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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction and goals: Today’s managers must be attention social capital, because without this capital other kinds of capital not are useful. According this, the main goals of this research is appointment social capital scale in IRAN higher education manager’s alike Harvard university model (sample: I.A.U managers).Method: This research is a kind of applied and descriptive research. The societies of this research are I.A.U. managers that selected 360 samples with random-class ways of sampling.Results: The results of this research shows political dimensions of social capital is the first place and civic leadership dimension at least.Conclusion: The most important results of this research are necessity of trust among managers with developed professional and scientific net work, establish didactic short and long period for managers, pass the traditional accounting and use modern accounting to appointment material and spiritual capital in university, use new ways to persuasion and punishment with gathering new social capital performance indicators.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aimed to identify and review some cultural barriers on the road to political development has been done. In this study, which covered Hobby component in the culture of this society as cultural factors influence political development has been used the purpose of this study in terms of application and type of survey is. The sample consists of students study master degree program cultural planning, of which Political Science and Biology Society, Azad University, Tehran Science and Research to the number of 181 people through the sample - were selected randomly. Research based on hypotheses and questions two methods, a library and field studies conducted And for data analysis and the relationship between independent variables and dependent T-test and Pearson correlation were used. The results showed a significant relationship between secrecy and egocentric individuals with political developments there. This means that these variables exist among the people caused their lack of political development.Variable tendency for Saint and seeking stability and political development of meaningful relationship with these two individuals were found and the hypothesis was rejected. Among the hypotheses demographic variables including gender research, economic income, property, housing, Social status, ethnicity, place of birth (urban or rural) and age, only the variable gender relationship was not confirmed with political development. Accordingly the end, some research avenues, particularly in the areas of executive management to increase overall confidence in the country to reduce secrecy and egocentric is presented.

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Introduction and research objective: Modern organization only pay critically significant activities and unessential activities implement with binding treaty of contracting by other corporation out of is termed outsourcing. Be along, in general, Islamic Azad University and special south unit of Tehran, were surrounded divisions of non strategic activities itself for example clarity, buffet, services, design and implementation of some building activities and so on. from aspect of effectiveness, in this research major question is, what extent outsourcing have been prosperous in south unit of Tehran Research Methodology: to achieve to given object in scientific base-and there is which barricades and problems in the way of this designs. This research is descriptive and field to get information from questioner and interview to analysis data has used from descriptive statistic of T. Test (by program of SPSS) statistic society include all managers who act as the controller, used from statistic method, surrender, activities to contractor that because of few quantity of them.Findings: According to research findings, major hypothesis mean outsourcing was effectiveness in Azad University However, the hypothesis to be effectiveness of outsourcing with descriptive statistic of T-Test was supported Conclusion: there are many weak points like as database bank, mechanism and measure of standards to choose of contractors, continuum assess by their subjective measures and also assess of quality and cost and so on for more effectiveness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Research Goal: This research aims to study the amount of emotional intelligence effect on management capabilities in Elam, Lorestan and Khoozestan Payame Noor universities. The research statistical society is the whole deans of Payame Noor universities of the so-called provinces.Method: In this research the whole statistical society is as basis and the sampling was been neglected. It is necessary to recall that the dean's numbers of the so-called universities are 51 and equals to 51 university centers. The applied questionaries in this research include: 1) Bar-on emotional intelligence questionarie 2) Management duties questionaries by Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz. All of the questionaries were completed Results and Conclusion: The result of data analysis shows there is a positive and significant relationship between the emotional intelligence and management capabilities (planning, organization, direction, control) as accompanying by four partial hypothesises designing it is concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the emotional intelligence and planning, between emotional intelligence and organization, between emotional intelligence and direction, between emotional intelligence and control which every of these hypothesises is calculated through Peerson correlation test. And the result of the essential (general) hypothesis related to the relation between the emotional intelligence and the management capabilities, considering the positive correlation coefficients between four negligible assumptions, we conclude that there is a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and management capabilities. Considering the RS factor it was clear that 21% of emotional intelligence variance is definable by predictive variables.Also among the variables, in step 1, only program. Capability variable is a good predictive variable to predict emotional intelligence, and also other variables (such as organization capability, direct capability, and control capability) have a less important role to predicti deans' emotional intelligence.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Research Goal: The accumulation of information for knowledge management and organizational development and excellence in an organization is essential And this rate of development of different sectors and different components of the organization. This study investigated the impact of knowledge Management on the creativity of employees Broadcasting Organization of IRIB, Tehran Province.Method: This study is a survey study. Information to the field and were destroyed by the 1150 population sample of 384 patients divided into male and female staff of IRIB has been collected.Results: Findings indicate that participation in knowledge and the creation of a single rate increase will increase the rate of 499%, If a unit of knowledge organization to increase the rate of innovation will increase 396%, If a single application of knowledge to increase the rate of innovation will increase 351%, If the practice of an increased rate of innovation will increase 488%, And the discovery and creativity of the students, an increase of 317% increase.Conclusion: The results show that participation in knowledge, knowledge organization, the application of knowledge, discovery and evaluation of practice and knowledge of the creative personnel is effective.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Research Goal: Hospitality is of the very dynamic part of tourism industry which includes a set of administration and facilities for sleep, rest, food and beverages and entertainments. Therefore, because of the special importance of hospitality in terms of job creation, economic growth and culture distribution, this study attempts to design a domestic model of classification and grading of hotels in Iran.Method: This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive (correlation) in terms of method. Therefore, in order to implement the research practically, fiche cards and in the field study, 17 items researcher-made questionnaires are used. Statistical population including a number of 47 hotel and tourism experts was selected through census sampling method.Findings: Based on the study, the main components of hotel classification and grading in Iran were identified and the importance of each component affecting the hotel classification and grading was determined. At the end, some suggestions were offered to improve the status of tourism and hotel industry in Iran.Conclusion: International hotel grading models in the world are not applicable for hotels in Muslim countries and especially in Iran. The results from Friedman test showed that in classification and grading of hotels in Iran, the components of well educated managers and staff's good behavior and politeness, peaceful and desirable space of guest rooms based on domestic and national architecture culture, diversity of traditional and international dishes as well as cultural and natural attractions have an important and significant role in designing a domestic model and growth of hospitality in the country.

