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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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As a citizen of the key concepts in identifying and describing the status and condition of modern man is to take place needs through a series of cultural activities - training to be an appropriate response. The method used in this study was a descriptive - analytic survey sampling data were collected through questionnaires.The main purpose of understanding the impact of cultural activities, Tehran Municipality in the development of civic culture and sub- goals of cognitive components of cultural activities, art, including of educational activities, advertising and the components of the culture of citizens recreational health morality of behavior, the security of and participation of citizens.Achieved results and findings of the study indicate that sub- hypotheses include: the impact of training activities, advertising and entertainment development health and physical health of many citizens, amount 61.2% high, the impact on the mental health of many patients, amount 43% high, impact on the development of ethics and citizenship and a sense of respect for others among citizens, amount 54.6% medium to very high, impact on citizens’ sense of altruism amount 50.7% medium to very high, impact on the personal safety of citizens, amount 39.2% Almost Zero, impact on the development of social security of citizens amount 24.5% Almost Zero, impact on the level of political participation increased amount 51.9% medium to high and senior secondary hypothesis, a significant effect of educational activities, promotional and recreational development, social participation, civic culture amount 42.5% medium to high were reject or approve.Thus, the main hypothesis (educational activities, advertising and entertainment Cultural Organization of Tehran Municipality has significant influence on the development of civic culture) also amount mean total percentage of sub- hypotheses verification (30%) were confirmed as high.Research results: Results from the research concerning the relationship between the poor and the not so positive impact of the activities of the Cultural Organization of the Tehran municipality security and a medium impact on the social and political participation, cultural and positive impact on physical and mental health and conduct much of the city’s citizens.

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Introduction and goal of the research: General goal of this research is to specify the role of municipalities in raising civil management with quarter-centered approach that is examined with studying the importance of quarter-centered approach in raising Tehran municipality civil management titled as specific goal.Research Method: This research has been done in two sections as documentary and field studies and studies results have been measured in order to achieve to main goals this research which specifies the municipalities’ role in advancing civil management with quarter-centered approach and respond to the research questions. In the documentary section, components, criteria and indices of the research-relevant variables i.e. raising civil management and quarter-centric approach have been studies. Research model and pattern in the format of forms and shapes have been shown. Findings: Considering the importance of indices and comparing them indicated that correct transparency and information have is considered as the most important criterion with highest point. In the next level, there are competent making, quarter agency institute, tangible and objective presence of civil management, norms and custom values, being responsibility, quarter management institute, full participation and influential mechanism of quarters, public religious locations, law abiding, quarter social network, trust, quarter economic strength and cooperation of organizations responsible for civil affairs respectively. The result of evaluation of existence of indices related to this criterion shows the probability of realizing this criterion in the quarters being examined.Conclusion: Therefore, definition of goals and plans for the region and their performance by the municipality supervised by municipality Region 13 and above scales are made while the district council brought by the opinion of public council can undertake the supervision. Thus, all regional problems and needs that can be resolved in the regional level and by means of public and council institutes should not be referred to upper levels such as regions municipality or central municipality.

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Developing cultural spaces means people an organization’s participation to establish the relationship between art and cultural heritage and also promoting their creativity. Cultural spaces are suitable places for learning skills like Discipline, self-confidence, leadership and teach some basic principles like Patience, cooperation and respect.Methodology: Research method is qualitative of survey form and the data gathering tool is questionnaire. Citizens of Gonbadekavoos form the statistical population which is 1465in number. The sample size has been obtained as 1465 people by Cochran formula.Finding: The results of chi - square test shows that the financial contribution (c2 = 1102823), executive (c2 =1670410) and intellectual (c2 = 1600471) citizens with developing the cultural Spaces has relationship and citizen participation (c2 =170032) causes the development of these spaces. Correlation test results showed that there is a strong and positive correlation between thinking participation, executive and financial. Increase citizen participation in one of the dimensions, the stage facilitate for other types of participation. Effecting prioritizing by the Friedman test (c2 =1640242) indicated executive contribution (ratio average 2.84), intellectual (ratio average 1.66) and financial (ratio average 1.49) respectively have the greatest impact on the development of cultural spaces in the Gonbadekavoos city.Conclusion: The results showed that citizen intellectual, financial and administrative participation in developing the cultural spaces is vital and is a necessity to achieve Cultural objectives active participation of citizens in the process before, during and after the implementation of projects related to cultural spaces.

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Introduction and research purpose: Now a days, one of the main and key concepts of the permanent development is participation. Managers and urban planners always have tried to get one of their aims which is recognizing the role of citizens participation in maintaining urban green spaces by attracting peoples participations. This paper along with this goal, have figured out “the role of citizens, participation in Maintaining of the Urban Green Spaces”, and have been provided solutions (case study Abbas- Abad).The method of the research: this research is based on survey method and Descriptive and analytical and it uses questionnaire. Sampling method is systematic accidental. 384 people older “than 18 years old” who live in district 3 in Tehran, in Abbas- Abad gardens were selected.Results: The results show that financial contributions. 52.9% of respondents believe on timely payment of duties involved in the maintenance of green areas, in the executive partnership 79.8 percent of respondents have considered participating in cleaning up the parks, 69.1 percent of respondents participate in intellectual participation in needs assessments, Participate in the evaluation 49.7 percent of respondents involved in evaluating the performance and activities of the partnership has been effective in the maintenance of green spaces.Conclusion: The results of this paper show that 99% confidence of financial participation, Executive participation, Intellectual participations and participating in activities evaluation on participation in the Maintaining of the Urban Green Spaces is effective. The highest average ratings to participate is the Maintaining of the Urban Green Spaces and the lowest average financial contribution is dedicated and also Citizens wishing to participate in the scheme are also less financial burden and are more profitable. It is suggested to contribute to citizen participation in urban management in the climate benefits of green space initiatives serious step to take.

