Content of these textbooks were analyzed based on basic or micro level skills as well as high or macro level skills, writing opportunity for these skills and access to writers community. The statistical population of the study is reading, writing textbooks and teacher guidebook for primary school. In grade selection, it is expected that higher grade will become more advanced in writing; therefore, the sixth grade as the final year of the selected period was targeted and the data were collected. Descriptive statistics was used to obtain the results. The results showed that in sixth-grade reading and writing textbooks, there is more attention to basic and micro level skills and low or no attention is paid to macro and high-level skills. Results showed that the writing instruction model is not based on the process approach, but has the traditional approach components and there is no balance between the cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions of writing instruction in written content. The highest value is for the behavioral dimension and the lowest value is for the affective dimension. In addition, in the cognitive and behavioral dimension, the higher attention was to basic skills. Findings also showed that the written curriculum is coordinated with the intended curriculum.

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Mousavi Bafrooei Seyyed Mohammad | Tavakkolnia Maryam

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With the conceptual metaphors, the speaker, a particular concept which is incomprehensible in the destination domain is mapped to the source domain, relying on known experiences and visual schemas that lie within the source domain which is understandable to the audience. So, because of the spatial property of the container above, which places “ height and length” in the source area, this term was chosen as an example to illustrate the role of conceptual metaphors and the schemas encoded with it in Nahj al-Balaghah conceptualizations. According to the the conceptual metaphors and consequently visual schematics, this paper has used a descriptiveanalytic method to investigate the metaphorical functions of the word “ above” (faugh فَروق ) in Nahj al-Balaghah, and by explaining this term and the empirical and place-making role of cognitive metaphors, a comprehensive and detailed description of the vessel is obtained in the conceptual system of Nahj al-Balaghah. The term has been instrumental in the conceptualization of the human mind as the basis for the “ direction-movement” , in the structuring of the spiritual and social discourses. Therefore, the present study seeks to elucidate the role of conceptual metaphors constructed with the term by examining the function of the “ above” container in Nahj al-Balaghah conceptual system. In this way, after briefly explaining the difference between classical and conceptual metaphors, examining these points the meaning of the above sample is analyzed cognitively. Here the meaning of the sample of the word, which is the most focal concept in its semantic network, has been examined and identified in the context of the word “ above” indicating the spatial relationship. It literally means “ place” , in fact, the meaning of “ above” and “ along” is conceptualized by the spatial height property of this word; so, its scheme is as described, the moving element is above the fixed boundary, which may be spaced above the boundary, or it is completely over it, sometimes drawing the elevation and elevation of the path in the direction of the boundary depending on its applied texture. Therefore, in the pre-conceptual sense of this term, in addition to the “ upward” directional schema, a “ motion in the longitudinal space” visual scheme is also observed, which is caused by the alteration of this schema both in its direction and in its motion and the basis of the concept of origin lies in the metaphorical transition. Another point is that the notion of “ above, above” gives the sentence path to its boundary worthwhile. 2. Above Image Schemas: Based on the foregoing, it was found that the visual schema – the same recurring patterns in our experiences that integrate and conceptualize our concepts– is “ spatial” and “ motion” in the conceptual representation of the term when it comes to structure. As sentences and interpretations fall into place, other schematics branch out. Thus, the above term primarily refers to the notion of “ high” placement, a place which is derived from the fact that we have a body with a specific function in the physical environment. When man places his body and things in the center, and measures the position of other things upon them, he judges they are on or above something, his judgments are based on human experience and his teachings. For example in the phrase مِ سَوفٍ « فَوقَ 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 هُم ) خ/ 1 ( » مفروعٍ وَ مِهادٍ تَحتَهُم مَوووعٍ 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 The track is located at a distance above the border. In fact, here the Imam has used the everyday human experience of placing the object over a fixed place to guide the understanding of the existence of the sky by embodying the sky over humans because in our experience all of us associate the “ ceiling” with the (hyper) meaning of the high and vast environment, thus relying on the basic concept of reliance on the schema. It is high, depicting the presence of a vast, vast sky. Secondly, the above container is depicted in Nahj al-Balagha, “ the movement of the body is in space” , for example, conceptualizing the experience of horizontal motion in the phrase و ال ا « م فوق 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 ها » دفیق 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 ) 6 )خ/ 1 Or the upside in the interpretation اَنا « دو 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 ما تَوولُ* وَ فَوقَ 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 ما » فی نَفسِفَ 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 3. Another case examined in this paper is an explanation of the abstract concepts of Nahj al-Balaghah concepts with the above container obtained by mapping between spatial and empirical concepts. Thus, the human experience of the “ direction and movement” of the concept of origin, rather than mapping it into the realm of destination, experiences other abstract concepts such as “ dominance, grandeur, environment, expansiveness, exaltation, opposition, and more superiority” . And intensity for his audience, for example, the metaphorical concept of “ dominant is high” in the interpretation فَإِ « فَوْ قَ 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 هُمْ )53/ ( »𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 Or more is high in وَلا تسَاَل و « ا فیها فَوقَ 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 الدَفافِ ) خ/ 45 ( » 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 They are explained by the conceptual role of the above contained in the interpretations of Ali (AS).