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Introduction & The purpose of Research: In recent decades, matter of innovation and entrepreneurship has been paid special attention in cultural section to itself. This research performed for investigation of empowerment of organizational entrepreneurship in cultural organizations until offer a local pattern for explaining the role of structural, behavioral (content) and environmental (context) factors for promotion of organizational entrepreneurship in Sciences and Research unit of Tehran Islamic Azad university. (research statistical society is 750 and statistical sample is 70).Method: This research accomplished by descriptive-correlation method By using survey. Data collected of questionnaire and the first for correlation, data analysis fulfilled the inference & descriptive statistics by SPSS and the second for structural equation analysis, influence of independent variables on dependent variables by Lisrel ver.8.5.Findings: Findings of research show that this unit doesn’t have desirable entrepreneurship. Correlation test confirmed the relation structural, behavioral (content) and environmental (context) factors with entrepreneurship, also findings confirmed that among of these factors, context factor and structural factor have the most and the least influence on entrepreneurship, respectively.Conclusion: So clear-sighted (persons) believe that organizational structure is the most important space for organizational entrepreneurship, and the results of this research show that dominant structure on Sciences and Research unit of Tehran Islamic Azad University is on basis of formal rule and hierarchy that have distance with organizational entrepreneurship. So Designed and offered a local pattern could help to promotion of organizational entrepreneurship basis of three-dimensional model structural, behavioral and environmental factors.

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Introduction & Research goal: Assessing the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on the economic performance of countries in the 1990s is considered. Experimental studies, different results in different countries have followed, in this article, measures the impact of ICT on the development of cultural economy in Iran.Methods: Research methods in this paper are modeling. Because if the issues in this context should be modeled. Simply outputs the Variables can change Implementation models found in cyberspace. For this purpose, in this article, Weight of each dimension of ICT to support two types of questionnaires, (Paired comparison of a single half- meter), 7 experts in the fields, The economics of information technology management. Was calculated and calculate the mean and the technical coefficients Paired comparison used of mathematical software MATLAB.Results: 1) From 100 points dimension the cultural attractions, 36 points to cultural tourism, 29 points attractions in Business, 21 points to cultural resources and Cultural Branding were 14 points, 2) From 100 points human capital, 47 points to Educational opportunities, 30 points to consult with artists and artisans, and to schools and universities were 23 points, 3) From 100 points Cultural participation, 68 points to Initiatives, Counseling to help entrepreneurs were 32 points, 4) From 100 points Cultural Entrepreneurship, 43 points to Handicrafts, 37 points to Commercial and cultural centers, online, Institutions to support creative were 20 points 5) From 100 points Cultural Leverage, 28 points to Media Industry, 23 points to Historical Heritage, 21 points to Cultural Readiness, 17 points to Training Package, Technical assistance and planning were 11 points.Conclusion: Since this paper, only designed to measure the impact of ICT were in Iran's Cultural Economic Development, Recommended that that obtained in quantitative models of Administrative Divisions, Economic and cultural fields and in organs, Cultural institutions and economic organizations assessed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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