World bank has mentioned to effective factors of foreign investment flows in its 2008 report, and announced that widespread foreign investment flows has caused capital movement between countries to be attended in recent years in title of “global capital flows”.Countries in different income groups play different roles in global capital flows, as lots of them are investors and others are host. On the other hand, effect of countries in different income groups of global capital movement is different. So, lots of developing countries not only can not attract the international financial recourses, but also they fact capital flight.The main question of this research is evaluation of net and gross quantity and stability of global foreign private investment flows which include foreign direct investment, foreign portfolio investment, loans and commercial credits. So, the effect of groups of countries on international financial resources movement will be evaluated. Many expert believe that capital outgoing or in the other word, capital flight from developing countries to developed countries is due to different economic, politic and social structures of countries. So, evaluation of global capital flows and its stability can come to account as a way for preserving and attracting of financial resources which is fundamental factor of economic growth in such countries.The results of research emphasize that there is a significant statistical different between income groups in term of gross quantity of global capital flows, in a way that OECD countries have experienced the most participation in capital movements.