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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of district one of Tehran metropolitan crisis staff OJT (on the job training) for formulating the improved training strategies on enhancing the earthquake preparedness.Preface & Aims: The aims of this survey are: 1.Measuring the results of OJT in the field of crisis management 2.The relation between needs and OJT And Finally, present the appropriate strategies in relation to specialized training for the members of crisis management staff of district one of Tehran (focusing on earthquake preparedness) Research method: descriptive-analytic method Findings: The results of this research shows as follows: 1-There is a significant difference between the preparedness of the members of crisis management staff of district one of Tehran who have enjoyed OJT and the others (trained and not trained target members) 2-Effectiveness of OJT for the members of crisis management staff of district one of Tehran (about earthquake crisis management preparedness) in present situation has a significant difference with desired conditions.Results: Finally, appropriate strategies in relation to specialized training for the members of crisis management staff of district one of Tehran (focusing on earthquake preparedness) suggested as follows: 1-Reviewing existing curriculum regarding the weakness and the strength points of the activities and the needs resulted from the study 2-Completing crisis management related data bank of the district with respect to the present and future needs 3- Defining and conducting a expertized curriculum concentrating on earthquake preparedness of crisis management staff.

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Purpose: Todays the occurrence of accidents is increasing in the cities of our country so that the financial and economic damages on the families would be high, and considering the fact that the economic, health, mental and social damages are not somehow compensable, it is necessary to take some effective measures for prevention of such driving accidents.Methodology: Based on the components of case study the research is practical-developmental and the methodology for interpretation is descriptive. The population is the number of accidents occurred between 2006- 2007 in Yazd.Finding: The analyses of accidents in Yazd show that 11000 accidents occur in different areas of this city annually, 5 percent of which is for the passengers. In a way that in every kilometers of the Main roads Degree, two main roads and Streets together, and player, 60, 40 and 50 accidents occur per year. It should be noted that the number of accidents per 10000 vehicles/ kilometers is about 400. The examination of the transportation network of Yazd shows that although the roads of Yazd are in a good condition considering the wide network for delivering services and traffic conditions, in some main roads and streets of the city such as Imam Khomeini (between Mojahedin and Amir Chakhmaq), ImamzadeJa' far (between Rajayi and Enghelab), DahomeFarvardin and Kashani (between Imam JafareSadegh and AbouzarSq) in the peak time at mornings or evening is saturated and they are considered as the critical axis of the city. In most accidents, the driving cars and motorcycles (12%) had been the agent of the accident. the number of accidents had been more between 12 to 14. So among those passing which had more accidents we can mention Ayat Allah Kashani, JomhouriIslami Boulevard, ShahidDashti Boulevard, Imam khomeni Street, ShahidMotahari Street, SeyedMohhamadPakzadeBlv, DaneshjoBlv, ShahidSadoghi, Azad shahr and Enghelab street and among the squares with the highest number of accident we can mention Shahid Ba Honar, Imam Hossein, ShohadayeMehrab, AbouzarmAbolfazl, Homafar and Atlasi Squares.Conclusion: According the conclusion from this research, the constitution of a safety management unit and organizing center, information and accident statistic center, increasing the awareness of public for safety, the improvement of passways, the use of safe vehicles, the use of modern technologies for transportation for observing the violation of laws, the development of designing and locating signs and safety tools and equipment for roads, the improvement of the observation and execution of regulation, the improvement of public transportation systems, and the improvement of their service offering, organizing the passing of motorcycles are recommended for improving the security and safety in Yazd.

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Introduction: to achieve their aims, organizations essentially need to competence, creative and initiative labor forc.creativity and doing new thinking, in addition to introduce brilliant thoughts by the manegers and the staff of organizations is especially important to their vitality.and this issue has got a high position in any organization's promotional, organizations that are successful can survive in such a competitive world where new thoughts and novel ways of thinking are presented to be utilized in organizations and achieving to this aim is only in the powerful and capable hands of the mangers and staff of theirs. Methods: in this study, it has tried to survey how different dimensions of behavioral factors and their components have impacts on the tnter- organizational entrepreneurship of the municipality staff- Tehran branch using a researcher –made questionnaire. Findings: regarding to a2 test at possible level a2=%5, with the degree of freedom of 4, which is larger, it shows that the observed freguency has ameaningful difference from the expected one so the hypothesis is supported and approved completely. Conclusion: considering the results gained from thid research, it can be concluded that the manager' s specifications, organizational culture, the style of leadership all have direct impacts on inter- organizational entrepreneur ship.

