Introduction & Objective: Barbell sturgeon is belonged to sturgeon species which is suitable for cultivation. Probiotics are useful effects on the health and the growth of host. This study was conducted to determine different levels of one commercial probiotic (pediococcus accidilactici) in the thesis, also the effect of folic acid on immune system (Acipenser nudiventiris) Materials and Methods: 210 fish of this breeding kind with the dentisty of 10 pertub fiber glass in 7 dietary treatments for 8 weeks fedup for third times, respectively, treatment 1 (4mg acid folic in mercury), treatment 2 (probiotics of 300 g of per tone of food), treatment 3 (4mg acid folic, 200g probiotics), treatment 4 (2mg acid folic,300g probiotics), treatment 5 (2 mg acid folic,200g probiotics), treatment 6(4mg acid folic,300g probiotcs). treatment7 (control).Results: The numbers of control leukocyte, in control to other treatment had significant change or difference, and its maximum was for treatment 6. Eosinophils had no significant change or difference in all treatments, but the minimum amount of neutrophils and the maximum of lymphocyte amount were observed in host. The maximum numbers of RBC and hemoglobin, hematocrit were seen in treatments regards to treatment 6, which had significant difference from others, and the least index was observed in host, which had significant difference from other treatments. MCH, MCHC of treatments showed no significant difference, but the maximum of MCV for treatment 4 was seen which had significant difference. The average amount of lysozyme for treatment6 and 5, was the maximum amount, which had statistical difference from others treatments. the maximum amount of immunoglobulins was, respectively, treatment4&6 and the maximum amount of IgM for treatments 5 & 6 were observed, which had significant difference from others.Conclusion: According to these result, we can acknowledge that adding treatment 6 in per ton food, cause breeding growth and the effectiveness of food which plays a positive role.