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SHOKRI MOHAMMAD | NAZARI ALI | Mirzaei Al Hosaini Sayyed Mahmoud

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This article is based on a doctoral dissertation and compares syntactic characteristics of linguistic units that modify verb (adverbial) as well as adjective in Arabic on one hand and adverbial in Persian and English languages on the other. This comparison first tries to see if it is ever possible to find in Arabic what other languages regard as adverb; and then, seeks to develop an equivalent balance between Arabic on one hand and Persian and English on the other hand in terms of adverbial affinities and disparities between these languages that might be used to shed more light on Arabic adverbial rules. ...

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Ebrahimi Zhino | Moradi Ronak

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“ If a little girl ‘ talks rough’ like a boy, she will normally be ostracized, scolded, or made fun of” (Lakoff, 1973, p. 47). Lakoff believed that society keeps children in line, in their place; which means the society needs girls and boys to behave according to their sex in every aspect of their social life. She reflected, although, “ this socializing process is harmless and often necessary in many aspects” , it has the potential to raise serious problems when it is used in language, due to the fact that “ the acquisition of this special style of speech will later be an excuse others use to keep her in demeaning position, to refuse to take her seriously as a human being” . This was a big claim, which urged many linguists to investigate how true it is. Although more than four decades have passed since Lakoff first introduced her thought, still the question whether gender is responsible for the way women talk has not been answered and requires more debate; the reason for this article be written. ...

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Longacre (1996) recognizes four major discourse genres including narrative, procedural, behavioral and expository discourse. He considers exhortations to be a sub-branch of behavioral discourse, which “ deals with how people did or should behave” (Longacre 1996, p. 9, in Dooley & Levinsohn, 2000). Accordingly, this study is going to analyze Persian hortatory texts of two genres: Persian General Practitioners’ Books (GPBs) and Online Medical Journals (OMJs). In particular, it looks at the relative potency of different forms of exhortation and distinguishes between default, highlighted and backgrounded hortatory forms based on Levinsohn (2015). ...

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This paper examines the typological aspects of coordinated WH-Questions in Persian language. Coordination is one of the syntactic operations that makes a compound or complex phrase or sentence. It is widely assumed that two conjuncts have to be alike in their grammatical and semantic functions. Williams (1981) proposed the Law of Coordination of Likes; that is, the coordinated constituents must be the same in terms of their syntactic category; 1) a. John ate the apple and the orange. b. * John ate the apple and yesterday. . . .

