Background & Aim: Nepetabracteata Benth is a medicinal plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family which wildly grows in Khorasan province. This herb is used by the indigenous people as afolkloric medicine in Khorasan. This paper aimed to study the situation and application of this plant in traditional medicine of Khorasan province.Experimental: Current study was done by questionnaire and interview with apothecaries andvillagers living near the natural habitats of N.bracteatain spring to summer 2012.Results & Discussion: Results of this study indicated that the aerial parts, especially the flowers of N.bracteata are used by the indigenous people for treatmentof many diseases, including asthma, cold, headache, and stress. In addition, this herb has used as a sedative. The flowers of N.bracteataare used for treatment of respiratorydiseases, including asthma, lungspasms, seasonalallergies, and coughsdue tocold, chesttightnessorcongestion, wheezing, chronic inflammation of the respiratory tracts, tonsillar infection, even lung cancer, neurological disease, stress,digestivediseases including stomachache, colic, stomachandintestinal infections, and forremoving body weakness and strengthening theimmune system, preventing fromhair loss and relievingmenstrualirregularity. The most common preparation methods are brewing, boiling and distillation.Recommended applications/industries: This paper having investigated the native and traditional usages of N.bracteata which can provide valuable research fields for researchers to remove disambiguation about using this plant and provide its widespread domestication and utilization field based on native knowledge and modern technologies.