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In troduction and objective: Management of reside in the metropolitan line Tehran is a more difficult job and to improve this management in practical is impossible, if not taken people function and their importance whom producer of the main residue into account.Therefore, the current research is intended to study the public participation in improving urban residues, education and how to use technological facilities.Methodology: Here, the participants including all the civilians residing at Kharazi town in district 3 of municipality 22.All family heads have been investigated and totally 106 questionnaires were obtained which were analyzed by SPSS through coding and categorizing the items.First, descriptive statistic has been used and pierson and spirmans correlation tests was used for proving the hypotheses and studing correlation among variables.Findings: The results indicated that the management of residues has been done optimally across district 3, 22 areas Tehran municipality and this district is of appropriate educational facilities for fulfilmenting of residues management

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Introduction and Aim: The analysis and study urban old texture is for important subject urban planning. One of problem nowadays in this texture was propound urban transportation. In reality urban transportation planning is propound with title effective factor of guidance urban development and forming with environment and advance of quality and desired urban life.Purpose research is analysis increase effective building density on transportation network of urban old textures Tabriz city.Method research: The approaches methods in this research is survey, documental and kind is application. For analysis data’s to use of GIS software.finding: The great bulk of frequentation to be accomplished in Tabriz city to pass for city center or finishing and this is with reason building density kinds of financial, commercial, educational and tourism in district. Therefore access weakness and unsuitable structure urban transportation network. and also is effective use spatial location and building density more than in urban old textures, inexpressive in public transportation network, un regular going back and forth pedestrian passerby and transport means and existent many traffic knots in increase of traffic urban old textures.Results: Therefore is proposal for improvement urban transportation system urban old texture in Tabriz city not existent method unless equilibrium middle three factor population, services and transportation planning with land use planning and perfect those with density changes.Therefore is clouding with improvement transportation management, increasing efficiency busing system and improvement pedestrian and bicycle network in cities to find an with suitability transportation in framework concentrated city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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All the city authorities have been concerned about urban economy during their responsibility. The goal of this research is to assess the role of environmental analysis in city system in order to optimizing the use of advantages and opportunities and also reducing the faults and managing the threats.In order to develop a correlation among variables, also study the 22nd region of Tehran, the research method is case study correlation. All the urban managers and analyzers who involve in city decision making and planning are counted in our universe. Moreover, all the information is gathered from related books, articles, and official documentaries in Tehran municipality and some urban consulting institutes exist in 22nd region of Tehran.After all the questions and assumption were observed, these facts are concluded: the region has suitable potential for tourism industry, it is access able, and the land use is being managed.Furthermore, lack of infrastructures in all sectors is clear, lack of waste water management exists, and there is lack of tourist accommodation in this region.

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Research Objective: In this article a look at urban planning comprehensiveness of the topic and groups of interested parties and the purpose and emphasized the need to decide next few experts in the various stages described the Delphi technique and its position in the overall process of planning and planning and urban management will be discussed.Methods: Techniques to check the place mentioned in the process of urban planning and management of documents combined approach, a library and analytical, are used.Results Considering that part of the city system is complex and likely offensive action plan is the political nature of that power and how to allocate resources between groups and actors in the city will affect the Delphi technique of efficient tools in the reform process decision-making and management of urban affairs and planning is correct.Conclusion: onsidering the comprehensiveness of urban planning and the subject of interest groups and emphasized the need to decide next few managers, this technique can review decisions and in urban issues and issues of various commissions and from the city falls effective maximum citizen participation in programs urban use this technology to involve people and their elected representatives and political parties and trade unions in various decision-making process and urban management concerns how people benefit from contributions to reduce

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Introduction and purpose: the present paper tries to study the Valiasr project as a one way avenue from August 2009 which has done by Tehran Municipality in order to reduce traffic flow and maintain the natural beauty and appropriate spaces of this avenue. finally the positive and negative outcomes are considered based on social impact assessment (SIA).Methodology: this is a qualitative and quantitative research also the strength, weakness, opportunities and the threats (SWOT) are described.Findings: the findings show that this project raises the strength, weakness points. Generally speaking, it leads to increase the application of means of transportation as well as some residents face with many problems.Results: the results indicate that the respondents believed in the problems and weakness of this project more than its strength, as if there are many people who used their personal cars so the traffic flow remained in force.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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