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Ghanbarian Tina

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The work of a linguist and a lexicographer in the field of lexical semantics has the largest common border. In the process of lexicography, a lexicographer faces one of the main issues in lexical semantics: polysemy. When a lexicographer is trying to define a polysemous word for a monolingual dictionary, he/she has to undertake a special task, so-called: sense discrimination, that means he/she has to make a distinction between various meanings of that word. Lexicographical practice in short appears to be in accordance with the lexicological observation that the distinction between meanings need not to be clear-cut. This has been a controversial problem in both disciplines. In order to provide some argumentations to the problem, this research is conducted with the help of the descriptive tools that cognitive linguistics offers, namely: the theory of Semantic Networks (Norvig & Lakoff, 1987), Frame Semantic (Fillmore, 1982) and Construction Grammar (Goldberg, 1995; Nemoto, 2005). This study is conducted on the lexical category of “ verb” , which has semantic complexity, and to this end, the Persian motion verb of Afshandan has been chosen as a case study. The data for this research have been extracted from the corpus of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, which includes about 500 sentences and phrases containing this verb.

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Movement is one of the basic properties of human languages. Studying and accounting different movements is one of the main concerns in generative linguistics. One of the movements which attracts the interest of many linguists is Scrambling. Scrambling is the movement which occurs in languages with free word order including Kalhori Kurdish. Kalhori Kurdish is an Iranian language spoken in Kermanshah and Ilam provinces, west part of Iran. In this article, we attest the merits of two rival movement approaches, namely Syntactic Edges (Chomsky 2000, 2001) and Cyclic Linearization (Fox & Pesetsky, 2005). Chomsky (2000) introduces the phase-based approach minimalism. He argues that syntactic derivation creates syntactic units, called phase. Chomsky (2000, 2001) claims that full argument structure v*P and CPs are strong phases and spell-out applies to these strong phases. Spell-out is viewed as an operation that transfers syntactic objects in each strong phase to phonology and logical form. The consequence of such an approach is the Phase Impenetrability Condition (PIC). An important consequence of PIC is that edges or syntactic escape hatches must be postulated at each strong phase. In phase-based approach, spell-out makes elements in the complement of strong phases inaccessible to further operations in the higher phases and movements which are triggered by features in higher phases that only occur through the edges of strong phases in successive cyclic fashion; therefore, “ edges” provide a path for any upward movement. On the other hand, Fox and Pesetsky (2005) argue that movement can occur in nonedge zones as object shift in Scandinavian languages. They claim that movement is possible without postulating Phase Impenetrability Condition (PIC) and edges. Fox & Pesetsky (2005) claim that spell-out is an operation which changes asymmetric hierarchical structure in syntax into linear structure in phonology. They argue that even after spell-out, syntactic objects can be accessible to operations in upper phases if they do not violate the linear preservation principle. In this article, we try to compare strengths and weaknesses of these approaches in the light of Scrambling in Kalhori Kurdish. In Kalhori Kurdish, SOV is the unmarked word order. Scrambling provides marked interpretation by changing this unmarked word order. Scrambling is a common operation and feature-based process in Kalhori Kurdish. In both approaches, Scrambling in Kalhori Kurdish triggers phrases with contrastive focus feature to move cyclically from lexical phase to functional phase through phase edges to the spec of focus phrase. By using some evidences such as the position of sentence adverbs and phrase adverbs and the presence of overt subject in tag questions, we proved that EPP feature on TPP cannot trigger short distance scrambling in Kalhori Kurdish. Therefore, short distance scrambling is an A’-movement to the spec of focus phrase which is located at the top of TPP. Also, longdistance scrambling is an A’-movement to satisfy focus feature. Based on Syntactic Edges approach, scrambling in Kurdish occurs exclusively in the specs of v*P and CPs. Uniformity in short-and long-distance scrambling is the main outcome of analyzing scrambling in this approach. Although this approach provides a unified mechanism in explaining short-and long-distance scrambling in Kalhori Kurdish, it cannot provide an adequate explanation for long-distance binding of /ey/ as an eclitic pronoun. Miagawa (2006) claims that scrambling occurs at the edges of phases and proposes two kinds of movement to the Spec of CP, movement of WH phrase and long-distance scrambling. He argues that only WH phrase inters agreement with the head of Cp and long-distance scrambling does not inter agreement relationship with the head of CP. Miagawa claims that long-distance scrambling occurs as an optional movement only to satisfy edge feature. Scrambling evidences in long-distance scrambling manifests that unlike Miagawa (2006), the landing site of scrambled phrase in Kalhori Kurdish is not the spec of Cp but spec of FocP. On the other hand, in Cyclic Linearization, scrambling in Kalhori Kurdish can occur both in edges zone (short and long distance scrambling) and in nonedge zone (multiple scrambling). This approach explains long-distance binding of /ey/ as a clitic pronoun properly because the binding relationship between clitic pronoun and its antecedent A does not violate the linear preservation principle, so, it is an licit movement, which is one of its merits over syntactic edges. Contrary to Kurdish data and writers’ linguistic intuition, long-distance scrambling of verb phrase is licit movement in Cyclic Linearization. This is one of the weaknesses of Cyclic Linearization. Overall, Cyclic Linearization, in spite of lack of consistency in its concepts, can suggest more adequate explanation for scrambling in Kalhori Kurdish than Syntactic Edges.