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It is more than a decade that the electronic city creation projects have been started in different countries. In Iran, the government has taken steps towards establishing such cities. This study identifies and analyzes the causal and effective relationships in the infrastructure required for the deployment of an electronic city in Tehran based on business intelligence and then develops a new conceptual model.The first phase of this study was to identify and refine the infrastructure of a city based on business intelligence according to special and semi-structured interviews done. The combination of expert interviews with various specialties consisting of 10 persons was used. The second and third stages of the ANP technique were the prioritization criteria and in the final step the gap analysis and the Cokaran formula were used to calculate the sample size used.The model developed in this study showed that software maturity, hardware maturity, data centers, data governance, and the integrated management of the main pillars of the basic infrastructure of an electronic city were based on business intelligence, and the pattern of relationships among these variables suggested that the higher levels of the tested elements were more appropriate.

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Introduction and purpose of research: Wastes generated in Tehran that is true dirty gold and entering the valuable water and soil resources, Ecosystems will lead to more pollution and there are many diseases. Due to this the correct way to collect waste in the city have been emphasized therefore the aim of the study it was Identify the factors affecting the adoption of waste management.Method: The study was the applied and descriptive – correlational method. The research population was all in Tehran Housewives. The sample size was determined by Cochran’s formula (n= 385). Proportional stratified random sampling method was used. Data was collected through an instrument that developed by researchers. Validity estimated by a panel of experts in University and Environmental experts, department of Tehran city. Reliability was conducted by a Pilot test study and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient assumed (0.78£ a £ 0.95) which show its suit for research conduct.Findings: the result showed that there was a significant difference between seven variables Education, citizenship education, citizen participation, the role of the media, economic, political and cultural factors in the adoption of waste management among citizens of Tehran.Conclusions: Spearman test with 95% confidence significant positive relationship between education and the adoption of waste management revealed citizens. Pearson test with 99% confidence significant positive relationship between cultural factors, political, economic, media’s role, participation and citizenship education and Waste Management Admission indicated. Due to the above factors can be co-citizens in waste management (waste separation, etc.) to be optimized.

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Background & Objective: There is no doubt that, today, the success of any organization depends directly on customers’ satisfaction of organization. Any successful organization wishes to provide services that will lead to customer satisfaction. The companies and institutions cannot ignore their important goals such as competitive advantage or profit making. The customer satisfaction brings about many advantages for companies. The higher levels of customer satisfaction lead to customer loyalty. In fact, the customer service is the oldest and yet most recent issue for each institution.Methodology: This was correlational and applied study which was carried out as a field study.Findings: Due to the significance of F test, it was concluded that the regression model –i-e- a combination of independent variables and dependent variable- was a good model and the independent variables could explain the changes in dependent variable. The bivariate simple linear regression results in table 3 showed that the quality improvement, would predict the customer satisfaction in Tehran Municipality’s Sports Complexes.Conclusions: Therefore, it was concluded that the quality improvement would predict the customer satisfaction in Tehran Municipality’s Sports Complexes.

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Purpose of research: present research is looking for an answer to this question whether could instruction of hikers and Tourists lead to conservation of Environment, consolidation of local communities, sustainable tourism and development of Eco-tourism? And also, could decrement of environmental dilemmas ensue it? Mountain Eco-tourism will cause enhancement and acclamation of liability manner of tourism behavior, retention and Survival of natural places, wildlife and Ecosystems, cognition of local culture and the style of traditional life and finally design stable and suitable configuration for people and those who live in remote areas and communities.Research method: present research was accomplished in descriptive method, and people’s standpoints were evaluated (or and evaluating people’s standpoints). In this research, mountain Damavand was selected as case of study. As regards to Damavand’ height as the highest summit of Middle East, not only it is the repertory of Biodiversity accumulation with 20 “Endemic” plant species, but also it is important in other aspects like Geology, and it isn’t just a natural phenomenon, and it has capability of World record, so it is necessary to eliminate the problems in this way. Instrument of data collection was questionnaire built up by researcher and in order to measurement of reliability, the Cronbach’s alpha method had been performed by SPSS software.Conclusion: By checking the instruction indicator, it was specified that the instruction component was the reinforcement factor of Mountain Eco-tourism. It means that the higher rate of this factor causes the higher rate of reinforcement and growth of Mountain Damavand Eco-tourism. Instruction has derived 2 factors; formal instruction and informal instruction. In the end of research, it was provided solutions such as strive for design and registration of Damavand national park, Codification of comprehensive plan for mountain tourism by the experiments of hikers and local communities, instruction of mountain leaders and modeling(or imitation) of similar courses about the leaders in successful countries, constitution of corporation by indigenous people for Tourism development and presenting services and facilities to tourists, and designing birth certificate and comprehensive plan for mountain Damavand; it is hoped(or expected)that they will be performed and will be caused the reinforcement and growth of Mountain Damavand Eco-tourism.

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