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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of present study was to investigate the causal relationship between intelligence beliefs and some components of self-regulation with mediating role of goals orientation of male junior high school student in Ahvaz. The population in this study was the entire male junior high school student in Ahvaz. From this population 348 students were selected as sample using multi-phase random sampling method. The research instruments in this study were Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale (ITIS), Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales (PALS) and Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Evaluation of the proposed model with path analysis using AMOS-16 software was done. The indirect relationships were tested by using bootstrapping procedure in Preacher and Hayes Macro command. The proposed model had a fitness regarding the fitness indices. With drawing path between “ approach goal” to “ mastery goal” good fit with the data obtained. The results showed that intelligence beliefs can play a significant role in student goal setting and goal setting can significantly some components of self-regulation (including self-efficacy and self-regulated learning strategies) predict.

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This study with the aim of investigating the structural relationship between basic psychological needs and academic engagement with mediation of self-efficacy was conducted. Research design was correlational and the relationships among three latent variables were investigated. The participants were 330 undergraduate university students selected through random multistage cluster sampling method from Shiraz University, completed the Basic Psychological Needs questionnaire (Gagné , 2003), the Self-efficacy Scale (Muris, 2001), and the Academic Engagement Scale (Reeve, 2013) in their regular classes. Data was analyzed using structural equation modeling and applying AMOS software. The findings showed that basic psychological needs could predict self-efficacy and academic engagement positively. Self-efficacy had direct effect on academic engagement. Also, basic psychological needs had indirect effect on academic engagement through self-efficacy as a mediator. The mediating role of self-efficacy using bootstrap test was statistically significant. According to findings of this research, it can be concluded that for increasing the probability of students’ academic engagement, it should be consider their basic psychological needs and self-efficacy.

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View 1240

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The importance of lifestyle studies is to reveal the ways in which social and social connections are derived from modern cultural and economic processes that have a significant impact on teenage sex education. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between lifestyle and sexual education in adolescents in Zahedan. The research, descriptive and analytical method is based on library, documentary, and field studies. SPSS software was used for final analysis. The results of the analysis of the first hypothesis showed that, in all of the indicators presented with SIG, 0/00 shows a direct and positive relationship between lifestyle and sexual education. Also, the results of the second hypothesis indicate that there is a significant difference between two teenage girls and boys in sexual education.

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View 981

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Background: Under different circumstances, people are faced with different factors such as anxiety, stress, depression, etc. which are present in all age groups. It seems that positive thinking can be a proper solution to reducing anxiety. Aim: In this paper, the aim is to see the effectiveness of an innovative positive thinking educational protocol on the anxiety and optimism of university students. Method: This study was had a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test, post-test, and a control group. All bachelor and master students of psychology at the Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch, were voluntarily given Beck Anxiety Inventory. Forty-six students with scores above 8 were selected and randomly assigned to 2 homogeneous case and control groups (with 23 students in each). Both groups took optimism-pessimism tests. The case group received seven 80-minute sessions of Positive Thinking-training program by the researcher, while the control group had no training. Findings: The data were analyzed in SPSS (version 17) using the parametric independent t-test. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to examine normality and Fi test was used to study equality of the two groups. Discussion and Conclusion: Teaching positive psychology, findings indicate, reduced students’ anxiety and increased their optimism significantly. Thus, this educational program can be suggested for consultation centers in order to decrease anxiety and increase optimism.

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The aim of this research was the effect of group cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) on depression symptoms decrease in girls 13-15 year olds high school referring to counseling centers education region 2 Ahvaz in city. 20 girl participants were select according to cut off point 22 in Children Depression Inventory (CDI, Rajabi), and DSM-5, and the participants were randomly assigned into an experimental and control groups (each group comprising 10 students). The participants in the experimental group received 12 sessions, and each of week 2-session, 90 minutes Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. The Children Depression Inventory was used for depression assessment. The findings repeated major analysis of variance showed that group cognitive-behavior therapy significantly decrease depression in experiment group in comparison with control group, and comparison of the stages of pre-test, post-test and follow-up in the experimental group showed that this treatment has been able to reduce the degree of depression from the pre-test to the follow-up stage (p<. 001). Therefore can said that group cognitive-behavior therapy is a effect therapy method in decrease depression symptoms in girl students