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Background Academic lectures play a significant role in academic education. The importance of lectures in academic education has made some scholars believe that comprehending lectures is critical to the students’ academic success (e. g., Olsen & Huckin, 1990). Yet, understanding academic lectures is a considerable challenge for students in English-medium classes (Olsen & Huckin, 1990; ). Even advanced EFL/ESL learners suffer from this problem. Part of this difficulty is because academic lectures are highly packaged. On the other hand, lectures are full of expressions that structure the discourse. Therefore, it is important to investigate these expressions. Some of these expressions help students distinguish between important and unimportant information which are referred to as relevance markers (Crawford Camiciottoli, 2007; Deroey & Taverniers, 2012; Hunston, 1994) and “ selection cues” (Titsworth & Kiewra, 2004). Thompson (2003) investigated text-structuring metadiscourse in academic lectures. Thompson distinguished text-structuring metadiscourse statements according to the three features of (i) reference to the content, or topic, (ii) reference to the talk, or part of the talk, and (iii) interpersonal reference, or referring to the speaker or the audience. Specifically, some of the statements that refer to the lecturer or the audience are instances of importance marking (e. g., ok now let me make two points about how nonverbal communication functions). Analyzing a small corpus comprising 12 Business Studies lectures delivered by UK, US and NNS lecturers and 10 MICASE lectures from different disciplines, Crawford Camiciottoli (2004, 2007) observes six retrospective and prospective patterns for relevance markers with various combinations of deictics, determiners, relevance adjectives, metalinguistic nouns, and the linking verb “ is” . The retrospective patterns include “ DEIC + IS + ADJ (e. g. This is important), DEIC + IS + ADJ + META N (e. g. That’ s a key question), DEIC + IS + (-ADJ) + META N (e. g. That’ s the point), IT + IS+ ADJ + THAT + DEIC (e. g. It’ s crucial that this is clear), IT + IS + ADJ + TO-INF + DEIC (e. g. It’ s important to see this) and THERE + IS (-ADJ) + A LOT (e. g. There’ s a lot to be said about that)” (2004, p. 90). The prospective patterns are “ WHAT + IS + ADJ + IS (e. g. What is important is), DET + ADJ + META N + IS (e. g. The main point is), DET (-ADJ) + META N + IS (e. g. The thing is), IT + IS + ADJ + THAT (e. g. It’ s crucial that), IT + IS + ADJ + TO-INF (e. g. It’ s important to see) and THERE + IS + (-ADJ) + META N (e. g. There is an issue here about)” (2004, p. 90). Methodology The Persian corpus of SOKHAN based the foundation for this research. This corpus was developed at the Science and Technology Park of North Khorasan, Iran under the directorship of Javad Zare and Zahra Keivanlou-Shahrestanaki. Corpus development was assisted by funding from the Technology University of Esfarayen and the Science and Technology Park of North Khorasan. SOKHAN consists of audio and video recordings and the transcripts of 60 Persian academic lectures, totaling 480, 526 words. The lectures of SOKHAN were recorded between 2010 and 2015. They were delivered mainly by male native speakers of Persian lecturers. These lectures evenly spread in the four disciplinary groups of engineering (es), humanities (hs), medicine (ms), and base sciences (bs). A mixed-methods (exploratory) approach and a corpus-driven method were adopted in this study. Importance markers were first derived from the Persian Corpus of SOKHAN by reading the transcripts. A number of 293 concordances of importance marking expressions were retrieved from the corpus and analyzed in terms of positioning – anaphoric, cataphoric– and discourse functions. Results and Conclusion Analysis of the importance markers led to some findings that are worth noting. As regards the position of the importance markers, eight patterns were found for anaphoric importance markers. Among these, the patterns “ hd (highlighted discourse) + exam points” and “ hd + deic mn v-link (adv) ADJ” were more frequent than others. For cataphoric importance markers, ten patterns were found, among which “ V + hd” outnumbered others. Generally, cataphoric importance markers were found to be substantially more frequent than anaphoric importance markers. Moreover, as regards the discourse functions of the expressions that signal importance of points, five discourse functions were found. These include discourse organization, audience engagement, subject status, topic treatment, and relating to exam. Importance markers dealing with audience engagement were found to be the most frequently used expressions. On the whole, the findings suggest that lecturers tend to function interpersonally in Persian academic contexts when it comes to signaling importance.

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“ The other” is among the important subjects raised in various fields of cultural, philosophical, anthropological, and semiotic studies. One of the main subjects in the mystical and cultural discourses of the East is “ the other” . In principle, to look from the perspective of “ the other” is an important subject in all mysticism. The subject of “ the other” is also a feature of Rumi’ s mystical and cultural discourse. In Rumi’ s discourse, the other is manifested in different discursive and cultural functions and interactions are continuously made between the other and the ego. The problem being posed is how this interaction is realized and how it interferes with shaping the meaning. Therefore, the main question in the present study is how and according to which discursive and cultural conditions and functions, interaction between “ the other” and the ego is realized and in what form of discourses these interactions are presented. In fact, the purpose of the present article is to explain the features of the “ other-oriented” system Rumi had intended and the interaction between “ the other” and the ego in two of Rumi’ s sonnets as well as examining their role in shaping cultural and normative atmospheres. Our hypothesis is that in Rumi’ s sonnets “ the other” has a centralized presence, which is the center of accumulation and energy. But this centralized aspect continuously extends its presence in a variety of ways, in the form of discursive interaction, to the whole of space, and provides the context for the ego transcendence. Such a situation is the result of the fundamental presence of the superego, that all levels of his presence signs depend on him and connect with him in the presence of their meaning and value. In Rumi’ s discourse, superego as being “ the other” is manifested in a vast variety of discursive functions and placed at the core of all discourse anaphora. This refers to the universal aspect of the presence of “ the other” , which stores all energies and compressive and extensive accumulations. Accordingly, such centralized aspect of presence is torn apart, so it becomes “ he” , “ ego” , and “ you” as various fragments of presence, on the one hand, and every moment, it transforms to a certain seeming as of the rover’ s idol, on the other. When it takes the place of é nonciateur, it is regarded as audience and while taking an audience’ s place, it is regarded as é nonciateur. In another manifestation, it is a meta-subject or meta-actor that takes control of everything  it is both act and patience, both actor and patient, both value and meta-value. Due to the presence of “ other” , “ ego” is sometimes pluralized and transforms into two present fragments of “ self” and “ ego” ; as well, it occasionally paves the way for the fusion of these two distinct parts. Sometimes it degrades subject to the level of exclusion, breakdown and unsubjectness, and at the time of adaptation, starts a discursive and interactive dance with self to accompany it to the level of transcendence. This high capacity thereof relates Rumi’ s poetry to different discourses, some of which are introduced in this study. Based on a semiotics approach, Rumi’ s standpoint to “ the other” and its contribution to forming cultural and normative atmosphere is clarified. A model for the ontological and otheroriented aspect of Iranian mysticism, according to Rumi’ s idea, is hereby presented in this study too. In Rumi’ s discourse of his sonnets, “ the other” is manifested in a variety of faces and with different ways and properties, only with some of which this study has dealt. There is a constant interaction between “ ego” , “ the other” and superego in the discourse. This interaction is realized in the framework of its transcendental, phenomenal, tensional, emotional and identical functions. In such interactions, “ the other” is in its peak of power and competency and enjoys a sublime capability of pressure and extension. It, nonetheless, constantly calls for ego to itself and receives it in its territory of presence in a democratic way. As well, it does not have a suggestive descending mode, it is not an absorption of “ ego” into “ the other” , and it does not even lead to the humiliation of “ ego” ; instead, it is a matter of “ ego” transcendental presence, what reminds me of the concept of mortality followed by survival and my present transcendence. Superego is the phenomenal aspect of presence, which takes control of everything, even the é nonciateur itself. It is a meta-actor consisting of all present modes as the root of all acts, beings, values, and meta-values. Such state is the outcome of full and fundamental presence of the otherhood of “ other” or superego, which forms a specific phenomenal setting in discourse, the result of which is the realization of mystical aesthetic system.