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The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of problem solving skill and anger management on decrease of parent-adolescent conflicts among boy students. The research sample included forty students of ninth grade that were randomly placed in two groups (20 students in the experimental group and 20 ones in the control group). The method of research was experimental. The experimental group received ten group training sessions of problem solving skill and anger management and no treatment was given to the control group. At the end of training sessions, posttest and 2 months later, follow up test were administered. To collect data, the participants were assessed by Straus conflict tactics scale parents (CTSP). In order to analyze data, multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used. The results revealed that problem solving skill and anger management training had a significant effect on decrease of parent-adolescent conflicts, verbal anger, physical anger and enhancement of reasoning among boy students in experimental group. It can be concluded that problem solving skill and anger management training had a significant effect on decrease of parent-adolescent conflicts in experimental group.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1264

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The aim of the current study was to investigate the realationship between flow and motivational forces. Data were collected from 186 students in third grade high school of janah high school, were chosen through stratifield random sampling. The following Scale and questionnaires were used: Flow State Scale, Expectancy-value questionnaire, Basic psychological Needs Scale, and Future Time Perspective Scale. To investigate the research questions, Pearson’ s correlation coefficient and stepwise regression were used. The result showed the self determination and Expecctancy-value had a positive significant relation with flow experience, but there was no significant relation between flow and future time perspective. The results obtained from stepwise regression analysis showed that in the first step, component clear goals, in the second step, clear goals and concentration on task, and in the third step, three components clear goals, concentration and unambiguous feedback have role in predicting self determination. Also omponent sense of control predicted, 13% of the variance of the Expecctancy-value and Component loss of self-consciousness predicted 4% of the variance of the future time perspective.

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View 878

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The present paper seeks to validate Classroom Emotions Scale for senior high school students in Qom. The participants were 342 students in grades two and three of human sciences course, who were selected through random multi-stage cluster sampling. All of them completed the Classroom Emotions scale designed by Titsworth et al, and Pekrun's Achievement Emotions Questionnaire. The data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent and divergent validities were analyzed using Pearson's correlation, and reliability was analyzed using Cronbach's Alpha model. The results of confirmatory factor analysis show that a three-component structure including emotion support, emotion work, and emotion valance has acceptable fitness. Cronbach's alpha for the whole scale and subscales was at an acceptable level. The evidence for convergent validity has been obtained from the positive relationship of subscales of emotion support and emotion valance with classroom positive emotions including enjoyment and hopefulness in classroom, and from the positive relationship of subscale of emotion work with classroom negative emotions including anger, shame, anxiety, hopelessness and weariness. The evidence for divergent validity has also been obtained from the negative relationship of subscales of emotion support and emotion valance with classroom negative emotions including anger, shame, anxiety, hopelessness and weariness; and from the negative relationship of subscale of emotion work with classroom positive emotions including enjoyment and hopefulness in classroom. The results show that the Persian version of Classroom Emotions Scale has acceptable psychometric characteristics among the sample students, and it can be used as a valid instrument in psychological studies and surveys.

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The purpose of the research was to check the mediating role of the social adjustment for family communication pattern and mental health. The research design was a correlational design. The sample consisted of 603 high school students (286 female and 317 male) between 13 to 16 years old. Cluster sampling was the sampling method in this research. The revised family communication research questionnaire, student adjustment questionnaire and, general mental health questionnaire were used in this study. The results of path analysis revealed that conversation dimension of the family communication pattern is a significant predictor for mental health (R square = 12%). Also the result showed a complete mediating role of social adjustment for family communication pattern and mental health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of training executive functions on anxiety symptoms on preschool children (4-5 years old) from the region six in the city of Tehran. In this study, the Experimental Design with pre-post testing method and control group is considered. Of the 192 children who according to Spence children's anxiety scale (parental report form) had an anxiety scores higher than the mean standard deviation, 40 children were selected and then divided into experimental and control group by using the simple random sampling method. In experimental group, children received executive function training, while the control group received no training. The analysis of covariance methodology was utilized to analyze the data. The result of analysis shown that the group who received training was significantly reduced in the post-test compared to pre-test (P < 0. 001). Therefore, the effectiveness of training executive functions was confirmed for the anxiety disorders treatment in children.

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