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The Argot language is one of the standard varieties of language that is formed among young people or a group of delinquents. Each social group has its own terms and expressions that must be learned in order to enter that group. Argot language is not separate from the language. Rather, it is one of its various varieties. This language represents a heterogeneous society, with each group having an impact on language. One can argue beyond this, claiming that the difference between each Argot language and the language commonly depends on the group attribute that uses this Argot language. The more different these groups are, the more they use different language forms to establish and maintain a relationship with the linguistic community. ...

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This article surveys passivization in Taleshi dialect. This dialect is common in some areas of the Guilan province. This dialect, i. e Taleshi dialect, is divided into three different branches which are called central, northern and southern Taleshi dialects. The methodology which is used in this research is field and library research. Because the language data are driven through a field study and the author goes into the people and selects thirty native speakers of Sehsar village. These native speakers mostly are forty years old or more; construing that they are not affected by the neighboring dialects which are spoken around them. The author interviews these thirty native speakers of Sehsar, who mostly reside in the village of Sehsar. He records their speech and selects the items which are applicable for the purpose of this research. It should be mentioned here that, the framework and the literature of this article take great advantages of other written works which have appeared before. The dialect which is surveyed here, is of southern type which is spoken in Sehsar village. This dialect is the only means of communication among the people of this village. From linguistic perspective, this dialect has two different case systems which are called nominative-accusative and ergative-absolutive case systems. Nominative-accusative case system is the one in which the subjects of the intransitive and transitive verbs behave similarly and these two subjects are not differentiated by any case marker; hence, the object of the transitive verb is different. In an ergative-absolutive case system, it is the reverse, that is, the subject of a transitive verb behaves differently from both the subject of intransitive verb and the object of the transitive verb. In other words, in this case system, the object of a transitive verb and the subject of an intransitive verb behave similarly. This case is shown by case marker in ergative languages. In Taleshi dialect, ergative case is shown by the case marker <– i >. Regarding these two case systems, this article focuses mainly on how passivization is done in these different systems which are called nominative-accusative and ergative-absolutive and both exist in this dialect. Afterwards, based on the evidence gathered in a field study, it is tried to answer these questions as well: Does passivization exist in this dialect which is of southern type? And how it is done in these two different case systems? Do these different case systems apply different methods of passivization, or they apply the same method? Do passivization and ergativity coincide in the same structure? The results of this research, which are obtained after analyzing the language data gathered through a field study, show that passivization exists in this dialect and it is commonly done by omitting the agent from the sentence while the object of the verb moves to the position of the omitted subject and the verb agrees with this dummy subject. In instances of passivization, by omitting the subject, the morpheme <-ina> which means follows the object which occurs in the subject position. The author believes that in this kind of passivization, the emphasis is on the object with which the verb is accomplished and as different morphemes are in action in this process of passivization, he calls this process a complex passivization; but in some cases, the agent is kept, but its position is changed and it attaches the object. Although the subject is kept and it comes after the object, it goes through some changes and represents a third singular or plural pronoun. That is the subject appears as <-ə š > or <– š un>. The choice depends on the context in which they occur. These two morphemes need a past tense and perfect aspect to occur and this context is a prerequisite for occurring the ergative case. Based on what is said, it can be concluded that this type of passivization along with ergativity requires a similar context to occur. The other point is, only in such cases passivization can coincide with ergative-absolutive construction, where the agent is present in the sentence. This finding contradicts thast of Atlamaz (2012) which claims ergativity does not occur in a passive structure, in other words, these two structures do not coincide in a structure. Hence, in cases where the agent is absent, ergative construction is absent too.

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As two political and religious poles in the Middle East, Iran and Saudi Arabia are considered always the traditional competitors in expansion and stability of the regional power. The relationship between these two countries has faced ups and downs in different eras due to the different reasons. Their relationships are sometimes based on cooperation policy, sometimes competition and conflict and sometimes like recent years (since the beginning of the Syria crisis) based on direct argument between the authorities of both states, stopped relations and proxy conflicts in third countries. Recognizing the discourse strategies of Saudi Arabia press which play a significant and inspiring role for the press of other Arabian countries can be a way to predict the political and discourse-based behavior of Saudi Arabia as a contradictory discourse against Iran. With regards to its antiquity, professional team and simultaneous publishing in several points across the world, Saudi Arabia Al-Hayat newspaper is from among the most influencing media of this country in managing the media war against Iran. Most often, something is published against Iran by the analysts of this newspaper in each volume which is taken into account as a role model for other Arabian newspapers in terms of representation modes. In this study, 30 articles were selected to be reviewed and investigated so that the method of using the language strategies in the governing discourse is discussed. The present query answers this question: how is the ideology governing the author’ s mind reflected within the framework of discourse-based structures in the text and what are its language representations? The importance of the afore-mentioned question is that by achieving the answer, the gap existing in linguistic studies about the Arabic press is filled and explaining and elaborating the discourse strategies of this newspaper paves the way for more studies in the field of communications sciences for scholars and researchers. The methodology used in this study is the discourse analysis based on the model presented by Teun Adrianus van Dijk (2008). To analyze the text, van Dijk has suggested two micro and macro levels each of which has its own special components. The macro level of text is, in fact, the abstract level by which the relationships between social actors and groups, institutes and organizations are described and analyzed within a society by incorporating the meta-language concepts including ideology, policy, power and dominance in discourse. The multilevel model of van Dijk allows the scholar to study his or her considered level without any interference with others. In other words, the capability to separate the strategies in six levels is another privilege which has driven the scholars toward choosing this model. Therefore, 30 selected articles were studied on the basis of van Dijk model so that the discourse strategies of authors of Al-Hayat newspaper are determined at the level of meaning. Evaluating the findings of this study indicates the ideological performance of Al-Hayat newspaper authors in how to apply the text strategies to present the Iran issues. In accordance with van Dijk viewpoint, emphasizing and strengthening the positive performance of insider group, i. e., Saudi Arabia and negative representation of outsider group, i. e., Iran, in Al-Hayat newspaper, has been put in the authors’ agenda as the macro-strategies of text. Many assumptions published within the news of this newspaper against Iran have generally introduced Iran as the threat for the security of region and on the contrary, Saudi Arabia as the country which tries to solve the problems and restore the security to the conflicted regions including Syria and Iraq. High rates of distancing and polarization indicate the strong tendency of authors for creating and emphasizing the confrontation of both countries in various issues. Most linguistic representations of discourse-based semantic structures in Al-Hayat newspaper are related to those strategies which clearly represent the positive role of insider and negative role of outsider and the authors do not show a high inclination to use the language structures like implication. Therefore, this viewpoint of function-oriented linguistics can confirm that language form, structure and arrangement are at the service of the role undertaken by them. In all 30 articles investigated in the present study, the ideology governing the authors’ minds has directly affected how to apply the text strategies. As van Dijk, in his ideological square mentioned, it is the macro-level of text that determines which subject matters of six micro levels are used by the author/speaker and with what quality.

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In the postmodern society, where the financial system encourages consummation, huge companies which dominate productions, even artistic products, qualify them as “ best sellers” . The “ best seller” artistic is originated in consumer societies, in other words, societies identified by their towers. Towers like “ Yumimoto” in Stupor & Tremor, by Amé lie Nothomb. The architecture of these towers coincides with the postmodern development leading to industrial development of 20th century. Towers which represent contemporary urbanization, have turned into symbols of the commercial hold on the urban life. The Far East, where the story takes place, with the fast industrial development succeeding the World War II, owns huge towers. Meanwhile, the relationships between the story and its towers are not limited to “ commercial gender” . While reading the story, we realize that the architecture of the tower has a direct relationship with the story narrative structure and its writing, which results in a systematic “ text-structure” . Architecture, as the best identity revealing any thought structure and therefore any social structure will be the center of our interest. According to our research, the presence of architecture in this novel has not been studied yet, so in order to support our ideas, we are going to resort to Philippe Boudon and Emile-Auguste Chartier (the philosopher called Alain) to find some definitions for the notion of space and architecture. As for Stupor & Tremor, the tower as a symbol of masculinity, and the tower hierarchy, encompassing misogyny, are the most dominant relationships among all the elements of this novel: precisely like in a tower, where the upper stages are occupied by wealthier and most powerful ones, the same hierarchy will form the relationship among company staff. Regarding the connection between architecture and literature, we are going to restudy the theories put forward by Philippe Hamon and Marc Augé , and then, analyze Stupor & Tremor and the acting roles of the architectural elements in this text. Since we have to look for any signs, significant words, sentences, mimics or behaviors to prove the presence of the same hierarchy in the structure of the novel, we will opt for discourse analysis as the most suitable methodology for our research. The same analysis will be applied to lexical field, sentence structure and grammatical elements in order to highlight the relationship mentioned above, throughout the novel. All through our analysis, we will see that the hierarchy which has conditioned the tower structure, dominates different spaces, in particular, the communication: the one between employees, no matter its type – oral expression, body language, mimic or look. Tower, in spite of being a symbol of progress and development in the world, is still considered as advocating masculine power: only five percent of employees in Yumimoto are women; among these five percent, the only woman who has got a remarkable promotion, has a masculine behavior, in spite of her original beauty. In order to make progress, she has to be hard-working, without a heart, resistant and ambitious. If not, she has to accept the destiny of all the other Japanese women reluctantly: to be an obedient wife and mother, to be silent and to have no wish for herself. So, if a woman in this hierarchical system wishes to make progress, she has to be single and to behave like a man towards women employees who are inferior to her. The novel is, to some extent, autobiographical because Amé lie Nothomb, the author, was born in Belgium and passed her childhood in Japan till the age of five. She returned to Japan to work in Tokyo. Her experience of that period provides the necessary elements to write this novel, in which, the principal character is also named “ Amé lie” . She was first known as the author of a type of novel known as “ Roman de la gare” by French readers, which means an easy novel to read that could be bought at any train station and be read in a short time while the reader is traveling. However, with Stupor and Tremor, Amé lie Nothomb obtained the most important price of the French Academy and gained a different status. Amé lie, the principal character of Stupor and Tremor, is Belgian; Japan is her childhood land. She admires Japanese art and style and always dreams of returning there. Therefore, having obtained her Master’ s degree in Japanese language, she restarts her life in this country as a translator. We gradually follows Amé lie from her entrance in Yumimoto as a Japanese/French language translator, through her progressive fall and ultimately we find her as a toilet cleaner: Yumimoto ate her like a digestive system and threw out the rest of her; that is why we will find her at the end of her professional life in Yumimoto, as the person in charge of toilet cleanliness. Yet resigning and getting free from this system and this tower, she will get over her fall and failure and make progress quickly. There is a saying from Aristotle mentioning that nothing will equalize literature: as the first novel of Amelie is published and sent to her ex-superior, she can finally obtain the approval of those who did not tolerate her as a member of Yumimoto.

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